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Mid-life upgrade for F22P

Perfect timing to get Turks onboard!
Work with them for a combat systems and air defense missiles (16 cell VLS - IF we can find a suitable missile of which we can fit more than one in a cell, EVEN BETTER). Chinese may help with Radar modernization etc.

If Chinese do not like the idea of getting Turkey involved, well, they themselves can come up with all these required upgrades.

However, personally i do not see this happening BEFORE Type 54s are inducted. That means we are looking at 2024-2025 for these upgrades. Will complement Type 54s PERFECTLY!
Type-21s are beyond their useful life, and on their way out.

Only if it was this easy.

F22P could take the following upgrades:

1) New C4I system
2) New Surface / Air Search Radar
3) Secondary Nav Radar
4) New LPI Nav Radar
5) New Naval ESM System
6) New Naval Jammer
7) New EW / Acoustic Decoy System

However, it will be next to impossible to integrate western and Chinese systems. Hence, nothing will be done or any upgrades will only come from China. That is the unfortunate reality.

If PN wants then F-22Ps can be upgraded with western stuff, the core will be system like Genesis from Turkey, a customized version can ease difficulty, because if all sensor and equipment is replaced with customized Western equipment only thin PN will need is compatible weapons, the big issue will be MR-SAM (specially its size) as PN already have its own AShM.
If PN wants then F-22Ps can be upgraded with western stuff, the core will be system like Genesis from Turkey, a customized version can ease difficulty, because if all sensor and equipment is replaced with customized Western equipment only thin PN will need is compatible weapons, the big issue will be MR-SAM (specially its size) as PN already have its own AShM.

Genesis would not be required because Pakistan now makes its own Naval combat system.
i think Radar and sensors upgraduation and some good sam system should be installed with better range and take that main gun out to make space for missile cells

pantsir air defence should be bought for self defence of ship far better than phalanx
I think a cheap upgrade for the time being would be (if VLS is not an option):

1) replace the 2 type 730 CIWS with Pantsir-M systems which feature double 30mm gatling guns and 8 missiles (20km range if using pantsir missiles, 30km range if using hermes-k missiles). Replacing both 730s would give you a total of 4 guns and 16 missiles of 20-30km range.

2) Replace the FM-90 with a 21 Cell FL-3000N.

3) modernized electronics.

Gives you 16 medium range missiles and 21 short range missiles.
I think a cheap upgrade for the time being would be (if VLS is not an option):

1) replace the 2 type 730 CIWS with Pantsir-M systems which feature double 30mm gatling guns and 8 missiles (20km range if using pantsir missiles, 30km range if using hermes-k missiles). Replacing both 730s would give you a total of 4 guns and 16 missiles of 20-30km range.

2) Replace the FM-90 with a 21 Cell FL-3000N.

3) modernized electronics.

Gives you 16 medium range missiles and 21 short range missiles.
Will russia provide these missiles? And is there much space on the frigate to accommodate these weapons?
Will russia provide these missiles? And is there much space on the frigate to accommodate these weapons?
Russia can provide as they are defensive weapons not offensive and it is beneficial for russia to threaten india to provide some defensive weapons ...
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