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Mega deal: China to invest $50b to develop Indus River Cascade


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With this project Pakistan will generate 75 000 MW of electricity by 2030/2035.. thus it will be able to export electricity by that time.. great news for Pakistan..
India is building infrastructure in India controlled J&K using her own money/resources. There is no third party involved. In case of Pakistan, a third party (China) is involved hence the issue.

Even a citizen of India is not allowed to invest or buy property in Indian held J&K.
whats the issue in Baluchistan??? what was the issue in Bengal in 1971??

(Indian PM has accepted in their speeches that are involved in both places)
Who is stopping you?
It's been dharmic morals and principles that's stopped us this far. But dharma also dictates a threshold. So it will be stopped, the waters that is. But we don't mind waiting till you've made the investments before we make our move. Further it will take 5 years to drain the southern rivers completely. Then we will start with Indus.
whats the issue in Baluchistan??? what was the issue in Bengal in 1971??

(Indian PM has accepted in their speeches that are involved in both places)

India never had and does not have any claims on Baluchistan. Whatever issues that Pakistan has with people of Baluchistan or Bangladesh is Pakistan's problem.
First if was 55 billion dollars loan now another 50, wow, looks like pakistan would end up loosing pakistan occupied kashmir too along with balochistan.
Lets assume this is a loan it will be increase the total loan to not more than 60% GDP(assuming GDP will double in next 10 years at a modest rate of 5%) not much different than what india has

but this is not a loan but purely BOT investmen
t, china will build dam reap its investment benefits and hand over the projects to pakistan in 30 years, in most cases there are JV between local and Chinese investors
only loans are nuclear reactors and railway upgrade
Lets assume this is a loan it will be increase the total loan to not more than 60% GDP(assuming GDP will double in next 10 years at a modest rate of 5%) not much different than what india has

but this is not a loan but purely BOT investmen
t, china will build dam reap its investment benefits and hand over the projects to pakistan in 30 years, in most cases there are JV between local and Chinese investors
only loans are nuclear reactors and railway upgrade

Average annual repayment of $50 billion will be $3 billion. {However, in medium term} between fiscal year 2020-25, it will range between $2.0-5.3 billion with average payment of $3.7 billion.
India is building infrastructure in India controlled J&K using her own money/resources. There is no third party involved. In case of Pakistan, a third party (China) is involved hence the issue.

Even a citizen of India is not allowed to invest or buy property in Indian held J&K.
we are using our own resources too. we are taking loans and carrying infrastructure building using FWO and also giving projects to some multinational companies.
First if was 55 billion dollars loan now another 50,

You must be really really dumb. Can't even read the thread title. First learn the difference between Loan and Investment. From the previous $46 billion only $11 billion is loan's remaining $35 billion is Investment. and this "proposed" $50 billion is completely investment not a penny of loan.
You must be really really dumb. Can't even read the thread title. First learn the difference between Loan and Investment. From the previous $46 billion only $11 billion is loan's remaining $35 billion is Investment. and this "proposed" $50 billion is completely investment not a penny of loan.

Dumbo, your government had accepted that it has provided sovereign guarantees to China guaranteeing China a minimum return of 18.5% for $55 billion dollars for 45 years on its loans in CPEC projects. No one gives money for free for invests without a return.
your government had accepted that it has provided sovereign guarantees to China guaranteeing China a minimum return of 18.5%

Pagal Insaan. This return is for PPP projects. Do you even know what PPP projects are ? Hence proved you are dumb. The return rate for those $11 billion Loan is 2% annually.

Kuch to sharm khaao. If you don't know about CPEC why commenting ?
Pagal Insaan. This return is for PPP projects. Do you even know what PPP projects are ? Hence proved you are dumb. The return rate for those $11 billion Loan is 2% annually.

Kuch to sharm khaao. If you don't know about CPEC why commenting ?

Pagale, first read the report on the CPEC released by IMF, I might not be knowing about CPEC but do you think IMF is stupid like you.
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