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Middle Eastern Christians Flee Violence for Ancient Homeland of Orthodoxy


We had a similar sermon this weekend and my priest engaged in a very discerning dialogue. He mentioned to us the trials of the Early Church. During the infancy of Christianity, you know, the early Church was persecuted by the Jews and even the Romans -- many of whom sent droves into the Colosseum and games and thousands watched the systematic deaths of Christians with much fanfare. My priest mentioned the name of one of the great Saints of the Church, ... St. Polycarp, who was the Bishop of Smyrna (present day Izmir, Turkey). The story goes --- Bishop Polycarp was sentenced to die by burning , with his last breath, he asked God to forgive the Romans who condemned him to death.

That, my Brother, is what true Christianity is about. Forgiveness of those who would seek to destroy us. We sometimes get affixed on worldly affairs that we forget that this world is not our goal. They may kill our bodies, Brother, but they cannot kill what is eternal. And that is our soul.

So I agree with your Church leaders. I say forgive, tho i must admit that even the most grace-filled of us may sometimes err and wish justice and revenge. This is only human nature. But we must rise above this...

Yes, I agree with you, there is no doubt that forgiveness is Christianity... but what is happening in Syria is not easy to handle for some... people are dying everyday, you know how the war in Syria is, it is miserable...
young people are young, they act foolish, they can respond to situations wrong... they have an argument and some agree with them and some don't.... part of their belief of taking arm is mostly patriotic but it also comes in order for them to protect themselves...
being first hand in battle field changes humans, Syrians have seen things no one saw.... thus the youth and young men, thought they needed to act and do something....

for example, when terrorists stormed Maaloula, they threatened to kill and behead people... scenarios like these is what some Christians are facing...

also, every Syrian church leader ( all churches, orthodox, protestant, catholics and etc) are teaching and always preaching forgiveness ....

also this is not just in Syria, also in Iraq... Vicar of Baghdad: Four Iraqi Christian Kids Beheaded After Refusing to Convert to Islam, Telling ISIS Militants 'No, We Love Jesus'

and I want to emphasis something, I$I$ are not Muslims.. they are terrorists that have no religion, they don't know God... I know true Muslims, we lived together, ate together, shared sweet and bitter times together.. we are one...

Because,with their current numbers ,they'll soon be extinct in the ME.Hate to be rude now,but in the end ,muslims are dying by muslim hands,it's your own internal slugfest,you could leave them out of it.

Eh, so ordinary Muslim civilians who spent their lives as teachers, grocery store owners, sweepers, mechanics, electricians, doctors, etc. don't deserve importance since this is just "their thing"? They have to sort out "their issues" with an armed group of fighters coming in from Chechnya, Iraq, Bosnia, and all the other hotspots around the world? I had no other problems with your statement, but that little teeny part was more than rude.

Glory to God in the heavens, and peace on earth, and happiness to the people.
We the youth of the revolution who adhere to the Christian faith hereby proclaim the formation of the ‘Supporters of God’ Battalion in Rif Dimashq, [literally the Damascus countryside, which is one of the 14 governorates of Syria], thus becoming the loyal soldiers and defenders of our land alongside our Muslim brothers and partners, in this country that does not know division or sectarianism, except when uttered by the tongue of this corrupt regime.
This regime does not attribute to God the glory that is His, and [this regime] bears no relation to peace whatsoever. Consequently, we have taken an oath not to return to our churches that have been defiled by the regime until our land is liberated from this tyrannous gang.
We ask God to make us pure of our mistakes, and we ask the Syrian people to be loving and forgiving to each other in order for victory to be our ally. Long live Syria, free and proud!” (Chants of ‘long live Syria, free and proud!’)
Syrian Christian activist Hadeel Kouki exposes Syrianlion's attempt to portray the uprising as a sectarian insurrection by the Muslim majority against their Christian brothers.

Assad Vs Christianity | The Unseen Story


Glory to God in the heavens, and peace on earth, and happiness to the people.
We the youth of the revolution who adhere to the Christian faith hereby proclaim the formation of the ‘Supporters of God’ Battalion in Rif Dimashq, [literally the Damascus countryside, which is one of the 14 governorates of Syria], thus becoming the loyal soldiers and defenders of our land alongside our Muslim brothers and partners, in this country that does not know division or sectarianism, except when uttered by the tongue of this corrupt regime.
This regime does not attribute to God the glory that is His, and [this regime] bears no relation to peace whatsoever. Consequently, we have taken an oath not to return to our churches that have been defiled by the regime until our land is liberated from this tyrannous gang.
We ask God to make us pure of our mistakes, and we ask the Syrian people to be loving and forgiving to each other in order for victory to be our ally. Long live Syria, free and proud!” (Chants of ‘long live Syria, free and proud!’)
look up Judas Iscariot.....:coffee:
nice attempt at your propaganda... two videos and etc, is nothing... I have posted many articles and videos showing the true colors of F$A terrorists...

and give me prove that those in the video are Christians? :pop:
and most importantly release our bishops...
Prayers for the eternal repose of their souls.

Wonderful song, bro ! :)
my prayers also goes to their families and friends, they are in a really difficult time right now, and they need our prayers more than before.

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