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Merry Christmas

I think Nawaz Sharif was saying here, "Get your hands off MY cake". He then proceeded to slice out a 1/20th segment, and ate the remaining 19/20th himself. :bounce:
Pakistan's Government Gives Christians Cash Gifts For Christmas | Pakistan Daily

As the preparations for Christmas reach its climax in Pakistan, the government is handing out cash gifts to the Christian community so that they can celebrate their festival in a befitting manner.

The Ministry of Minorities Affairs has planned to extend financial support to the needy members of Christian community so that they have cash in hand to celebrate Christmas.

Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti said here Monday, “To mark the festival in a befitting manner, the needy members of the community would be given financial assistance of Rs3,000 to 25,000, he said.
Ho Ho Ho *cough* Ho lee days are here :p

Merry Christmas to all the Christian brethren!

Wish Merry Christmas to all mates on Pakistan Defence Forum.

They're coming home for Christmas, some from many miles away.
They've already phoned to tell us they'll be home for Christmas Day.
Bearing gifts, some bringing girlfriends, (Lord!) where will we put them all?
Guess we'll have to set up camp cots, in the basement or the hall.
Yes, their friends will all be calling; there'll be such a carry on,
Catching up on news and gossip - all that's happened since they've gone.

We'll dust off the old piano, fill the fridge with things to eat,
Then await the gang's homecoming - Ah! That will be such a treat.
This old house has been so silent since the boys all went away,
And we're really looking forward to their coming, Christmas Day.:mod::partay::mod:
Songs and fun, the sound of laughter, lots of good old-fashioned noise...
To the world they're men all grown up, but to us they're still the boys.

Yes, they're coming home for Christmas, get the baking under way;
Buy the turkey, wrap the presents, get prepared for Christmas Day.
Let us find once more the pleasure that we knew when they were young, And the joy we felt at Christmas, when the house, with laughter, rung.
For will there be many more times, now they've gone so far away,
When they'll set aside their business and come home on Christmas Day?​
Original pagan's. Christians themselves don't know how from where this Xmas originated.
Updated at: 0339 PST, Thursday, December 25, 2008
All set to celebrate Christmas including Pakistan LAHORE: The Christian community in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world are all set to celebrate Christmas today with traditional religious enthusiasm as the lengthy preparations and last-minute shopping have drawn to a close.

Special services and functions have been arranged at all churches in the country as both local organisations and international groups, foreign missions and the United Nations Organisation (UNO) will also be hosting ceremonies, which will be broadcast live by electronic media.

The celebrations will begin from special midnight services at Christmas Eve today (Wednesday) while the Christmas day services will be held on the morning of Thursday (tomorrow) to be led by the bishops and the respective hierarchy of the Christian clergy at their respective churches.

Christians are in an enthusiastic rush of buying, arranging and preparing to celebrate the big day and the following holidays with traditional style and fun. Besides, there is a complete solemnity and religious reverence attached to the event, apart from the element of joy and fun.

However, the recent Indian war threats and the unusual movement of troops close to Pakistani borders have cast dark clouds over the otherwise cheerfulness and fun attached to the Christmas festival.

Many people have expressed serious concerns over the deteriorating situation and fear a possible war between the two countries in the coming weeks.

Preparations of the festival, which rise above barriers of regions and religions, are in full swing. City markets are witnessing a traditional rush and activity. Unusual rush is witnessed at bakeries, garment stores, jewellers, toyshops and florists, where people have flocked to buy gifts for family and friends besides other essential items.

Bakers are working overtime to meet the heavy demand, especially of the large variety of cakes. The flavour of hot Christmas cakes can be smelled across the city. “During the Christmas, all varieties of cakes are sold, specially the plum cake, chocolate cake, fruit cake and icing cakes are on major demand,” said the manager of a large bakery chain in the city.

“We get very good orders on or before Christmas, sometimes it is hard to meet demands and all our staff even the temporarily hired workers work together round the clock to meet the demands,” he said. Usually we have large counter sales on Christmas days for normally available cakes, what to talk of the special Christmas cakes, which we cannot keep for a longer period, he added. Christians form a small community in the country, most of whom live in big cities, which bustle with activity during and before the Christmas holidays.
Merry Christmas to all!

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