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Meri Dunya Lut rahi thi aur main Khamosh tha….

ok.. you got a point about israel... but not jews..
I have met jews in my life.. they dont have claws..they dont bite.. and are pretty normal.. neither good or bad.. just normal.

The feeling is for Israel and not Jews, they actually used to find refuge in Muslim lands (Andalusia, Ottoman empire and Muslim controlled Jerusalem) when they were being persecuted by the European.
Dear Friends,

Question has arisen about Israelite, Israel and Jews.

The biblical term "Israelites" pertains to the Twelve Tribes also known as "Children of Israel". They are direct descendants of the patriarch Jacob, also known as Israel. These 12 tribes are the historical populations of the United Kingdom of Israel. Later on 5 out of 12 tribes namely Judah, Simeon, Benjamin and partially Levi tribes,they formed a separate kingdom of Judah and are known as Jews. Believably the tribes presently in Israel are the descendants mainly from this kingdom.

@Spring Onion, @Arabian Legend @hinduguy @Panther 57 @mike.hassan @indianpunjabi
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Al Saud being the custodian of two Holy Cities of Mecca and Madina are doing a great job of boarding and lodging for the pilgrims for their sacred Visit that they go there for their lifetime visit and hold the government arranging for their visit in high esteem . Although Quran does not in any way condone nor allow the establishment of priesthood but even then the Imam of Holy Kaaba is placed very high and so is king Saud and his family. A facade of respect and dignity remain built around them.

At the sametime Al Saud in pursuance of their specific belief of Wahhabism; they remain bent on preaching and supporting the salafist way of life which believe in Violent Jihad (Coercion)and that is how when Al saud are funding and spreading Wahhabism outside Saudi Arabia; in fact they are exporting Terrorism. For instance wahabis do not believe in the ancestral following of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) so the Shia sect which believes in ancestry of prophet Muhammad (saw); they remain not only crossed with them but down at the end say in the countries like Iraq and Pakistan and syria Shiites or Alawites are being considered as Kafirs and Killed.

In Pakistan; the Terrorist Organization like Sipah e sahaba, Lashkr e Jhangvi (LeJ) or Lashkr e Teyyaba (LeT) and their madrassas including Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are directly funded, supported by Saudi Arabia and these Johnnies are playing havoc with society and has brought the country at the brink of collapse.

Main kis ke naam likhoun Jo alam guzr rahey hain
Meray shehr Jal rahey hain; Meray Log mer rahey hain

This Blood is at the hands of Al saud

@Spring Onion @Panther 57 @Yzd Khalifa
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Al Saud being the custodian of two Holy Cities of Mecca and Madina are doing a great job of boarding and lodging for the pilgrims for their sacred Visit that they go there for their lifetime visit and hold the government arranging for their visit in high esteem . Although Quran does not in any way condone nor allow the establishment of priesthood but even then the Imam of Holy Kaaba is placed very high and so is king Saud and his family. A facade of respect and dignity remain built around them.

At the sametime Al Saud in pursuance of their specific belief of Wahhabism; they remain bent on preaching and supporting the salafist way of life which believe in Violent Jihad (Coercion)and that is how when Al saud are funding and spreading Wahhabism outside Saudi Arabia; in fact they are exporting Terrorism. For instance wahabis do not believe in the ancestral following of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) so the Shia sect which believes in ancestry of prophet Muhammad (saw); they remain not only crossed with them but down at the end say in the countries like Iraq and Pakistan and syria Shiites or Alawites are being considered as Kafirs and Killed.

In Pakistan; the Terrorist Organization like Sipah e sahaba, Lashkr e Jhangvi (LeJ) or Lashkr e Teyyaba (LeT) and their madrassas including Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are directly funded, supported by Saudi Arabia and these Johnnies are playing havoc with society and has brought the country at the brink of collapse.

Main kis ke naam likhoun Jo alam guzr rahey hain
Meray shehr Jal rahey hain; Meray Log mer rahey hain

This Blood is at the hands of Al saud
@Yzd Khalifa <><> would u like to respond plz
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al saud days are numbered, even they know this. If I was them, I would just pack my bags and get out of the country. a very bad storm is headed their way
al saud days are numbered, even they know this. If I was them, I would just pack my bags and get out of the country. a very bad storm is headed their way

tikolo .... you have not started any thread recently .. taking a break? :yay:
Well your Indian Hindu bias aside. The Zionist lobby the Americans themselves agree has taken US hostage.

:) Look up you will see all destructive illplanned and shyt failed wars initiated by US and you will find connection between the lobby and these shyty wars.

The American political system is ripe with lobbying bodies, among which AIPAC is far far from the strongest.
Why don't you check out the power of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, oil and other industries lobbies.
Israel's most powerful supporters in the USA are not even Jews but the much more numerous Evangelists.

The connection between AIPAC and USA's wars is mostly made up. Sure they had an opinion, but they usually choose to exert pressure only in things directly connected to Israel.

What's the connection of them and the war in Afghanistan and Vietnam for example? countries who virtually have no effect on Israel? and why should they care at all?
The problem with the Jews is simply they have occupied Jerusalem and Palestine and oppressed and occupied a Muslim population for over 50:years

The hatred for them is simple and valid

It will end when they free the palestinians and give them their lands and homes

Until then wherever the muslim population spreads we should oppose Jews
Czar is a title not name of a person and exist since 1547AD in Russia. And i was not able to understand what you meant by teaching part.

Miss Airhead,

You seem to be a total retard.

If you are going to make a false allegation on an open forum, someone is going to drop by to correct you, irrespective of weather you are having conversation with Yzd Khalifa or Archbishop of Canterbury.

This is why I don't debate with people like you! You are a misogynist and you have no manners. If you had a problem with what I said you could have addressed me without being rude and I would have carried on a debate but naw you are incapable of doing that. And name calling is easy on the internet I would love to see you try insulting me in person.
most israelis on this forum complain that UK does not support them and conspires to take them down? which is true?
Well I can't say why those members feel that way,I'll have to ask them.
The American political system is ripe with lobbying bodies, among which AIPAC is far far from the strongest.
Why don't you check out the power of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, oil and other industries lobbies.
Israel's most powerful supporters in the USA are not even Jews but the much more numerous Evangelists.

The connection between AIPAC and USA's wars is mostly made up. Sure they had an opinion, but they usually choose to exert pressure only in things directly connected to Israel.

What's the connection of them and the war in Afghanistan and Vietnam for example? countries who virtually have no effect on Israel? and why should they care at all?

If U can only feel the pulse&#8230;.

As said earlier that strategically Israel will be happy to have all her neighbours destabilized. After Egypt; Syria has been sufficiently stirred, damaged and made to plunge into a terrible Civil war which may run very long. Deposition of Bashar al Assad may win Israel, a distinct edge over all the Arabs in Middle East.

Al Saud is destined to see a colossal setback&#8230;&#8230;.and in post Syrian war, West will exactly treat Al Saud the way Old King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who conspired to make fall the ottoman empire, was treated&#8230;..grossly humiliated and relegated.

The old dream of Israel, to be in power in Middle East, may be seen fulfilled when US be seen side lined and seeking her interests through Israel.

Negotiation with Palestinian may never end but probably Palestinian may be seeing their own end at their present Palestinian strip. King Abdullah of Jordan nightmare is seen growing that eventually&#8230;.&#8217;Palestine will be made in Jordan&#8217;.

But for the last man on the block&#8230;a strong Nuclear Iran&#8230;.standing face to face with Israel&#8230;.there seems a guaranteed Peace in this part of the world&#8230;at Last.
If U can only feel the pulse&#8230;.

As said earlier that strategically Israel will be happy to have all her neighbours destabilized. After Egypt; Syria has been sufficiently stirred, damaged and made to plunge into a terrible Civil war which may run very long. Deposition of Bashar al Assad may win Israel, a distinct edge over all the Arabs in Middle East.

Al Saud is destined to see a colossal setback&#8230;&#8230;.and in post Syrian war, West will exactly treat Al Saud the way Old King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who conspired to make fall the ottoman empire, was treated&#8230;..grossly humiliated and relegated.

The old dream of Israel, to be in power in Middle East, may be seen fulfilled when US be seen side lined and seeking her interests through Israel.

Negotiation with Palestinian may never end but probably Palestinian may be seeing their own end at their present Palestinian strip. King Abdullah of Jordan nightmare is seen growing that eventually&#8230;.&#8217;Palestine will be made in Jordan&#8217;.

But for the last man on the block&#8230;a strong Nuclear Iran&#8230;.standing face to face with Israel&#8230;.there seems a guaranteed Peace in this part of the world&#8230;at Last.

You assume too much to paint yourself a nice conspiracy. In reality Israel has the exact opposite interest. We have interests in prosperous highly intellectual neighboring countries. Not being surrounded by Al Quida fanatics on all sides.

Egypt: We have peace with them for over three decades. The military assets that were put on this border were minimal and there were close to no military action going on on this border.
Since Egypt started the revolution there were numerous terror attacks from Sinai against our civilians and even rockets fired against our cities. The military presence had to be beefed up and infrastructure constructed, overall at a cost of billions of dollars.

Same goes for Syria. Syria was our most quiet border for over 30 years. Which reason in the world do we have to turn it into an Al Quida nest?
It is destabilized Lebanon Israel was having conflicts with in the past 3 decades, why would we want to create a much bigger and better armed Lebanon on our borders (in Syria)?

Don't you think you are overestimating a bit the omnipotence of Israel? How could Israel bring to the streets millions in Egypt? How can Israel then force their government to act in a certain way that enhanced the revolution farther *against their own interest* - according to you.
And then do the same in Syria too?

All that and leaving not a shred of reliable evidence behind? never making even the smallest mistake?
Well, if Israel is indeed so omnipotent I wouldn't bother going against us if I were you. :)

Not to mention that with this conspiracy you automatically invalidate the reasons millions of people took to the streets in Egypt and in Syria against their dictators. Way to go... I wonder what an Egyptian would say about that.

I see the system that you operate by:

step 1: Find whatever is wrong in the world.
step 2: Ignore all logical explanations.
step 3: Blame on Israel.
You assume too much to paint yourself a nice conspiracy. In reality Israel has the exact opposite interest. We have interests in prosperous highly intellectual neighboring countries. Not being surrounded by Al Quida fanatics on all sides.

Egypt: We have peace with them for over three decades. The military assets that were put on this border were minimal and there were close to no military action going on on this border.
Since Egypt started the revolution there were numerous terror attacks from Sinai against our civilians and even rockets fired against our cities. The military presence had to be beefed up and infrastructure constructed, overall at a cost of billions of dollars.

Same goes for Syria. Syria was our most quiet border for over 30 years. Which reason in the world do we have to turn it into an Al Quida nest?
It is destabilized Lebanon Israel was having conflicts with in the past 3 decades, why would we want to create a much bigger and better armed Lebanon on our borders (in Syria)?

Don't you think you are overestimating a bit the omnipotence of Israel? How could Israel bring to the streets millions in Egypt? How can Israel then force their government to act in a certain way that enhanced the revolution farther *against their own interest* - according to you.
And then do the same in Syria too?

All that and leaving not a shred of reliable evidence behind? never making even the smallest mistake?
Well, if Israel is indeed so omnipotent I wouldn't bother going against us if I were you. :)

Not to mention that with this conspiracy you automatically invalidate the reasons millions of people took to the streets in Egypt and in Syria against their dictators. Way to go... I wonder what an Egyptian would say about that.

I see the system that you operate by:

step 1: Find whatever is wrong in the world.
step 2: Ignore all logical explanations.
step 3: Blame on Israel.

Dear @Battle of Kursk

I Only said that Israel should be much more gleeful that every thing is falling in place the way Israel would like it but I did not blame Israel for it.

Arab spring was a great opportunity for the Arab world to open a new Era in the land of Dictators. But in Egypt this rise is reverted back.....as democratically elected government of Morsi is deposed like Hamas government was out rightly rejected in 2006. Democracy may not find its place in ME.

My post does say that operation of this reversion in Egypt and Syria is being carried out by Saudi arabia. They foresee a sure creation of a Grand Salafi block which they seem winning by inducing a ethical Civil war through a violent Jihad where Shiites are put against Sunnis and they believe by eliminating/ suppressing Shiites they may have a sure win. This will keep the ME destabilized and in turmoil for a long time to come.

And I bear repeating that the old dream of Israel, to be in power in Middle East, may be seen fulfilled when US be also seen side lined and seen seeking her interests in Middle East through Israel.

Negotiation with Palestinian may never end but probably Palestinian may be seeing their own end at their present Palestinian strip. King Abdullah of Jordan nightmare is seen growing that eventually&#8230;.&#8217;Palestine will be made in Jordan&#8217;.

But for the last man on the block&#8230;a strong Nuclear Iran&#8230;.I hope will be standing face to face with Israel&#8230;.and there seems a guaranteed Peace in this part of the world&#8230;at Last.

Peace is always in between people holding Equal rights and power. There cant be any peace between a boy and a charging Merkava Israeli tank.

Palestinian boy vs tank - YouTube
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Dear Battle of Kursk

I Only said that Israel should be much more gleeful that every thing is falling in place the way Israel would like it but I did not blame Israel for it.

Arab spring was a great opportunity for the Arab world to open a new Era in the land of Dictators. But in Egypt this rise is reverted back.....as democratically elected government of Morsi is deposed like Hamas government was out rightly rejected in 2006. Democracy may not find its place in ME.

I gladly accept that I was wrong where it is due, and it is due here. I have added personal interpretations to what you have said and clearly was off course some, you indeed never put the blame on Israel. I apologize.
Still I did explain why it is not for Israel's best interests to see destabilized neighboring countries. A non radical central power can be deterred or bargained with, not so when chaos rules.
The past proves this, either we made peace for mutual benefit, or we managed to deter to one degree or another our enemies. The more in control they were the better deterrence (since they had more to loose). If it's Syria who has not fought against us for decades, and even longer along it's border. Or even the likes of Hezballah for the past 7 years, and to some extent Hamas.

And I bear repeating that the old dream of Israel, to be in power in Middle East, may be seen fulfilled when US be also seen side lined and seen seeking her interests in Middle East through Israel.

You keep repeating it, but it is just not so. We have to be powerful since otherwise we'd be slaughtered, but it is not the goal. The goal is to prosper, enjoy life (and I guess worship god by the religious? though I do not feel comfortable to speak for them).

But for the last man on the block&#8230;a strong Nuclear Iran&#8230;.I hope will be standing face to face with Israel&#8230;.and there seems a guaranteed Peace in this part of the world&#8230;at Last.

The Nuclear weapons by Iran were not originally meant against Israel, and Israel is not their main focus. It is to give a nuclear umbrella of deterrence to allow them their to pursue their expansionist agenda. This would do anything but bring peace to the region.

Peace is always in between people holding Equal rights and power. There cant be any peace between a boy and a charging Merkava Israeli tank.

Equal power? You have no understanding of the concept of peace. France and Belgium are at peace and share a border, having equal power (or not) has absolutely nothing to do with this.

As for your demagogy and pic. I can interpret this entirely differently. I see that the weak Palestinians are so drenched with hate that they turn to violence on every opportunity. While the much more powerful Israel (represented by the tank) chooses to just stand there peacefully. While it could obviously smite the Palestinians into oblivious in an instant.
How do you like my demagogy? If you don't I can provide with others.
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