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Meet The Pakistani Donald Trump | The Daily Show With Trevor Noah

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You are playing whack-a-mole with "dislikes".

The problem isn't what Daily Show said. The real problem is our inability to set the agenda or respond, i.e., no 24 hour English news channel for a country of 200 million. We have already seen information being weaponised and used against us. Yet we haven't found a way to respond effectively. To put this in context, Qatar is just 2.5 million people and we all know about Al-Jazeera.
I agree completely but in the mean time what else works? We don't have those resources and in that case brigading up on trash like this does help.
I agree completely but in the mean time what else works? We don't have those resources and in that case brigading up on trash like this does help.

Do what Karl Marx did, i.e., use public shaming as a tool for accountability. Marx's formula for this is simple: "The actual pressure must be made more pressing by adding to it consciousness of pressure, the shame must be made more shameful by publicising it."

In this case, start a YouTube channel and shame Daily Show for presenting inaccurate and misleading information. You can use brigading to push your own content.
Incomparable & matchless!
without equal, beyond compare, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, unmatched, without parallel, beyond comparison, second to none, in a class of its/one's own, unequaled, unrivaled, inimitable, nonpareil.
lets do a little but fair comparison between both ..

Trump wants to ban Muslims , Imran Khan wants western Non Muslims to come to Pakistan .
Trumps wants a Wall to stop mexicans , IK wants to help Afghans even if it means bring them into Pakistan .
Trump help Rich people with Tax cuts , IK wants to increase the Tax from the rich .
Trump got pee'd on by Russian Girls , IK did no such thing .
Trump is white Supremacist , IK is not
Trump said degraded things about Women , IK has not even use disgusting language to Reham khan
Trump uses Fear , Racial intolerance to win , IK use promise to end corruption which he starts from NS .
Trump make fun of People's disabilities , IK never did such disgusting thing .

I can go on and on and on .. but i guess some Pathetic Indian losers sitting with Trevor NOAH get something to laugh about ..
Do what Karl Marx did, i.e., use public shaming as a tool for accountability. Marx's formula for this is simple: "The actual pressure must be made more pressing by adding to it consciousness of pressure, the shame must be made more shameful by publicising it."

In this case, start a YouTube channel and shame Daily Show for presenting inaccurate and misleading information. You can use brigading to push your own content.

Guys I'm making a video rebuttal. Coming soon...
there is no comparison, the two are both polar opposites, IK is a retired athlete while dt is a slop who hasn't worked out in his entire life, IK was never a billionaire businessman while dt is a billionaire businessman, IK is not a perverted chauvinist (after his repentance) while dt is and is proud of it. So I wouldn't call Imran Khan Pakistan's donald trump although I wouldn't be surprised if melania trump ditched dt and ran away with IK if he was single...:enjoy:
The guy is absolutely RIGHT

Imran Khan will sure turn Pakistani economy around

And Karachi Stock Exchange will make every Pakistani investor a billionaire
Difference is IK is loved by the people whilst DT is hated and an embarrassment.
It's like comparing apples and oranges :p: (subtle pun right there boys). Trevor conveniently showed what makes IK and Trump similar, while completely ignoring what makes them different. Like not telling about Shaukat Khanum, his stance against corruption among many other things.
You and your thandi jugtein :disagree:
Oh man Trump, s gf is here defending that Pakistan hater please give that THING a bleach injection, facial reconstruction and accent training so that THING could stop *** licking on pdf and go to US for that without being judged
@django @PakSword @BHarwana
Reasoning of people on this thread :

Western media trashes IK = Indian conspiracy

Western media trashes Trump = it must all be true

See example below:

Well dumb people like are in numbers as you didn't even read other comments, Western media is not trashing IK but Trevor Noah who has Indians writing script for him .. as for Western media Trashes Trump its their problem ? not ours ..

here are some links that might help you ..
for trump getting Pee'd on

On Muslim ban ..
He literally Said in his Speeches that Trump is asking for a complete Shut down of Muslims entering USA .. you must be a Idiot to think otherwise .

Trumps wall and Pakistan Fencing ... God damn it man you are even dumber than i think, Trump is a Racist and his idea of Building a wall in build on Racism , Pakistan is fencing the wall to stop Terrorist , common Afghans still can come to Pakistan, and Mexicans are not blowing themselves up in America are they ? ? ?

Trump Tax cut policy ..

You need Citation that Trump is Racist or White Supremacist ? ?

Ok His entire Campaign was build on fears , let me remind you of some which he literally said himself in his speeches ..

1- Shut down of Muslims because ISIS is coming as refugee
2- Build the Wall , because Mexicans send rapist , they send drugs
3- Hilary is bad because of her Alleged Emails ? while he has all sorts of Allegations on him
4- Obama is a Muslim and he doesn't even born in US .

you want me to go more ? ? ?
Well dumb people like are in numbers as you didn't even read other comments, Western media is not trashing IK but Trevor Noah who has Indians writing script for him .. as for Western media Trashes Trump its their problem ? not ours ..

here are some links that might help you ..
for trump getting Pee'd on

On Muslim ban ..
He literally Said in his Speeches that Trump is asking for a complete Shut down of Muslims entering USA .. you must be a Idiot to think otherwise .

Trumps wall and Pakistan Fencing ... God damn it man you are even dumber than i think, Trump is a Racist and his idea of Building a wall in build on Racism , Pakistan is fencing the wall to stop Terrorist , common Afghans still can come to Pakistan, and Mexicans are not blowing themselves up in America are they ? ? ?

Trump Tax cut policy ..

You need Citation that Trump is Racist or White Supremacist ? ?

Ok His entire Campaign was build on fears , let me remind you of some which he literally said himself in his speeches ..

1- Shut down of Muslims because ISIS is coming as refugee
2- Build the Wall , because Mexicans send rapist , they send drugs
3- Hilary is bad because of her Alleged Emails ? while he has all sorts of Allegations on him
4- Obama is a Muslim and he doesn't even born in US .

you want me to go more ? ? ?
Don’t worry he’s just a fu*king dothead. He sucks up Trump’s “john”/trumpet. And hates on every non-White race, including himself. Trump is a fu*king disgrace and everything he says is literal sh*t.
Free publicity, US media discussing Imran, bad or good, does reflect how well known the man is. Trump after all is president of a powerful country.

What I would want from IK is to stop the past trend of entertaining meetings with vice this and vice that, one on one state head meeting should be his only preference. I don't want Pakistani premier meeting lower ranks.
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