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Meet AJ Singh. New Pakistani Wagah Border Guard

Narar e Takbir - Allah Hu
Nara e Haidri - Ya Ali
Nara e Rasalat - Ya Rasul Allah
Baluch Regiment - Kai Kai

Etc... Nobody cares... If you are Sunni,Shia,Ahmedi,Christian,Hindu or Sikh in the Army!
It should be like that.

It was the most common phrase before Zia set "Allahu Akbar" as the standard, it has returned since but has yet to become as popular as it was in its heyday.
Setting Nara e Takbir as standard has its advantage. As it reflects belief of all sects of Islam. Its good to encourage a common slogan.



Meray Watan da Tagra SHAIR Jawan!
Because the military does not represent on account of religion and sect, Hazrat Ali (RA) is known for his bravery and acumen for war and thus it makes sense to inject vigour into yourself by remembering him before facing the enemy. Naara-e-Haidri is my personal favourite as well.
I am asking this as a rhetorical question so no need to put fatwas on me, point is in my opinion, calling on the dead is shirk. i know that Hazrat Ali RA was renowned for his bravery but doesnt that become religiously wrong when you say Ya Ali?
or is it just that they dont really mean Ya Ali in this sense and it simply is a war cry?
We also have our First Hindu diplomat in Foreign Office as well, currently serving in Pak Embassy in Indonesia.

Thats how it should be.:tup::tup::tup:
The Turkish Army should also use it, it's a great morale booster; once you say it out loud your heart pumps faster than your heart after completing a mile long run. When the Ottoman's would yell it out loud, the Europeans would soil their pants.
is there any restriction on sikhs and others to get the top job in armed forces like restrictions to become PM or President of the country.
Whats the maximum rank they can reach.
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Rana Bhagwandas used to be President when President Mushraaf used to be on foreign tours out of the country. There is no restriction on any citizen.
I am asking this as a rhetorical question so no need to put fatwas on me, point is in my opinion, calling on the dead is shirk. i know that Hazrat Ali RA was renowned for his bravery but doesnt that become religiously wrong when you say Ya Ali?
or is it just that they dont really mean Ya Ali in this sense and it simply is a war cry?

I don't tend to involve religion is such matters, so it doesn't bother me either way. Its a war cry and its mighty effective, that's about all I know about it. If god takes an issue to that, I'm sure he's a reasonable guy and we'll work something out.
Sikh Ranger takes part in beating retreat at Wagah


LAHORE: A Sikh ranger participated in the traditional beating retreat ceremony at Wagah border for the first time ever, reports IndiaTV.

People from both sides of the border welcomed the Sikh ranger, Amarjeet Singh, with a huge round of applause when he came for the ceremony. The surroundings filled with the sound of claps when he shook hands with the Indian ranger.

Amarjeet is a resident of Nankana Sahib. He is said to be the first person ever from the Sikh community to join the Pakistan Army. Reports say that Amarjeet joined the army in 2005 and completed training this year, after which he was included in the defence forces on the Wagah border.

Talking about his duty for Pakistan, Amarjeet said that he was proud of being a part of the Pakistan army and would be happy to lay down his life for the nation.

Published in Dawn, January 9th, 2016

Well Article above says that he is the first Sikh person to join Pak Army.
@Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @Icarus @waz @Areesh
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