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meet the space liner - the most ambitious Airbus / ESA project

Muto bene, gracci. :)

ZEHST is a more conservative concept than the Space Liner. If ZEHST goes into production it could be ready at 2050. ZEHST is a Super Concorde which would operate in 40 km altitude with Mach 4 speed. while the SpaceLiner would be a real space plane that would go ito orbit.


I think the big question is who will be able to afford to fly in this plane?
The tricky part we work on is an emergency case. If an emergency happenes during ascent or already in the orbital trajectory you must do an emergency deorbit. The Space Shuttle had those modes called (TOL /ATO / RTLS). That means in case of emergency the space liner must do an 180% turn and fire its engines against its flight direction to decellerate. It then starts the deorbit and re entry into the atmosphere. Once you kissed the atmosphere you have not much time left to find an emergency airport to land. Special contracts with all countries must be made that lie underneath the flight routes.
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