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Merkiavelli...or how Angela Merkel became the empress of Europe


Nov 23, 2013
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There is an interesting article that describes what an enormous power Angela Merkel achieved in the EU and on a global scale and how she does that.

If you look at Merkel in the beginning of her career, you could never imagine that she would be just 16 years later the most powerful women on earth:


She was supported from her mentor chancellor Helmut Kohl. Kohl is a titan in politics and history because he achieved the german reunion. Merkel was supported from Kohl and people called her "Kohls Mädchen" this means Kohls girl.

She did rise fast in ranks and elimated any potencial competitor. At the end she even betrayed Kohl and now rules germany in her third term with almost absolute power. She could also be considered the leader of the entire EU and is caleld Empress Merkel from satrical magazines:


The way she rules is weird though. Its a mixture of being like a mother / queen and benevolent ruler inside germany. Here she rules with kindness. Her speeches are calm and she is very social. She cares for the peoples problems and is absolute presidential. She basicly stands above politics and no matter what happenes, nothing sticks at her. The americans call her "Teflon Merkel" because of that.

But her style is completly different outside of germany and worldwide. She acts ice cold calculating there and absolute merciless.


The austerity policies she pushed on greece are absolute ice cold and brutal. Nobody denies that greece is recovering because her politics are working, but the price is enormous, people in greece suffer and evrybody knows it. But Merkel does not allow any change in the austerity. She demands absolute discipline from greece...


I don´t know if people outside of europe see it that way and i would be interested about your opinion. The basic points are, that Merkel wants the best for Germany and the EU as whole. Her powerbase in the EU is, that she is chancellor of the most powerful nation in EU, Germany. To hold her power she acts like a benevolent queen in germany but in EU she acts cold and calculating at a maximum level.
There is an interesting article that describes what an enormous power Angela Merkel achieved in the EU and on a global scale and how she does that.

If you look at Merkel in the beginning of her career, you could never imagine that she would be just 16 years later the most powerful women on earth:


She was supported from her mentor chancellor Helmut Kohl. Kohl is a titan in politics and history because he achieved the german reunion. Merkel was supported from Kohl and people called her "Kohls Mädchen" this means Kohls girl.

She did rise fast in ranks and elimated any potencial competitor. At the end she even betrayed Kohl and now rules germany in her third term with almost absolute power. She could also be considered the leader of the entire EU and is caleld Empress Merkel from satrical magazines:


The way she rules is weird though. Its a mixture of being like a mother / queen and benevolent ruler inside germany. Here she rules with kindness. Her speeches are calm and she is very social. She cares for the peoples problems and is absolute presidential. She basicly stands above politics and no matter what happenes, nothing sticks at her. The americans call her "Teflon Merkel" because of that.

But her style is completly different outside of germany and worldwide. She acts ice cold calculating there and absolute merciless.


The austerity policies she pushed on greece are absolute ice cold and brutal. Nobody denies that greece is recovering because her politics are working, but the price is enormous, people in greece suffer and evrybody knows it. But Merkel does not allow any change in the austerity. She demands absolute discipline from greece...


I don´t know if people outside of europe see it that way and i would be interested about your opinion. The basic points are, that Merkel wants the best for Germany and the EU as whole. Her powerbase in the EU is, that she is chancellor of the most powerful nation in EU, Germany. To hold her power she acts like a benevolent queen in germany but in EU she acts cold and calculating at a maximum level.
:-) Germany has production Quality...she is damn good.....slowly and steadily tearing UK apart...:devil:
Again JEWS blaming goyims for their crimes

It's JEWS banks who steal Greece, not Germany

It must be Angela Merkel who make a hold up on USA, France, Spain too?
empress of a broken continent.

No, empress of the biggest economy in the world. You are from russia, the european nigeria. You talk about broken is a bit comical considering the fact that russia produces nothing and depends on oil and gas...like nigeria.
:-) Germany has production Quality...she is damn good.....slowly and steadily tearing UK apart...:devil:
Germany is advertising very much about quality
but their quality is not so high
they are good but very good in communication. for exemple in many business, French are doing better quality but French are very bad in communication.
Mwahaha says the people who copy the anglo saxons
Stop finding excuses for your failure

Good things that french bring the world is gastronomy, the rest is not as good

Anglo saxons won't pretend communication for beeing less competent for gastronomy
No, empress of the biggest economy in the world. You are from russia, the european nigeria. You talk about broken is a bit comical considering the fact that russia produces nothing and depends on oil and gas...like nigeria.
not true 20% of russian exports are manufacturing, russian debt is 10% of gdp
Germany is advertising very much about quality
but their quality is not so high
they are good but very good in communication. for exemple in many business, French are doing better quality but French are very bad in communication.
Is that meant as joke?
One of my favorite politicians, right there! Smart, calculating, patient and also fluent in both English and Russian. This is one hell of a lady! People speak of Thatcher as the Iron Lady, if that's the case, then Merkel is the Lady of Steel! Nobody (let alone a woman) had this much influence and power in Europe since the end of WO II.

Note that Germany under her administration was THE only country here in Western Europe that just literally punched the economic crisis of 2008 in its f***ing stomach and laughed at it, while the rest of Europe was just panicking and messing up all around! Our boy Rutte can learn a thing or two from her.

Hell, Germany under Merkel, could just invade the Netherlands like they did in 1940 and I bet that most people now, would accept this annexation with open arms! (Seriously Mark, get your &%$@ together!) xD
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