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Men groping and touching a girl on minar-e-pakistan 14th august celebration(case has been registered)

Albanians ???:cheesy:
Yeah they've done that in many occasions too,specifically I remember seeing on TV Christmas or New Year's Eve gathering in Athens,back in the early or mid-2000s,where the municipality had a live orchestra and festival for the people. And masses of Albos and others gathered there,the cameras would show women who were found isolated among their hordes,screaming that they were being groped,chains pulled from their neck,purses stolen etc. Then the whole thing devolved in gangs of Albanians vs Kurds with belts,chains,throwing stuff to one another,beating each other up,all right under the band playing,the police absent.
Yeah they've done that in many occasions too,specifically I remember seeing on TV Christmas or New Year's Eve gathering in Athens,back in the early or mid-2000s,where the municipality had a live orchestra and festival for the people. And masses of Albos and others gathered there,the cameras would show women who were found isolated among their hordes,screaming that they were being groped,chains pulled from their neck,purses stolen etc. Then the whole thing devolved in gangs of Albanians vs Kurds with belts,chains,throwing stuff to one another,beating each other up,all right under the band playing,the police absent.
Albanian women are pretty

Sad to see Muslims fighting with each other
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Well the girl should not be around unrelated men as well.

Disgusting if the men groped the woman.
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This is Pakistan's cologne moment
But so called Human rights organizations would stop it from becoming one

Our women dignity hold no value for these so called Human rights organization

Our women are only used for propoganda purposes by these organization they don't care about thier well- being

It's just to fool people
Albanian women are pretty

Sad to see Muslims fighting with each other
I happen to know Albanian women who work as models.

Actually,many of the Albos in Greece (I don't know about Italy or other countries) are atheist or just typically muslim. Some have been baptized Orthodox. But many of them just don't care about religion.
There have been many cases of Afghan and Pakistani crimes here that shocked the whole country. My friend from Karachi often told me,when I showed him faces and/or names of the criminals,that they were Punjabi.
Somehow a lot of the Pakistanis in Greece come from the Punjab. Some Banglas were involved too,but it's mostly Afghans and Pakis. Northern African Arabs have started becoming notorious here as well. They come as "refugees",algerians,tunisians and moroccans.

Maybe I should make a seperate thread about the Pakistani image in Greece 🤔
No one likes migrants, ofcourse they'll have a terrible image - deservedly I guess also racism would play it's role too

I am from Punjab too, they are mostly young losers who can't make a living in Pak nor are they smart, rich enough to get a legal avenue for immigration

So they (most of the time on thier parents insistence- basically they're a Paksitani version of the dropout who lives in Thier parents basement) ask a smuggler type guy for em to get to Turkey from there they try to reach western Europe

Overall bottom feeders of society
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Only the language of danda is what these grotesque, primitive people understand.

Unfortunately there is no implementation and nothing will change.
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