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Meteor missile has a range of 200 km says Germany military


Apr 26, 2021
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Technically up to date

In addition to the successful multinational cooperation, the Meteor is also technically very innovative. While common guided missiles only use a rocket booster as a drive, Meteor only needs it initially to reach supersonic speed. "After that, the drive works similarly to a turbine, but without moving parts: the air flowing in is compressed by an air inlet before it enters the combustion chamber, so it does not require a mechanical compressor." Range increase with high reliability.

An MBDA Meoteor air-to-air missile lies on a loading rack.
The modern air-to-air guided missile Meteor flies controllably at up to four times the speed of sound and has a range of up to 200 kilometers

Shoot earlier, hit better
Modern air combat has little to do with the representation in film and television: It is possible, but not realistic, that two fighter planes chase each other in sharp maneuvers a few hundred meters away. Rather, it is a long-range battle. "So it is important to be able to fire the rocket as early as possible, which then flies to its target independently." This principle, also known as " Fire and Forget" , ensures that the carrier aircraft can already turn away and pursue the next order and at the same time removed from the range of the enemy aircraft. "So you try to identify possible enemy aircraft at an early stage in order to surpass their protection systems but also the capabilities of their armament."

Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
And just like the video game, it's pure fantasy.

The Rafale is fantastic, no doubt, but unless it's deployed in sufficient numbers, it's just another fighter.

Even if it has sufficient numbers, it would still be no match for the J-20. The tech gap between a 4th and 5th gen is night and day.
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Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.

Good for video games but reality is IAF is going to be stomped harder than Iraq in Desert Storm due to lack of AWACS, tankers and situational awareness.

Unless you were thinking the Rafales would actually get to turn on their radars?
I've been reading up on why US hasn't adopted the same type of propulsions on its missiles. Its not all roses, the meteor can fly really long but for that it has to cruise at lower speeds with typical cruise at Mach 1.5 and accelerating only at terminal. This delay in cruise phase could give the opponent the extra crucial time needed for reaction. Also detection for a 4.5gen fighter would be around 80km range unless data linked with AWACs. There are trade offs so the extreme ranges are practical against slow moving large aircraft.
Regardless of missile ranges in my opinion BVR engagements between fighters from both sides will take place in 80km figure.
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Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
What an absolute cringe analogy.

The 200km range is most likely in ideal standards. I.e everything is happening as whoever the hell is firing it, wants it to be. No mistakes or deviations whatsoever.

Too bad life makes it so ideal standards happen very very rare.
Just 200 KM? They claimed it was close to 300 KM.
Enjoy, Fakour-90
download (22).jpeg


Range of its upgraded version exceeds 180 KM close to 190 KM.
Good for video games but reality is IAF is going to be stomped harder than Iraq in Desert Storm due to lack of AWACS, tankers and situational awareness.

Unless you were thinking the Rafales would actually get to turn on their radars?
IAF is not IQAF, and PLAAF is not USAF. There wil be no desert storm 2.0
Just 200 KM? They claimed it was close to 300 KM.
Enjoy, Fakour-90
View attachment 754233
View attachment 754235

Range of its upgraded version exceeds 180 KM close to 190 KM.
With good mission planning IADS are easily penetrable.

Edit: just realized fakour is not a SAM
Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
and then akatosh wakes up with a 300km range PL15 exploding in his bunghole! :lol:
Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
Yeah sure another fantasy that you want to fantasise? I mean end result will be same as Nandu qk yaha pe dragonborn nai machine hogi or IAF k pilots k usse uda rehe honge so 🤷 first put rafale in safe hands then day dream about dragonborn
Rafales armed with Meteor missiles reminds me of Dragonborn from Skyrim equipped with the Dragonrend shout (thu'um).
J-20, JF-17, F-16, J-10 are the dragons in Skyrim who the Dragonborn kills and then devours their souls.
Only a child like you can make this hilarious claim.
Oh Boy, Rafale, Meteor 24/7. Indians would not sit idle, until and unless they break their new toy Rafale.

Honest Meteor has 500 km range, in reverse direction. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Meteor is easily best AAM in the world right now. The ramjet is a killer.
Nothing beats the air launched Aim54 Phoenix and its Iranian twin Fakour-90 A2A missile. Effective range almost 190 KM. Kill zone close to 150 KM.
These missiles don't need the launching platform to track the target.
Nothing beats the air launched Aim54 Phoenix and its Iranian twin Fakour-90 A2A missile. Effective range almost 190 KM. Kill zone close to 150 KM.
These missiles don't need the launching platform to track the target.
Obsolete system
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