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MI-35 deal between Moscow And Islamabad politically approved!

Mi 28 is closer to Apache .. i consider it as better than T129 in armour, survivability and payload take off (16 ATGMS) ..

There is a running thread on the T-129, the MI-28 is a generation behind in sensors i.e. radar. It has a higher rate of climb, range, service ceiling and superior armaments, even though it carries a lesser payload.
There is a running thread on the T-129, the MI-28 is a generation behind in sensors i.e. radar. It has a higher rate of climb, range, service ceiling and superior armaments, even though it carries a lesser payload.
Mi 28 is the most modern Russian Platform .. How it is generation behind from T129 .. Mi28 is comparable with Apache longbow .

. You might be confusing Mi28 with Mi 35
Mi 28 is the most modern Russian Platform .. How it is generation behind from T129 .. Mi28 is comparable with Apache longbow .

. You might be confusing Mi28 with Mi 35

No, sorry I was talking about senor suites. I take it is the Mi-28N that Pakistan is aiming for? I'm looking at a V's comparison of the Arbalet and MILDAR.
Mi 28 is closer to Apache .. i consider it as better than T129 in armour, survivability and payload take off (16 ATGMS) .

T-129 can carry Cirit which is 70mm guided rocket turned into ATGM with 8 km range, Mizrak-U is also very potent system with 8 Km range, it can also carry two air to air missiles too. what Mi-28N has similar to it?
The Mi-28N is most often compared to the American AH-64, as it shares the same basic heavily-armed attack helicopter layout. The specifications above illustrate some of the basic differences between the 2 machines, but the bigger differences relate to concept of employment, and are reflected in harder to see areas like onboard electronics.

Russia Improving its Mi-28 Attack Helicopter Fleet
T-129 can carry Cirit which is 70mm guided rocket turned into ATGM with 8 km range, Mizrak-U is also very potent system with 8 Km range, it can also carry two air to air missiles too. what Mi-28N has similar to it?
A 70mm rocket is not an ATGW, in the sense that we understand ATGWs (i.e. a weapon against MBTs). It is anti-armor, but has not a chance of penetrating the frontal arc of a modern MBT. But could be usefull killing off lighter armored vehicles like ICVs and lighter armored veh's.
Roketsan Cirit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mizrak-U is more like it.

  • Guns: 1× chin-mounted 30 mm Shipunov 2A42 cannon with 250 rounds (±110° horizontal fire)
  • Hardpoints: Two pylons under each stub wing to mount bombs, rockets, missiles, and gun pods. Main armament configurations include:

Ataka-V > 6km MBT killing ATGW
S-8 is a 3-5km 80 mm (3.1 in) unguided rocket used by fighter bombers and helicopters.
The S-13 is a 3-5km 122 mm calibre unguided rocket
(note: it will not be long / difficult for RUssians to develop a guided versions, analogue to the Cirit and similas US rockets.)
9M117 Bastion is a 4-5km Russian laser beam-riding anti-tank missile
9K38 Igla is 5km Russian/Soviet man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM)
Vympel R-73 (NATO reporting name AA-11 Archer) is a short-range air-to-air missile with a range up to 40km depending on version.
Russia’s closest Apache equivalent is the 10,900-kg Mil Mi-28N ‘Night Hunter’, which has a flyaway unit cost of around $ 24 million. Cruise speed is 270 km/hr and its chin-mounted turret houses a 30-mm Shipunov 2A42.
Despite its lower cost, the Mi-28N lost to the AH-64 in India, perhaps because its radar was at an earlier stage of development, and its main armament consists of eight radar beam-riding 9M120 Ataka-V (AT-9) missiles, with a range of 5.8 km.
Orders for the Mi-28N for Russian Air Force Army Aviation (VVS-AA) currently stand at 167 units. Over 60 have been delivered, without the N025 mast-mounted radar. The Mi-28N formally entered service in December 2013, and currently equips a training unit and four (of the ten planned) operational units. Each unit is also to have around five Mi-28UB trainers, which retain the full operational capability of the Mi-28N.
The N025 radar is being introduced in 2016 with the Mi-28NM, to which standard Mi-28Ns will be modified. The Mi-28NM will have the current Klimov 1636-kW TV3-117VMA engines replaced by 1789-kW VK-2500s (which already equip the export Mi-28NE), helmet-mounted sights, and the GOES-451M EO/IR turret (as on the Kamov Ka-52). Reference to the LSN-296 laser installation suggests that the Mi-28NM will use the KBM 9A4172 Vikhr (Whirlwind, AT-16) missile.
The first export contract for 42 Mi-28NEs (along with six Mi-26T2s) was finally signed by Algeria in early 2014, according to news agency Arms-Tass. The second contract, due to be signed by the end of 2013, is for 30 Mi-28NEs for Iraq. Near-term prospects exist in Venezuela (ten aircraft), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
Target Markets for Armed Whirly Birds - Armada
T-129 can carry Cirit which is 70mm guided rocket turned into ATGM with 8 km range, Mizrak-U is also very potent system with 8 Km range, it can also carry two air to air missiles too. what Mi-28N has similar to it?

Ataka V as ATGM and IGLA as A2A ....
Russia, Pakistan close in on Mi-35 deal


Russia has "politically approved" a deal for Moscow to sell a batch of Mil Mi-35 'Hind E' heavy attack helicopters to Pakistan, Russia's ambassador told Radio Pakistan, the state owned broadcaster, on 12 November.

Although Alexey Dedov did not reveal the number of platforms under discussion, a senior Pakistani government official confirmed to IHS Jane's that the purchase of up to 20 helicopters was under discussion. "This is a big breakthrough for Pakistan. Russia has decided to ignore India's pressure and proceed with this deal with Pakistan," said the official.

Pakistan has previously been discouraged from securing any major defence contracts with Russia due to objections from India, which is one of Moscow's most important arms customers.

"Times have changed. The Russians have realised that Pakistan genuinely needs this equipment for a very legitimate reason," said the Pakistani government official. Since June, the Pakistan Army has relied in part on Mil Mi-17 'Hip' helicopters in its military campaign against the Taliban in the north Waziristan region along the Afghan border.

Analysts said the Pakistan Army, which is the defence forces' main helicopter operator, has chosen the Mi-35 because of its satisfaction with Russian helicopters that it has used previously, notably the Mi-17. Pakistan first received Mi-17s in 1994; most recently the United States donated four reconditioned platforms in 2009.

"Our helicopter pilots are very comfortable with Russian helicopters. We have chosen the Mi-35 based on our prior experience with Russian helicopters, which has been very good" said retired Brigadier Farooq Hameed Khan, a former senior Pakistan Army officer who trained as a helicopter pilot.

In recent years, Pakistani officials have become increasingly confident over prospects for future purchase of Russia's military hardware. For example, the JF-17 'Thunder' fighter, which is co-produced by the Pakistan Air Force and China's Chengdu Aviation Corporation, is powered by the Russian-manufactured RD-93 engine.

Russia, Pakistan close in on Mi-35 deal - IHS Jane's 360
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