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because the guy is dumb and he is basically illiterate, he has zero administration skills, he wasted so much money on a pathetic project he should have persued the well studied and well planned project of lahore metro, its because he had a grudge against pervez ilahi and totally destroyed what pervez ilahi planned

Do you see the role of transport mafia
Metro doesn't mean underground, it can be constructed totally as an elevated railway while Monorail is always elevated. Monorail need less material compared to elevated highway and extremely cheap to construct.

Yes it does not mean underground. But i think this is just 1 line and 2 more others for BRT. Still i think Lahore with a population of 10 million people makes a huge difference. They will need to make more lines or other forms of transportation systems to meet demands in the future.
I won't believe this bullshit as I don't believe any propaganda against Imran Khan. Period
He seems to be Mubashir Luqman part 2.
Substantiate your claim or this has not happened at all.
He should see role of transport mafia in his city. Once upon a time there were trams and a circular railway in Karachi....

once upon a time there was pakistan railway and PIA
you PMLN guys are trained under the shadow of jaahil ganja called nawaz who looted country twice.. daako like nawaz are born very rare in human history but when they do they loot the entire nation with such a pitty schemes like karz do mulk sanwaro, yellow cab schemes, and loads and loads of corruption, its only after musharraf you kicked the ceazy fat a$$ of nawaz paindoo to jail, and the ganja signed papers to allow his exile to saudi arab, what didnt he faced the charges he was accused of? and then the motta daako came after he cleared all his cases with chaplusi

You can say whatever you want about Nawaz Sharif. He is not my leader. I trust Imran Khan more. Now go on and prove my point about MQM fanatics out on a crusade to prove that everyone everywhere is a chore, except Altaf Bhattakhore.

When you write rubbish, you make me want to defend Nawaz Sharif, just because you wish to prove that he is worse than Altaf. Dude nobody is worse than Altaf, not even Zardari, not even Musharraf.

Have some respect for Nawaz, he did a few things right, while he did a number of things wrong. Deregulation, Infrastructure, Atomic explosions. He was an elected prime minister, even when he was jailed by Musharraf. It is sheer luck that Musharraf could not hang him. Consequently, a lot of the really bad apples in PML were co-opted by Musharraf in PML(Q). That is why PML(N) is a substantially better party than was the PML of 90s.

lootera motta like nawaz will never feel enough wealth even after he fills his tummy by looting for 5 years and he will again shamelessly try to come back again just like zardari

Your anxiety is showing about Altaf not getting a chance. Rest easy, Altaf would never come to power. Nobody trusts him. MQM's politics is a circus. Even MQM senior leadership wonders what to do with him. Altaf is a liability for MQM. It is insane to see better men being treated like school kids. Shameful.

this motta chor lives in a palace worth of billions of dollars where as the entire ppunjab lives in caves, and this motta still thinks he is a leader by not even approaching and meeting common people, he disgusts at being with common man

Your condescending attitude and language is not appreciated. However, the more you talk and write, the more you expose yourself as an *****. Good publicity for people to see what committed MQM fanatics are like. I do not live in a cave, I do not know of anyone in Punjab who lives in a cave. The caves are all in your head. And in each one of those lives an image of a certain Kala Chore.

Seriously, Nawaz and Shahbaz are not what you make them out to be. Nawaz graduated from Government College, which happens to be my Alma Mater too. They are not like APMSO trash. Their father had a thriving steel business. During 60s they perfected their Wheat threshing machine which sold like hot cakes. General Amrao Khan was very appreciative of their work and recommended them highly. Henceforth they received government contracts. Ittefaq foundry was built with hard work, intelligence, and good business sense. It was a devastating blow to them when Bhutto nationalized their business. Later during Zia years they made a comeback. During his tenure Nawaz Sharif did indulge in corruption by favoring his industry. For example nobody in Pakistan could commission Sugar Industrial project. Only they could. They commissioned a number of Sugar plants and sold them at a very good profit. But then they also exported Sugar plant machinery. It must have been some good. Some of the SROs issued by CBR were for their exclusive benefit. They also benefited from development of infrastructure when they bought lands that would appreciate in value later on. So you see, they were corrupt. But that is not how they had become rich in the first place. Whatever corruption they did was in a round-about way and involved building something. Not selling national assets.

Now that you see that they were not dirt poor ambitious bastards, who came out of caves like Yajooj Majooj.

his entire party is a paindoo party filled withh illeterate goons who has big tummies, all haramaam ke kamai from haraam source

So, then Ishaq Dar in NOT a Chartered Accountant from a respectable family? Khawaja Saad Rafique is not the son of a politician who was a committed democrat and a part of Pakistan movement? Khawaja Asif is illiterate? Ch. Nisar (for all his faults) is not a cultivated fellow? You are letting your general prejudice about Punjabis get in the way of your writing. You could be suave, but you are choosing to be crass. Good publicity. The more you write, the more we find what MQM supporters are like.

MQM is a party who has literate people graduated from their respective universities who dont have palaces like raiwind and try to help people and not just show gimmicks of helping people

MQM may be party of literate people. But they take their lessons from a Megalomaniacal narcissist who brays like a "Man-mitter *****" (A buffalo calf who is missing his mommy). If you ever hear a buffalo calf braying for its mommy, you would immediately be reminded of Altaf.

tumahara motta chor karachi se majority leta to karachi ka satyanaas ker dena tha us ganje motte ne

I was under the impression that the so-called 'motta chor' helped make Karachi liveable for a few years. May be I am wrong, since MQM is still there.

once upon a time there was pakistan railway and PIA

Which were destroyed while MQM watched while it was part of the Government. It had received its lolypops which included the lucrative Shipping & ports ministry, so it did not care.

You can run but you can not hide. MQM has been part of government for the last 10 years. It should be crucified with the rest of them.
You can run but you can not hide. MQM has been part of government for the last 10 years. It should be crucified with the rest of them.

lol, liveable? you couldnt come out on the streets because of haqiqi(supported by paidoo) and MQM clash, there were frequent strikes, no schools, more and more holidays, you couldnt venture out in the unknown places in karachi, too dangerous, my school was in hub, we couldnt go there because of tense situation, there was a strike on 14th august i still remember you couldnt attend a marriage ceremoney, at night too dangerous, PPP and MQM clash too, opening firing on the streets using rocket launchers too, rangers patrolling every now and then, yes it was like living on a battle field, streets were filled with trash, you couldnt go to any place because they were so smelly, poor roads, poor hygiene and poor maintainance, and stories of bankruptcy of pakistan in coming days

but in musharraf's time things got millions times better, no one believed we were living in the same city, people were hanging out and everybody used to talk about which place to go for having dinner, or venturing out for a nice picnic etc
You can run but you can not hide. MQM has been part of government for the last 10 years. It should be crucified with the rest of them.

1000% agreed, but not just 10 years, for 65 years who ever did corruption should be hanged including the motta chor the leader of all corrupts, all money from swiss accounts brought back and even their business checked for corruption and the corruption money invested in their business, there should be like an audit and every dyme checked, if MQM did corruption punish them..

lets see if motta comes to power he does all that :cheesy: because last time he formed government with MQM
30 Billion figure for BRTS is a total BS. Land acuquisition. building of kainchi bridge, model town underpass, New elevated bridges, kalma chowk underpass, plus all the escillators installed plus generators bought for running BRTS. Do the math, and than say if it is 30 billion or not

Guess which party had the most fake degree holders? Even One Haji sahab MNA of that party was caught when someone was giving pak studies paper on his behalf :D
Metro doesn't mean underground, it can be constructed totally as an elevated railway while Monorail is always elevated. Monorail need less material compared to elevated highway and extremely cheap to construct.

Yes I know. But this was part of the plan. I am not saying that we do not need Metro rail, but it is far more expensive as originally envisaged. It shall have to wait a few years.

lol, liveable? you couldnt come out on the streets because of haqiqi(supported by paidoo) and MQM clash, there were frequent strikes, no schools, more and more holidays, you couldnt venture out in the unknown places in karachi, too dangerous, my school was in hub, we couldnt go there because of tense situation, there was a strike on 14th august i still remember you couldnt attend a marriage ceremoney, at night too dangerous, PPP and MQM clash too, opening firing on the streets using rocket launchers too, rangers patrolling every now and then, yes it was like living on a battle field, streets were filled with trash, you couldnt go to any place because they were so smelly, poor roads, poor hygiene and poor maintainance, and stories of bankruptcy of pakistan in coming days

but in musharraf's time things got millions times better, no one believed we were living in the same city, people were hanging out and everybody used to talk about which place to go for having dinner, or venturing out for a nice picnic etc

OK, so now Karachi is a enjoys the peace of heaven these days because MQM solved all its problems. Good for you. But keep your MQM in Karachi. Do not look at Punjab. We have our middle class representation. No need for Mr. allegedly 98% leader.
1000% agreed, but not just 10 years, for 65 years who ever did corruption should be hanged including the motta chor the leader of all corrupts, all money from swiss accounts brought back and even their business checked for corruption and the corruption money invested in their business, there should be like an audit and every dyme checked, if MQM did corruption punish them..

lets see if motta comes to power he does all that :cheesy: because last time he formed government with MQM

About Swiss accounts, I believe MQM could have done something. It was in government after all.

Funny thing about MQM is that even when these jerks are in government, they reap (or rape) all the benefits and act as though they are sparkly clean and innocent. They always portray themselves as the underdogs who have ever been wronged to no end. Hypocrites.

You want to find the traces of MQM's corruption? Are you serious? MQM target killers liquidated all those police people who had taken part in operation against MQM's criminals. That happened during Musharraf's rule. Who was their big supporter. OK, how does MQM finance its activities? How does MQM keep its cadres well-supplied with arms and ammunition. How does AH live the life of luxury? Can someone audit the development projects that were completed during MQM's rule in Karachi. Would someone dare to find how much money is collected through corruption at The Shipping & Ports ministry? Just wait a few months, maybe a year. We shall start finding out.

No matter IK, or NS comes to power, nobody is going to take on MQM as a coalition partner. Expect a fresh round of MQM victim card coming to play. But we have lost too much in Karachi. One of the first things that need to be done is to rid Karachi of weapons. No matter if it is MQM, PPP, ANP, or whoever. We need to take away the nuisance value of the culprits and criminals.
OK, so now Karachi is a enjoys the peace of heaven these days because MQM solved all its problems. Good for you. But keep your MQM in Karachi. Do not look at Punjab. We have our middle class representation. No need for Mr. allegedly 98% leader.

and when did i say that? whatever, good for them
30 Billion figure for BRTS is a total BS. Land acuquisition. building of kainchi bridge, model town underpass, New elevated bridges, kalma chowk underpass, plus all the escillators installed plus generators bought for running BRTS. Do the math, and than say if it is 30 billion or not

Guess which party had the most fake degree holders? Even One Haji sahab MNA of that party was caught when someone was giving pak studies paper on his behalf :D

Yeah, if IK comes to power, we shall get an idea of the actual expense of the project. But until that happens, it is said to be a bit more than 30 billion. Most likely though, the Model Town underpass and Kalma Chowk underpass would be accounted for seperately. Also the new addition to the Ravi bridge would not be made any time soon. If done, that would be more than a couple of billions by itself (just a guess).
About Swiss accounts, I believe MQM could have done something. It was in government after all.

Funny thing about MQM is that even when these jerks are in government, they reap (or rape) all the benefits and act as though they are sparkly clean and innocent. They always portray themselves as the underdogs who have ever been wronged to no end. Hypocrites.

You want to find the traces of MQM's corruption? Are you serious? MQM target killers liquidated all those police people who had taken part in operation against MQM's criminals. That happened during Musharraf's rule. Who was their big supporter. OK, how does MQM finance its activities? How does MQM keep its cadres well-supplied with arms and ammunition. How does AH live the life of luxury? Can someone audit the development projects that were completed during MQM's rule in Karachi. Would someone dare to find how much money is collected through corruption at The Shipping & Ports ministry? Just wait a few months, maybe a year. We shall start finding out.

No matter IK, or NS comes to power, nobody is going to take on MQM as a coalition partner. Expect a fresh round of MQM victim card coming to play. But we have lost too much in Karachi. One of the first things that need to be done is to rid Karachi of weapons. No matter if it is MQM, PPP, ANP, or whoever. We need to take away the nuisance value of the culprits and criminals.

lol the money collected from ports and shipping is distributed to the whole of pakistan, and thats th grudge between the provinces in NFC award that sindh gives so much but gets very little because of population

and KPT is actually the one of the rare profittable organisations, if due to corruption it goes down, just imagine the state of the country

about altaf's luxurious life, i care less, but he doesnt live in a palace, like nawaz do in london :lol:, have you even heard about his tall million dollar apartments in east london? no? even if MQM does any corruption then i doubt it would ever rival the international thiefs such as mian muhammad nawaz shareef and his properties, investment and swiss money abroad also the zardari's property

as i said every corrupt guy should be nailed down whether MQM or non MQM, but your post about MQM's 10 years just showed you are so reluctant to show the true face of mian sahab corruption even in BRT

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lol the money collected from ports and shipping is distributed to the whole of pakistan, and thats th grudge between the provinces in NFC award that sindh gives so much but gets very little because of population

and KPT is actually the one of the rare profittable organisations, if due to corruption it goes down, just imagine the state of the country

about altaf's luxurious life, i care less, but he doesnt live in a palace, like nawaz do in london :lol:, have you even heard about his tall million dollar apartments in east london? no? even if MQM does any corruption then i doubt it would ever rival the international thiefs such as mian muhammad nawaz shareef and his properties, investment and swiss money abroad also the zardari's property

as i said every corrupt guy should be nailed down whether MQM or non MQM, but your post about MQM's 10 years just showed you are so reluctant to show the true face of mian sahab corruption even in BRT

Do not act naive. You know what I mean about corruption at the ministry of Shipping & Ports.

PML(N) leadership is corrupt. I have said that before and I would say that again. But how does that make me partisan with PML(N)?

I just object to your needless BS about projects in Lahore about which you know nothing. The video that you posted is doctored. Some of it might be true, but I would rather take it from some source I can trust. The video is NOT a trustworthy source.

Now you can keep going in circles and I would be right there chasing you. At some point you are sure to realize that we know your game of slandering all non-MQM politicians for the sake of making AH appear better in comparison. That is not going to work. Better give it up.

About NS's corruption: well they had plenty of money before they came into politics. Though they have committed corruption, it has mostly been reallocation of wealth from one set of hands to another via some transfer of ownership as I explained earlier. It is not Bhattakhori that is outright dacoity. Though in comparison with Karachi politics, Lahore may look better, but corruption is corruption, and that is why I support PTI and IK.

I am just waiting for some MQM goon to start ranting about IK. Maybe they did that earlier and decided to shut up because PTI supporters have a bad reputation as trolls themsleve (being young and all...). But in case it happens, I shall add my voice to the approbation.
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