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Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts "Allahu Akbar " in his city will be shot by snipers

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Their battle cry morphed within seconds into a panic screech when they first time meet our roman fire.

A sticky fluid pumped through huge siphons, which ignited itself and could not extinguished. When you put water on it, it started burining even more extreme.


This weapon saved Europe for hundreds of years from this. And then Europe was already stronger than them and made them the savage wartorn countries they are today.

That's some Kool-aid you've been drinking.
good...you cant stand and shout "Jai Shri Ram" in Makka or Madina!! Muslim extremists should be taught a lessons in their own language! they ve already done a lot of damage to the peace of this world, time to suppress them.
good...you cant stand and shout "Jai Shri Ram" in Makka or Madina!! Muslims should be taught a lessons in their own language! they ve already done a lot of damage to the peace of this world, time to suppress them.

I hope you enjoy your short time on this Pakistani forum.
I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
The way muslims demand for Sharia law in the streets of london will be hard to find in india where 200 miliion muslims live .

Muslims of india understands they better remain moderate to gain the goodwill majority hindus or else there would riots and they will suffer the most.

Europe too needs these sort of natural social contract between the muslim migrants and the natives for everyone's benefit . And it'll soon happen in Europe as radicalization is always two street , you cant expect natives will remain silent spectator for ever in the face growing muslim radicalization and terror attacks .

On the contrary, Muslims in India are free to worship Islam as they wish, I believe. In Europe that is not the case, in Europe they have limitations and boundaries, some designed to be against Muslims and Islam. Perhaps that too is because Europe is too new to Islam this big within its boundaries. I also find that recent converts are at times the most adherent, but some also go into radicalization and harm Islam and fellow humans by incorrect interpretation of Islam.
On the contrary,Muslims in India are free to worship Islam as they wish, I believe. In Europe that is not the case, in Europe they have limitations and boundaries, some designed to be against Muslims and Islam. Perhaps that too is because Europe is too new to Islam this big within its boundaries. I also find that recent converts are at times the most adherent, but some also go into radicalization and harm Islam and fellow humans by incorrect interpretation of Islam.
It is true muslims in India are free to worship Islam as they wish, and more over Hindu politicians go out of the way to allow all their whims and fancies in the name of secularism and vote bank politics .
Gypsy boy go make some money begging:

Gypsies in europe have head scarf to get money from muslims, idiots.

Why you offended gypsy boy

The ottomans ruled over so many european countries, but we didn't change their religion or language, they even had rulers from their own people.

But somehow we put gypsies in Romania?

Get real man
Cry all you want, not only that you brought them in Europe but you considered them Turks,as you do today,see oficial government position, you mix with them to create more glorious Turks.It's all recorded.Many gypsies in Romania consider themselves turks and are accepted as such.
It is true muslims in India are free to worship Islam as they wish, and more over Hindu politicians go out of the way to allow all their whims and fancies in the name of secularism and vote bank politics .

It is the same with Hindus in Pakistan. Minorities are accommodated out of the way, above and beyond general population.
That's some Kool-aid you've been drinking.

I know history is not your strength. You just learn a brutal fairy tale.

That said, its a fact the entire middle east is a hellhole. The future looks very dark for them.

Their society is not creative. They depend on conqueruing areas and suck them out. Once they achieve that they must expand further or tthey die off. Since their expansion was stopped, they fall more and more behind.

The current status is the collapse of their habitat. They sucked out the old egyptians, the persians and mesopotamians as well as the indians. The Indians hunted them out. In Europe tehy got blocked. They are confined to their barbarian ways without the ability for large scale cultural parasitism.
I would presume that the prosecution was able to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the intention was to install terror in the circumstances.

I think it is the context here. The phrase "allah u akbar" has a associated confutation with bad. For example if some yells "FIRE" or "BOMB" in a crowded subway station or stadium it will cause a panic and stampede. If someone yells "allah u akbar" anywhere be it a movie theater or lecture theater. I for one will grab my kid and run in the opposite direction. This reaction could result in death, thousands of cases in history where mass panic caused large number of deaths. People panic and the weak (kids etc) get crushed in the panic. Panic spreads like wild fire. Lets face facts allah u akbar is a phrase if yelled in a random setting 90% of the world (bar the deaf or kids) will run.
On the contrary, Muslims in India are free to worship Islam as they wish, I believe. In Europe that is not the case, in Europe they have limitations and boundaries, some designed to be against Muslims and Islam.
I would say you don`t have any clue, what you are talking about, but let is be so, we have still the freedom of religious expression. So where are your legal restrictions? That was forbidden to wear a stormtrooper suit in some countries? Let me laugh.
I`m the last, who would say, it doesn`t exit some boundaries in the practical world. For example, with the work time, it isn`t always possible to pray during the working hours. If you want this...you are in the wrong countries.
You sound as if want to be support by the state and that`s not the responsibility of a state.
The state has recognized the islam as a religious community, the rest is the responsibility of the members, not of the public community. Of course, you can argue that the church is connected to the state in Germany, but Germany is an exception with this in the West, with contracts that go back to the nazis. France on the other side has closed every links to religion. The religion is separated from the state in the west, of course with clear advantages for the church, at least in some European countries, because they were first there ... that is all.
I would say you don`t have any clue, what you are talking about, but let is be so, we have still the freedom of religious expression. So where are your legal restrictions? That was forbidden to wear a stormtrooper suit in some countries? Let me laugh.
I`m the last, who would say, it doesn`t exit some boundaries in the practical world. For example, with the work time, it isn`t always possible to pray during the working hours. If you want this...you are in the wrong countries.
You sound as if want to be support by the state and that`s not the responsibility of a state.
The state has recognized the islam as a religious community, the rest is the responsibility of the members, not of the public community. Of course, you can argue that the church is connected to the state in Germany, but Germany is an exception with this in the West, with contracts that go back to the nazis. France on the other side has closed every links to religion. The religion is separated from the state in the west, of course with clear advantages for the church, at least in some European countries, because they were first there ... that is all.

Do you believe it to be freedom of religion when Muslims cannot give Adhaan (call to prayer) in Mosques or where women aren't allowed to wear a Burqa (face veil) etc.? Nuns are allowed to wear their religious dresses but Muslim women are not, there are laws designed to be anti-Islam. It is because Europe is giving into the acts of a few bad apple but this can result in radicalization of a larger population that starts to believe Europe to be actively targeting Islam.

Therefore, Europe must not give into intolerance for acts of violence of a few.
Because there is nothing bad in solutions. Whats your probleme exactly? When a problem exists, it must be solved. And to solve a problem, you need a solution.

The solution in this aspect is hasrh migration laws, strict deportation laws. Strict behavior laws as well as cutting of welfare down to zero.

Big difference between covering face and hair.
European colonizers exceeded the states of Africa, Asia, America in technological, military and scientific terms. That is why, despite the arrogance of many Asian or American civilizations, who regarded themselves as civilized, and Europeans as barbarians, Europeans conquered huge empires with insignificant military forces.

Or perhaps you haven't read about mughal empire n others?

Ha ha. Italy alway considered itself superior in 3vry aspect. Be it science, culture or art. The oriental world often was depicted as savage and barbarian.

Whats your problem actually? You come from a primitive culture. Turks have no artists and no scientists. Your culture was always destructive and contributed never for anything.

The biggest joke you have is your celebration of the rampage in Constantinople. What do Turks celebrate there?

A italian documentation said it very good...you celebrate that you conquered a far more civilized city. A city you never contributed anything to. You celebrate that you yourself achieved nothing but lived likemparasites from the byzanthian culture for 300 years. When the fame of the byzanzhian empire started to run empty, you collapsed into the low status you have now. The sick man of the Bosporus. The ottoman empire like turkey today is a disgrace for humanity. Ataturk knew this. Thats why he wanted to get rid of that shit.
Mughal empire at one time was the super power of the world .. and economically dominated the world.

Its downfall started due to weak rulers,internal fighting etc.

And brits using tiny tribute states against eachother ...

Pit any empire of the time, directly to the mughals and they would have wrecked em.

Including tiny italy... which was nowhere at the time.
Do you believe it to be freedom of religion when Muslims cannot give Adhaan (call to prayer) in Mosques or where women aren't allowed to wear a Burqa (face veil) etc.? Nuns are allowed to wear their religious dresses but Muslim women are not, there are laws designed to be anti-Islam. It is because Europe is giving into the acts of a few bad apple but this can result in radicalization of a larger population that starts to believe Europe to be actively targeting Islam.

Therefore, Europe must not give into intolerance for acts of violence of a few.
Nuns are a religious order, ordinary muslim women are not. Face veil only keeps muslims from integrating and then you complain that Europeans reject them.Even on this forum, like in real life,many muslims call European woman whores, our way of life decadent, muslim children segregate in schools as women don't want to swim with boys, but hey.....Europeans are intolerant! They have to bare your call of prayers on loudspeakers because it's your "tradition",they have to bare your insults, your disloyalty to your adoptive countries, your distaste for our way of life....they have to,because otherwise you feel discriminated!
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