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Merkiavelli...or how Angela Merkel became the empress of Europe

Germany is lackadaisical about it.

Too much business with Russia.

Yes, and that is the key reason why the US will have tough time imposing the Economic Sanctions on Russia.

Germany would not want to be part of that. Germany is importing its Gas from Russia also.

Which is why Putin is not too worried about the US huffing and puffing.

Notice that US President Obama spoke to world leaders from UK, France and Italy ( plus those little guys from Latvia, Lithuvania and Estonia) but no Phone call to Angela Merkel.
UK also produces nothing. They live from Finance sector. Germans think working like an animal in a factory makes them superior or something. Germans work 40 years in factories only to feed poor European Countries like Greece or Romania, while the other Europeans enjoy their lives.
not true 20% of russian exports are manufacturing, russian debt is 10% of gdp
UK also produces nothing. They live from Finance sector. Germans think working like an animal in a factory makes them superior or something. Germans work 40 years in factories only to feed poor European Countries like Greece or Romania, while the other Europeans enjoy their lives.

Seems you don´t know germany. We almost have no factories in germany and have the shortest worktime from entire europe.

We also don´t feed greece and romania. We earn money from them. Till yet we paid not a single cent, but get high interest rates. Its caloeld business. Do you know it?
We know Germany well. We did visit it in the past.


Berlin, Germany 1945, Red Army
We know Germany well. We did visit it in the past.


Berlin, Germany 1945, Red Army

Funny, how coems germany was just 10 years after that richer than russia? I means erious...normally in history the losing nation...well loses. But germany re emerged as absolute economic power. If we look at today the german GDP is 41,866 while russia is only 14,302 $. How coems that the average german earns almost 3 times as much per year as a russia? Whats the reason for this extreme poverty in russia?
Funny, how coems germany was just 10 years after that richer than russia? I means erious...normally in history the losing nation...well loses. But germany re emerged as absolute economic power. If we look at today the german GDP is 41,866 while russia is only 14,302 $. How coems that the average german earns almost 3 times as much per year as a russia? Whats the reason for this extreme poverty in russia?
russias gdp per capita is 23500
russias gdp per capita is 23500

It is not :D

According to the IMF it is 14,302 and russia ranks at same range as Antigua...

Sorry but i can´t take russia serious...We saw how bad managed the olympic games were with rotten hotels and bad prepared stadiums...so please...I´m from germany...i have higher expectations than what russia can deliver.
It is not :D

According to the IMF it is 14,302 and russia ranks at same range as Antigua...

Sorry but i can´t take russia serious...We saw how bad managed the olympic games were with rotten hotels and bad prepared stadiums...so please...I´m from germany...i have higher expectations than what russia can deliver.
are you not the same italian kid who was terribly upset about marines... now you are german? :o:
Again JEWS blaming goyims for their crimes

It's JEWS banks who steal Greece, not Germany

It must be Angela Merkel who make a hold up on USA, France, Spain too?
I have seen "smart" anti-Semitism. You could darn well be in the pay of the Israelis, you make anti-Semitism look so damned stupid.

The world also had higher expectations from Germany...

Too bad that those games were corrupted to the core and no fair judgement existing there. Nobody takes those russian medals serious. We all saw how the decisisons were staged and faked. One case made really headlines. Wasn´t the south korean ice runner girl much better than the russia one? The russian one did fall almost 3 times and got gold while the south korean was flawless and got only silver.

Medals won with cheating are worthless. :)

are you not the same italian kid who was terribly upset about marines... now you are german? :o:

My father is german, my mother is italian. You have a problem with that? Going racist now?
ah did not know that.. but how is it racist to call somebody italian?

You make fun about me being half german/italian and it was not done with positive intentions. Beside that i´m not a "kid". Now stop derailing the topic.
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