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Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

for all the advantages ....multi culturalism is not practicable in every part of the globe.....also the tolerance of a society has a lot to do with immigration and subsequent integration into a culture .....America and the U.K to be fair are exceptions in the western world .....also English being universally spoken is an advantage to U.K /American immigrants.....German society base their language, western ideas of free expression in speech , dress....their discipline and efficiency.....as their identifying mark...

immigrants especially from Turkey, Arabic states .......Central Asia etc....find it difficult to integrate in German society across linguistic/cultural/traditional barriers...and so result in friction with the native populace.....

If nations like Saudi Arabia,U.A.E, ...with huge numbers of South Asian immigrants...refuse to moderate their laws or culture for them and force immigrants to strictly follow the socials /traditions of Wahabbi Islam......like prohibition of construction of temples,other places of worship ,dress code for women ..... law code based on the sharia etc......
Germany and other European countries are quite justified in retaining their core "Judeo-Christian " characteristics.....
To be fair there is hypocrisy on both sides. The same Danish government that defended the Mohammad cartoons decided to prosecute two Arabs for 'hate speech' when they drew a cartoon mocking the Holocaust. And there were no mass exultations of support for these Arabs, no newspapers rushed to print the Holocaust cartoons, no politicians made long speeches defending their right to 'free speech'...

Netherlands - Court Clears Holocaust Cartoon Publication by Arab League -- VosIzNeias.com

Utrecht, Netherlands - A Dutch court on Thursday acquitted an Arab cultural group and its chairman of hate speech charges for publishing a cartoon questioning the reality of the Holocaust.
The Utrecht court ruled that the publication by the Dutch arm of the Arab European League was intended to provoke debate, and fell within the boundaries of freedom of speech laws.
“The court considers the cartoon insulting, if considered by itself,” the court said in a written ruling. However “the context in which it is placed removes the criminally insulting nature.”

1) The courts did upheld their rights to publish the cartoons, and more importantly

2) No violent protests or deaths occurred as a result of publication of these cartoons

I hope you can see why some people in the west do not wish to have Muslims, perhaps because Muslims do not assimilate in western culture very well.
Case in example: Drawing of Prophet Mohammed, If Muslims in Europe did not like the freedom of speech, then they should go back to place where drawing such a cartoon is a crime.
there is the freedom of speech in one side
there is the observation that muslim people suffer

saying that insult towards our religion is something that explains we deserve all what is happening
itis the same that in the time of nazis when they said jews were guilty of their persecution

one point i like to say when i speak about this:
dalai lama religion was middle age and china modernized and gives opportunities . even dalai lama agrees on that.
but nobody saying dalai lama religion is bad. strange no?

second point:
you see a muslim newspaper saying Marie is a prostitute and Jesus was a liar? you think USA would say "it is freedom of speech" when they comment such words????
I hope you can see why some people in the west do not wish to have Muslims, perhaps because Muslims do not assimilate in western culture very well.

how open minded and not racist you are :hitwall:
How many laws and protests do you see being pursued against Indians or Hindus? How many books get published by mainstream publishers attacking Hinduism? How many locally made movies show Indian immigrants always in a negative light as criminals and welfare cheats? How many mainstream TV personalities openly stereotype all Indians and Hindus in a negative way?.

First of all, its two way traffic, hence its not about not being allowed. Its about threat perception.

So do most Muslims. They are not there to 'conquer' anything either.
And if you are talking about extremist Muslims, then there are extremist Hindus as well who want to turn the US into a Hindu country. I am not kidding!

Quantity and quality matters. Our few whackos don't end up blowing themselves up in tube stations, hence less attention.

Not openly; not from the mainstream media and top level politicians including the President or Prime Minister.

Yes as it would be an overkill.
Developereo..If you can only make sense out of this:

Germany announced on Thursday it would fund Islamic studies at three state universities to train prayer leaders and religion teachers more in tune with Western society than the foreign Imams preaching at most mosques here.

train prayer leaders and religion teachers more in tune with Western society
If you can explain this in tune with western society its clearly states they want to implement their/western version of Islam just as us tried to do with woman giving ad'an in the church. Got It?

I disagree with you not all religious men coming on tv are embarrassment. Be specific choose them and list them.
there is the freedom of speech in one side
there is the observation that muslim people suffer

saying that insult towards our religion is something that explains we deserve all what is happening
itis the same that in the time of nazis when they said jews were guilty of their persecution

one point i like to say when i speak about this:
dalai lama religion was middle age and china modernized and gives opportunities . even dalai lama agrees on that.
but nobody saying dalai lama religion is bad. strange no?

second point:
you see a muslim newspaper saying Marie is a prostitute and Jesus was a liar? you think USA would say "it is freedom of speech" when they comment such words????


I had trouble understanding your post so apologies if I don't answer to your post correctly.

I never said insult towards your religion is the reason why Muslims are suffering, I don't know how you can reach that conclusion from my posts.

You are free to say what you feel about Mary or Jesus in USA. I know you wouldn't take my word for it, so you can ask other members on here who live in USA to vouch for that.
1) The courts did upheld their rights to publish the cartoons

That's not the point. The point was the reaction of the government, the media and politicians across the Western world. Why didn't they rise up to defend the Arabs' right? How many mainstream newspapers across the Western world published their cartoon prominently? Why were they harassed and charged in the first place? Why did they have to spend time and money, and undergo emotional distress, to exercise their right to freedom of speech?

2) No violent protests or deaths occurred as a result of publication of these cartoons

Ordinary people didn't need to do anything because the authorities swooped in to harass and detain the offenders right away.

I hope you can see why some people in the west do not wish to have Muslims, perhaps because Muslims do not assimilate in western culture very well.

Like I said, there is a problem with conservative Muslims resisting some aspects of Western culture. But the criticism doesn't apply to the vast majority of Muslim immigrants in the West who are doing nothing wrong and just minding their own business. The fact that they don't drink alcohol or flirt in bars is nobody's business.

All this nonsense about learning the local language is a favorite of xenophobes. It popped up in Australia during previous elections using, predictably, Muslim immigrants as the scapegoats. Luckily we had honest politicians who pointed out that their Greek and Italian elder relatives also did not learn English after migrating to Australia either. Nobody seemed to be too bothered about them.

There are a number of standard complaints that were used against all immigrant groups in the past: they don't learn the language, they have too many kids, they hog the welfare system, they commit too many crimes. These accusations are generally not used any more because of political correctness -- except against Muslims and Arabs.
That's not the point. The point was the reaction of the government, the media and politicians across the Western world. Why didn't they rise up to defend the Arabs' right? How many mainstream newspapers across the Western world published their cartoon prominently? Why were they harassed and charged in the first place? Why did they have to spend time and money, and undergo emotional distress, to exercise their right to freedom of speech?

Any politician anywhere in the world would please their voting base. But the bottom line is they were awarded their right of free speech. If they felt they were wrongfully persecuted then they could have filed for punitive damages.

Like I said, there is a problem with conservative Muslims resisting some aspects of Western culture. But the criticism doesn't apply to the vast majority of Muslim immigrants in the West who are doing nothing wrong and just minding their own business. The fact that they don't drink alcohol or flirt in bars is nobody's business.

All this nonsense about learning the local language is a favorite of xenophobes. It popped up in Australia during previous elections using, predictably, Muslim immigrants as the scapegoats. Luckily we had honest politicians who pointed out that their Greek and Italian elder relatives also did not learn English after migrating to Australia either. Nobody seemed to be too bothered about them.

There are a number of standard complaints that were used against all immigrant groups in the past: they don't learn the language, they have too many kids, they hog the welfare system, they commit too many crimes. These accusations are generally not used any more because of political correctness -- except against Muslims and Arabs.

I agree with most of what you said, every wave of immigrants have had to face same challenges. However, the difference is terrorism. Islamic terrorism has affected people in west, so it would make sense that westerners pick on Muslims first for their xenophobic outbursts.

I don't think Muslims not drinking or not going to clubs is the problem, problem is some Muslims who live in western society and enjoy its freedom trying to kill them as suicide bombers.

Inability of moderate Muslim leadership to curtail these radical elements is seen as a tacit approval to commit these acts by the westerners.
Some Muslims IMO refuse to follow western culture and obey laws and that makes them an easy target for prejudice.

Case in example: Drawing of Prophet Mohammed, If Muslims in Europe did not like the freedom of speech, then they should go back to place where drawing such a cartoon is a crime.

but u are saying like, the muslims and the germans alike were targetted through the cartoons, lets say, the germany also brings the holocaust cartoons soon enough to check the tolerance of jewish germans?? would they like it?? and be contended?
If nations like Saudi Arabia,U.A.E, ...with huge numbers of South Asian immigrants...refuse to moderate their laws or culture for them and force immigrants to strictly follow the socials /traditions of Wahabbi Islam......like prohibition of construction of temples,other places of worship ,dress code for women ..... law code based on the sharia etc......
Germany and other European countries are quite justified in retaining their core "Judeo-Christian " characteristics.....

That's not a fair comparison to say that they are not as bad as the Wahhabi regimes. The better comparison would be against moderate Muslim countries, and I would state unequivocally that non-Muslims in moderate Muslim countries are treated better than Muslims are in the West.

That's right. Moderate Muslim countries are far more tolerant of religious diversity than Western countries. We don't have the mainstream media working 24/7 to stigmatize and demonize them for every petty crime. We don't have demagog politicians using them as scapegoats during election campaigns. And we don't have federal laws, national media campaigns and lynch mobs to oppose constuction of their prayer halls. They don't face job discrimination or harassment on the streets because of their dress.

Whatever communal violence there is against religious minorities is not disproportional compared to criminal activity in general -- it is more a manifestation of lack of law and order rather than organized targetting of specific groups.

First of all, its two way traffic, hence its not about not being allowed. Its about threat perception.

Yes, the threat comes from extremist elements, not the mainstream community. By stigmatizing and demonizing an entire segment of the population, the West is only exacerbating the situation.

Twelve year old schoolgirls wearing the headscarf is not a 'threat'; building a minaret is not a 'threat'; wearing a headscarf while teaching school is not a 'threat'; wanting to enact conservative dress codes in a swimming pool for one hour a month in a heavily Muslim neighborhood is not a 'threat'.

Quantity and quality matters. Our few whackos don't end up blowing themselves up in tube stations, hence less attention.

Anybody who advocates violence should be dealt with severely by the authorities. It is a law and order problem, not a clash of civilizations.

train prayer leaders and religion teachers more in tune with Western society
If you can explain this in tune with western society its clearly states they want to implement their/western version of Islam just as us tried to do with woman giving ad'an in the church. Got It?

Well, it depends what they want to 'train'. I didn't hear about this US push to have women giving azaans but we can agree that they shouldn't change any Islamic principles. The kind of training I would like to see would be things like encouraging education, work skills, social work, language learning, history, culture, etc. Things that the foreign-born mullahs, used to the dogmatic, authoritarian approach in the old country, don't bother with.

I disagree with you not all religious men coming on tv are embarrassment. Be specific choose them and list them.

I was talking about the ones in Australia. Most of them have strong Lebanese accents and are not very strong on public relations skills. The point is that the Islamophobes want to portray Muslims as aliens who cannot integrate into Western society. We need to counter that image by presenting public figures who are 100% local and are indistinguishable from the average man on the street.

This ties in with a fundamental tenet of Westen liberalism where, some decades ago, a prominent supporter of multiculturalism strongly advocated showing positive images of non-whites in mainstream media. That is why you will almost always see blacks, Asians, Latinos and others in a positive context in Western media. The only groups that are consistently shown in negative light, other than white males, are Arabs and Muslims.

But the bottom line is they were awarded their right of free speech. If they felt they were wrongfully persecuted then they could have filed for punitive damages.

Are you kidding me? Going to court is not a Sunday picnic. It takes time, money and drains you emotionally -- even if you win the court case. And who has the means to keep taking time off from work to fight court battles even if they are right?

However, the difference is terrorism. Islamic terrorism has affected people in west, so it would make sense that westerners pick on Muslims first for their xenophobic outbursts.

That is the whole debate and you have reached the verdict before even considering the case. The Islamophobes want to equate Islam with terrorism and, by extension, every Muslim is a potential terrorist until proven innocent. It defies the very basis of justice.

Inability of moderate Muslim leadership to curtail these radical elements is seen as a tacit approval to commit these acts by the westerners.

Again, you are condemning an entire community for the actions of a few extremists. By your logic, all Christians are guilty of 'tacit approval' every time a Christian commits a crime. Or a Hindu. Or a Jew.

It's ridiculous to hold an entire segment of your community accountable for the actions of some criminals.
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Guys multi culturalism can succeed. You want the biggest example??? the US of A?? The whole country was based on different ethnic groups coming and setttling down keeping their own traditional identity whilst at the same time being proud americans e.g. you had "Little Italy's", "China Towns", St. Patriks day celebration is probably bigger in NY then it is in Ireland etc. So all this bs by Merkel is intended to gain votes from the right wing which is thriving nowadays due to the recession, nothing else.
im totally against immigration and all of that, why muslims immigrate to europe in the first place, develop your country and provide opportunities there??

in UK i really hate this multicultural society..

They migrate because of hardship and misary in their own countries, what a question you asked?

why hate the UK? I think migrants have a decent life in the UK.
Migrants to North America/Australia are normally university educated while people who went to Europe were mostly labour class from rural background. Many went to europe for reconstruction after WWII/de-colonization. For example, Algerians in France, Pakistanis in UK and Turks in Germany.

Europeans countries were culturally/ethnically/linguistically/religiously very homogenious unlike multi-ethnic/multiculture/multireligious countries in Asia.

The gap between newcomers and host communities was wide in Europe compared to North America.

Sensing majority mood in depressing economies, center-right politicians are moving towards far-right positions. For example, now there are more conservative governments in Europe than 5-7 years ago.
Multi-culti is farce in homogenious contries when newcomers are required to merge in the culture of majorities. Multi-culti exists when new communities are allowed to maintain their distinctiveness (individuallity) without breaking public norms.

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