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MBT-3000 tests in Pakistan.

Don't be impatient, don't they need time to repaint after selecting the tank?
Mr AL KHALID is different project this T-84 Oplot M will be renamed Al Haider. AK 2 is our Tank which would come in next few months.
Mr AL KHALID is different project this T-84 Oplot M will be renamed Al Haider. AK 2 is our Tank which would come in next few months.
can you please elaborate the specs , qualities and purpose of AK2 compared to MBT 3000 and OPLOT.
can you please elaborate the specs , qualities and purpose of AK2 compared to MBT 3000 and OPLOT.
It's total secret can't say anything for sure but may be 1500 HP engine and other stuff
why are we not CONCENTRATING 100% on Al-Khalid ONLY?
because we need to replace thousands of tanks at best we can only produce 50-60 aks every year
plus AK is a hunter killer tank primarily designed for desert warfare we need different types of tanks
People need to understand AK is a fantastic tank its fast, lethal and powerful

It is a 50 ton tank and there is a role for a alternative heavier tank too
What are the weight comparison of T84 v MBT3000
because we need to replace thousands of tanks at best we can only produce 50-60 aks every year
plus AK is a hunter killer tank primarily designed for desert warfare we need different types of tanks

I'm not an expert on tanks, but aren't all tanks hunter killers? They are no good against TTP, they don't have armor! We need AIFV to take them on, not tanks. If our production capacity is 50-60 units per year, then we should be looking to increase that capacity, not buy. It does not even make business sense! Are there any business students on here? Tell me if I'm wrong?

As far as inducting old equipment like T-55; the overall maintenance costs will be higher. You have to source old parts, poor mpg, and not capable of withstanding a rpg round, or IED. In the long run, it is more expensive and inefficient to maintain and operate old junk.

As for the T-85, we need to continue with our AK only. Like all major powers who have 1 dedicated MBT.

P.S Even a Madarassa education can advise this. LOL!
I'm not an expert on tanks, but aren't all tanks hunter killers?
all of them are but all of them cant be effectively used in urban areas and different terrains
As for the T-85, we need to continue with our AK only. Like all major powers who have 1 dedicated MBT.
sir ak costs way more its our main mbt even the VT1 chinese exported to bangladesh were 5 million a piece our aks use several western systems
If our production capacity is 50-60 units per year, then we should be looking to increase that capacity, not buy. It does not even make business sense!
take would be like 500-1000 million dollars for the upgradation of the facilities and other costs:(
POF is still waiting for the 300 million that were promised to them in 2008

As far as inducting old equipment like T-55
that news is complete gibrish
Another gift arrived MBT-3000

Why choose a juvenile heading ? This sample tank was send to Pakistan for trials. Pakistan will have to pay for MBT-3000 and set up manufacturing factories with real money. According to posters T-84 Oplot M proved better than MBT-3000.
MBT-3000 is far better than T-84 Oplot M,but the former is also far more expensive than the latter。
should have atleast given credits to the source of pics :)
Chinese Norinco MBT-3000 during tests in Pakistan.

Ukraine will also send their best
T-84 Oplot-M
for testing and evaluation
Mr AL KHALID is different project this T-84 Oplot M will be renamed Al Haider. AK 2 is our Tank which would come in next few months.

So if T-84 OPLOT is selected, with complete Pakistani customisation, it will be called 'Al Haider' MBT.
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