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McCain: confident of easing Vietnam arms embargo


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McCain confident of support for easing arms embargo on Vietnam
Friday, August 08, 2014 11:21 a.m. EDT
By Martin Petty

HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday he was confident of bipartisan support in Washington for easing restrictions on arms sales to Vietnam as early as next month.

Together with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, McCain met Vietnam's prime minister and the ruling Communist Party's chief on Friday. Both senators said Vietnam needed better maritime capabilities and its human rights record had improved enough to justify more military support from Washington.

The push to roll back the three-decade old arms embargo comes as Vietnam, like U.S. allies the Philippines and Japan, is locked in a dispute with an increasingly assertive China over sovereignty in the energy-rich South China Sea.

"The time has come for the United States to begin easing our lethal arms embargo on Vietnam," McCain told reporters in Hanoi. "We hope to begin the easing of that as early as September ... We're not guaranteeing it but we do believe we have very strong bipartisan support."

Washington wants to court Vietnam as a new ally in Southeast Asia to counter the growing influence of its communist neighbor, China. But Vietnam's record of arresting and jailing its critics and suppressing free speech has made it difficult to build a case for expanding military ties.

McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, is the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. He and Whitehouse were among four senators to visit the country since early May, when China moved an oil rig into waters Hanoi claims are its exclusive economic zone. Senator Bob Corker met the Vietnamese leadership in Hanoi on Tuesday.


Beijing's move sparked a row that left much of the region on edge. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry plans to urge a freeze on acts that aggravate territorial rows during a regional meeting in Myanmar this weekend.

Moves to enhance military ties between Vietnam and the United States are likely to rile China, which is annoyed at what it sees as Washington's emboldening of other territorial claimants as part of its "pivot" back to Asia.

McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, said the stream of visits by senators to the country were not related to China's maritime actions.

"Members of Congress see this as progress made on human rights ... the reason why (easing the embargo) is step by step is because we still believe the human rights issue is step by step," he said. "If it were based simply on the situation with China then I think you would see an argument for total lifting."

McCain said he anticipated joint exercises, a strengthening of Vietnam's coast guard and naval capabilities, including search and rescue missions, plus Vietnamese officers being invited to attend U.S. military academies.

Whitehouse said any easing of the embargo would likely come in phases, but indicated it could progress fast.

"It's not necessarily also going to be an absolute lifting but probably in stages, which allows early stages to happen more rapidly."

McCain confident of support for easing arms embargo on Vietnam - News - 1450 WHTC Holland's News Leader
McCain confident of support for easing arms embargo on Vietnam
Friday, August 08, 2014 11:21 a.m. EDT
By Martin Petty

HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday he was confident of bipartisan support in Washington for easing restrictions on arms sales to Vietnam as early as next month.

Together with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, McCain met Vietnam's prime minister and the ruling Communist Party's chief on Friday. Both senators said Vietnam needed better maritime capabilities and its human rights record had improved enough to justify more military support from Washington.

The push to roll back the three-decade old arms embargo comes as Vietnam, like U.S. allies the Philippines and Japan, is locked in a dispute with an increasingly assertive China over sovereignty in the energy-rich South China Sea.

"The time has come for the United States to begin easing our lethal arms embargo on Vietnam," McCain told reporters in Hanoi. "We hope to begin the easing of that as early as September ... We're not guaranteeing it but we do believe we have very strong bipartisan support."

Washington wants to court Vietnam as a new ally in Southeast Asia to counter the growing influence of its communist neighbor, China. But Vietnam's record of arresting and jailing its critics and suppressing free speech has made it difficult to build a case for expanding military ties.

McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, is the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. He and Whitehouse were among four senators to visit the country since early May, when China moved an oil rig into waters Hanoi claims are its exclusive economic zone. Senator Bob Corker met the Vietnamese leadership in Hanoi on Tuesday.


Beijing's move sparked a row that left much of the region on edge. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry plans to urge a freeze on acts that aggravate territorial rows during a regional meeting in Myanmar this weekend.

Moves to enhance military ties between Vietnam and the United States are likely to rile China, which is annoyed at what it sees as Washington's emboldening of other territorial claimants as part of its "pivot" back to Asia.

McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, said the stream of visits by senators to the country were not related to China's maritime actions.

"Members of Congress see this as progress made on human rights ... the reason why (easing the embargo) is step by step is because we still believe the human rights issue is step by step," he said. "If it were based simply on the situation with China then I think you would see an argument for total lifting."

McCain said he anticipated joint exercises, a strengthening of Vietnam's coast guard and naval capabilities, including search and rescue missions, plus Vietnamese officers being invited to attend U.S. military academies.

Whitehouse said any easing of the embargo would likely come in phases, but indicated it could progress fast.

"It's not necessarily also going to be an absolute lifting but probably in stages, which allows early stages to happen more rapidly."

McCain confident of support for easing arms embargo on Vietnam - News - 1450 WHTC Holland's News Leader

Sure thing
Welcome this move. McCain is just like plague. The places he visited will soon fall into chaos. And the recent example is Ukraine.
the war is long over. It is time to move on.
meeting between McCain and Communist party chief Nguyen.
That would be a very big policy change.
What is up with the Chinese? They seem angry. Eh, what if the U.S. decide lifting Arms sanction to China. I think the Chinese in here will jump up and down showing how happy they are. :D

C'mon U.S why you keep making Chinese angry. I thought you fear Chinese as the Chinese claimed you are. :D
Very Nice. I love when things like that happen, it's exciting. :)

But I don't think Vietnam has enough money to buy US overpriced equipment...

Our Viet members here hold the faith that the US will help Vietnam at any cost in order to contain China, even donate the Nimitz class carriers and the Ohio class subs for free.

We simply cannot keep the conversation with a bunch of delusional folks.
Doesn't know, i would love the move of US to contain China in South China Sea. After all a strong Vietnam is a good buffer for the countries under down of SCS. At first i think the US will give Vietnam money aids to bought weapons from another vendor instead of trying to lift their embargo.
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