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Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts "Allahu Akbar " in his city will be shot by snipers

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It's amazing to think that at the time Venice was perhaps the most powerful state in Europe.
Totally ok with this and the right approach. Italy goes a zero tolerance way with orientals and thats exactly what is needed. Anyone who shouts this is an enemy of Italy and i rather have an oriental shot maybe out of mistake than let him kill people.
Europe doesn't need this sh!t, but its pouring into Europe from all directions. Merkel is one of the main culprits.
Europeans are asking for it.

We ask for what? Are you threatening us?
We dont want you here. You and your kind are merely tolerated. And by god, dont even dream about what you ask for. When the people get angered to much and the situation escalates.

@Secur @Fledgingwings
Totally ok with this and the right approach. Italy goes a zero tolerance way with orientals and thats exactly what is needed. Anyone who shouts this is an enemy of Italy and i rather have an oriental shot maybe out of mistake than let him kill people.

I am sure that this would be illegal currently under Italian law.

There would have to be a change in the law to make this chant "Allahu Akbar" first illegal and then an authorisation of shoot to kill allowed. Even if the law is changed, it would fall fowl of the EU Human Rights act.

Think the major is playing politics here. The family of anyone killed under these circumstances can take the Italian state to court under EU law for sure.

Why did you have to post it, this way?

The Europeans claim to fight against the same narrow-mindedness, radicalization and extremism. They further claim to uphold the values of freedom, secularism and respect for others. What I see is Europe starting to turn the same, as what it claims to fight against. This statement doesn't seem irrational to you?
I am sure that this would be illegal currently under Italian law.

There would have to be a change in the law to make this chant "Allahu Akbar" first illegal and then an authorisation of shoot to kill allowed. Even if the law is changed, it would fall fowl of the EU Human Rights act.

Think the major is playing politics here. The family of anyone killed under these circumstances can take the Italian state to court under EU law for sure.

Ask Anus Amri, the tunisian Oriental who did the terror attack in Berlin.

We arranged his meeting with his god. And it was fun. He got a lung shot and drowned in his own blood. Ironic, isnt it?

That said, sooner or later we have to find a final solution for this problem.

Why did you have to post it, this way?

The Europeans claim to fight against the same narrow-mindedness, radicalization and extremism. They further claim to uphold the values of freedom, secularism and respect for others. What I see is Europe starting to turn the same, as what it claims to fight against. This statement doesn't seem irrational to you?

Freedom and Securlarism counts only for Europeans. You got misled by the liberal idiots who made you believe Europe is some idiotic flower power country.

I have zero respect for non european cultures and people and i assure you in Europe many thik like that.
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