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Maulana fazlullah killed

oh really? then what the TTP doing in pakistan is also fair?

TTP and AFGHAN TALABAN are two different groups , TTP is supported by OBL /Al Qaida but Afghan Talaban had their own control and cammand , their objective is only to liberate Afghanistan from ISAF occupation nothing more or less.
There are many, let me tell me a few of them,if i remember more i will tell you about it.

1-If there is a murder, to try to settle the issue, the family of murderer provide a girl to the family of the dead(victim) to be married. no matter how old or young the girl is and no matter how old or young the man is.

2-in tribal culture women are supresed badly, they have got a saying for it: Woman belongs to either grave or home, some people here might know what i am talking about.

3-the democracy or any form of government even islamic system will be badly damaged by this tribal culture. people have to listen to the chief of the tribe to cast their vote or make their voice heard, no matter how wrong the chief is. for example, in the last election in Afghanistan one tribe collectively voted for one of the Candidates just because the chief had asked them to do so.

4-women are dont have a voice in tribal culture, they never get consulted as a matter of fact it is a shame for a man to listen to his woman, he will get taunted if he does so.

5-women were beaten by cables by the taliban in afghanistan on the streets, which part of it is islamic.

Agreed few tribel traditions are not matching with Islamic law , Afghan tribel Shourah should review it.

I think with improvement in education standards , the implementation of shariah law will be more effective and transparent.

Family of nation should give them chance to establish Islamic democratic system according to shariah law .

Afghan tribes will never accept western style of democracy.
Fazlullah’s death & its impact

By Ayaz Wazir
The writer is a former ambassador and an expert on the tribal areas (ayaz.wazir@tribune.com.pk)

May 31, 2010

Maulana Fazlullah shot to fame when he lead the movement for the enforcement of Sharia laws called Tehrik-i-Nafaz-i-Shariat-i-Muhammadi (TNSM) in Swat and Malakand. Supported by the Tehreek-i-Taliban he defied law enforcement agencies in the Swat valley but was forced to leave the area when a military operation was launched against him.

Conflicting reports were received from Afghan officials about his death. Senior officials of the eastern province of Nuristan are reported to have said that he had been killed while leading a force of 700 fighters, including Afghans and Pakistanis, in an attack on Bargi Matal. Another report was that the person killed was Fazlullah’s deputy Hamidullah. Taliban sources close to Fazlullah have strongly refuted reports of his death and of him leading a large force of fighters against the Afghan forces. They thought it was not possible given the situation prevailing in Afghanistan these days.

Although Fazlullah is thought to have been dislodged from his ancestral area he still wields great influence and remains a major threat to security in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And this is not the first time that he has been reported dead. He proved such reports to be wrong a number of times in the past.

However, if it is true, it will not bring the movement to a grinding halt but will be only a temporary setback. While individuals may be important they are never indispensible in a movement or a cause. Somebody else will step forward to carry on the banner.

The question which nobody in the corridors of power, especially in intelligence and security circles, has answered is why a puny chairlift operator was allowed, blatantly and unfettered, to make use of FM radio facilities to propagate his cause for so long when we had the technical knowhow to disrupt his broadcasts. Also, why were timely steps not taken to address the grievances of the people on which the Maulana capitalised? It is a different matter that in the process he locked horns with the security forces and when it became difficult for him to live in the area he left for Afghanistan following in the footsteps of his father-in-law.

In Afghanistan the biggest motivating force for the unity of the Taliban is the presence of American and Nato forces, as former Taliban Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmed Mutawakil has said.
The Taliban movement has almost become a national cause and the Afghans seem to have realised that the US-led forces in their country have designs other than helping its people. Left alone and to themselves the Afghans are quite capable of resolving their problems. Unless the US realises that the presence of foreign forces on Afghan soil is the real problem and withdraws them, Afghanistan is doomed to remain a strife-torn country.

Published in the Express Tribune, May 31st, 2010.
TTP and AFGHAN TALABAN are two different groups , TTP is supported by OBL /Al Qaida but Afghan Talaban had their own control and cammand , their objective is only to liberate Afghanistan from ISAF occupation nothing more or less.

put your head in the sand if you want, believe what you want to believe. pakistan has suffered because of the taliban and their ideology and it will suffer in the future unless this ideology is rooted out in the region. you cant have it both ways, good taliban and bad taliban according to your wish. i remember that bin ladan had great deal of appeal among a significant number of pakistanis until ladan started to target pakistan too, and that was the point that those pakistanis turned their face to osama because they then knew what OBL was, the same thing happend with the afghani taliban, if you think you will be spared by their ideology and you wont be affected, then you are deadly wrong, only future will tell, but pakistan is already hugely suffering, the events of last few years have forced pakistan many many years back in terms of development, social issue, economy, military etc. if we suffer under the taliban in afghanistan, trust me you wont be left intact.
Agreed few tribel traditions are not matching with Islamic law , Afghan tribel Shourah should review it.

I think with improvement in education standards , the implementation of shariah law will be more effective and transparent.

Family of nation should give them chance to establish Islamic democratic system according to shariah law .

Afghan tribes will never accept western style of democracy.

tribal life is only common among the pashtoons in afghanistan(although not all of them), more than 60%-70% of afghanistan doesnt practice tribalism, so they cant force that on the whole country, although they can practice it in their own entity, no objection about it.
tribal life is only common among the pashtoons in afghanistan(although not all of them), more than 60%-70% of afghanistan doesnt practice tribalism, so they cant force that on the whole country, although they can practice it in their own entity, no objection about it.

Main problem is differences in Afghans , always they are fighting with each other historically.
put your head in the sand if you want, believe what you want to believe. pakistan has suffered because of the taliban and their ideology and it will suffer in the future unless this ideology is rooted out in the region. you cant have it both ways, good taliban and bad taliban according to your wish. i remember that bin ladan had great deal of appeal among a significant number of pakistanis until ladan started to target pakistan too, and that was the point that those pakistanis turned their face to osama because they then knew what OBL was, the same thing happend with the afghani taliban, if you think you will be spared by their ideology and you wont be affected, then you are deadly wrong, only future will tell, but pakistan is already hugely suffering, the events of last few years have forced pakistan many many years back in terms of development, social issue, economy, military etc. if we suffer under the taliban in afghanistan, trust me you wont be left intact.

Our tribes learnt lesson from OBL agenda support , now they will not support OBL agents, dont worry about Pakistan. Pushtoon tribes are united only few Mehsud tribe person were trapped by OBL idealogy.
Afghan government rejects reports of Fazlullah’s death

The Afghan government has denied the claims that Maulana Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistani Taliban in Swat, was killed

By Rahimullah Yusufzai, Correspondent Published: 23:06 June 3, 2010
Peshawar: The Afghan government has denied the claims that Maulana Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistani Taliban in Swat, was killed in fighting in Afghanistan's eastern Nuristan province.

In fact, the claims are now being denied by all sides. The Governor of Nuristan and an Afghan police official had made the claim initially but Afghanistan's interior ministry later said there were no confirmed reports about his death.

The Afghan government subsequently said it believed one of Maulana Fazlullah's aides and some of his men were killed in the clashes in Barg-i-Matal district of Nuristan. This claim too was unconfirmed as it wasn't being confirmed by independent sources and both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban kept denying it.

Afghan Taliban commander for Nuristan province, Mufti Munibullah, also refuted the claim by Afghan government that 300 Pakistani Taliban under Maulana Fazullah's command took part in the fighting in Barg-i-Matal district in Nuristan.

He said Pakistani Taliban were not present in such big numbers in Nuristan. He argued that never have Afghan or Pakistani Taliban fought in Afghanistan under the command of a Pakistani Taliban leader. "In Afghanistan, every militant, whether Afghan or foreigner, has to fight under the command of the Afghan Taliban," he insisted.

However, he and other Afghan Taliban commanders conceded that Maulana Fazlullah had been moving in Nuristan and neighbouring Kunar provinces along with a few of his men after escaping from Pakistan.

Pakistani Taliban commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad also denied the reports about Maulana Fazlullah in Afghanistan and termed it part of the propaganda by the Afghan government. He too thought that Maulana Fazlullah was presently in Afghan territory.

Maulana Fazlullah had escaped from Swat late last year following the Pakistani military operation and made a phone call to reporters from somewhere in Afghanistan. At the time, Pakistani authorities were claiming that Fazlullah was under siege in Swat in an injured condition and that he would soon be captured or killed. His escape was an embarrassment for the Pakistan government and military.

Though defeated in Swat and rest of Malakand division, the militants and most of their commanders managed to survive and escape from the area. Many were subsequently captured and summarily executed by the security forces. Among the 21 top wanted Taliban militants in Swat, about six have been killed and three are still in military custody. Others including Maulana Fazlullah are at large.

Maulana Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan also showed that the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban are able to move across the Pak-Afghan border fairly easily to seek refuge and also to join the fighting. The Durand Line border, more than 2400 kilometres in length, is difficult to control despite efforts by the Pakistani security forces and the US-led Nato and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.
TTP and AFGHAN TALABAN are two different groups , TTP is supported by OBL /Al Qaida but Afghan Talaban had their own control and cammand , their objective is only to liberate Afghanistan from ISAF occupation nothing more or less.

Riaz basara was Head of TTP's allies lashkar jhangvi. He had enjoyed many years asylum in lap of mullah omer before 911. he was fled from Pakistan's jail after had been sentenced to death by Supreme court on murder of Sadiq Ganji(Iranian Ambassador) and no. of terrorist activities.
mullah omer had refused to General Moein hadier(interior minister) to hand over the terrorist riaz basra.

This is just one evidence of collaborations of Terrorist organisation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.Their are 30 years long ties between terrorist on both sides .Change in their activities took place just after 911 when the world aware about them.Before 911 their target were Shias only and now everybody who didn't care them before.
Govts. and People were use to divert that kind of terrorism into one to one war between Shia-sunni extremest organization.
That was a capital blunder which had keep stronger laskar jhangvi,sippah sahaba group.Nobody realize the facts that they are targeting every Shia even not belong to TNFJ /Sipah Mohammed .
In Karachi they had targeted solely hundred of Shia Doctors and High Qualified people on Important posts.
Why don't we hear any Shia organization invlove in attack on Pakistan Army?? Even now TNFJ has join hand with MMA (mixer of all sect religious parties) , Sipah Mohammed has disappeared .
Afghan government rejects reports of Fazlullah’s death

The Afghan government has denied the claims that Maulana Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistani Taliban in Swat, was killed

By Rahimullah Yusufzai, Correspondent Published: 23:06 June 3, 2010
Peshawar: The Afghan government has denied the claims that Maulana Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistani Taliban in Swat, was killed in fighting in Afghanistan's eastern Nuristan province.

In fact, the claims are now being denied by all sides. The Governor of Nuristan and an Afghan police official had made the claim initially but Afghanistan's interior ministry later said there were no confirmed reports about his death.

The Afghan government subsequently said it believed one of Maulana Fazlullah's aides and some of his men were killed in the clashes in Barg-i-Matal district of Nuristan. This claim too was unconfirmed as it wasn't being confirmed by independent sources and both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban kept denying it.

Afghan Taliban commander for Nuristan province, Mufti Munibullah, also refuted the claim by Afghan government that 300 Pakistani Taliban under Maulana Fazullah's command took part in the fighting in Barg-i-Matal district in Nuristan.

He said Pakistani Taliban were not present in such big numbers in Nuristan. He argued that never have Afghan or Pakistani Taliban fought in Afghanistan under the command of a Pakistani Taliban leader. "In Afghanistan, every militant, whether Afghan or foreigner, has to fight under the command of the Afghan Taliban," he insisted.

However, he and other Afghan Taliban commanders conceded that Maulana Fazlullah had been moving in Nuristan and neighbouring Kunar provinces along with a few of his men after escaping from Pakistan.

Pakistani Taliban commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad also denied the reports about Maulana Fazlullah in Afghanistan and termed it part of the propaganda by the Afghan government. He too thought that Maulana Fazlullah was presently in Afghan territory.

Maulana Fazlullah had escaped from Swat late last year following the Pakistani military operation and made a phone call to reporters from somewhere in Afghanistan. At the time, Pakistani authorities were claiming that Fazlullah was under siege in Swat in an injured condition and that he would soon be captured or killed. His escape was an embarrassment for the Pakistan government and military.

Though defeated in Swat and rest of Malakand division, the militants and most of their commanders managed to survive and escape from the area. Many were subsequently captured and summarily executed by the security forces. Among the 21 top wanted Taliban militants in Swat, about six have been killed and three are still in military custody. Others including Maulana Fazlullah are at large.

Maulana Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan also showed that the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban are able to move across the Pak-Afghan border fairly easily to seek refuge and also to join the fighting. The Durand Line border, more than 2400 kilometres in length, is difficult to control despite efforts by the Pakistani security forces and the US-led Nato and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.

And this also indicates that, he was never fighting against the Americans in Afghanistan but he was killing Pakistanis in Swat and other areas along with TTP.

When Pakistan army started operation against TTP and him, the NATO/US forced given safe passage to these fleeing terrorists to take shelter under them in Afghanistan
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