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How are suicide bombings part of tribal culture, please point out in the pashtunwali where it says this? Otherwise please stop being a racist buffoon.



How am i being a racist?

I am talking about the Taliban. The taliban does not equal pashtuns. The Taliban DO use suicide bombings.
EXACTLY. It is not a part of Islamic culture, but what do you see? Taliban using suicide bombers, killing themselves to avoid capture, or when an operation doesnt go their way.

And now, the IRA didnt start suicide bombimg, it has been around for centuries. But lets not go into that.

The Taliban are a bunch of fools who warp islam to suit them and you should know this much at least. Divine power? yeah right.

Agreed Suicide is haram in Islam , Afghan Mujahdeen wanted to liberate their country nothing else.

They should participate in peace talks with ISAF and fight against OBL terrorism.
How am i being a racist?

I am talking about the Taliban. The taliban does not equal pashtuns. The Taliban DO use suicide bombings.

Can you tell , which tribel culture is contradictory with islamic fundamentals?

To which your reply:

How about their fondness for suicide bombings?

Tribal culture doesn't = Taliban. And by no means every tribal is a Talib.

Read your post before you submit your reply.
Agreed Suicide is haram in Islam , Afghan Mujahdeen wanted to liberate their country nothing else.

They should participate in peace talks with ISAF and fight against OBL terrorism.

I have a lot of respect for the afghan mujahideen for the bravery they showed against the USSR.

I do NOT respect the Taliban, they are hurting muslims the world over with their actions and words.

I have seen ignorant people asking what the difference was between Islam and Taliban, why are muslims so violent, why do muslims hate everyone etc, it really puts us in a very bad light.
To which your reply:

Tribal culture doesn't = Taliban. And by no means every tribal is a Talib.

Read your post before you submit your reply.

Noted. If you go back further, the point being made was that the Taliban wanted their OWN tribal culture, based on their values.

The problem with the taliban is that they want to implement their tribal culture which has got nothing to do with Islam on all Afghanistan

And then the argument was that their tribal culture = Islam.

Islam is their culture , they are fighting for their faith(Iman) , that is reason devine power is helping them .

To which i replied, directly about the taliban

How about their fondness for suicide bombings?

Hope this clears it up. It is about the tribal culture that the Taliban want.
I do not support suicide bombings but can I ask one question please.

I've heard reports that in one of the india/pak wars, Pakistani soldiers strapped bombs and sticks of dynamite to themselves and threw themselves under indian tanks to stop them from advancing into advantageous positions, after the war they were recognized as heroes and given posthumous medals for gallantry.

Do we also condemn such acts as suicide as haram also? or is it legitimate in this case? And how does this compare to Afghan Taliban who may or may not use same tactics against NATO?

I'm curious and would like to explore your minds...
I have a lot of respect for the afghan mujahideen for the bravery they showed against the USSR.

I do NOT respect the Taliban, they are hurting muslims the world over with their actions and words.

I have seen ignorant people asking what the difference was between Islam and Taliban, why are muslims so violent, why do muslims hate everyone etc, it really puts us in a very bad light.

Agreed with you that Afghan Talaban did lot of mistakes after Russian Jehad , they should change their strategy to support OBL.

Islam dont allow terrorism at any condition.
the soldiers were ryt bcz they were not killin the inoocent people
dey were in war nd protectng dere country

The Taliban wont stop if it is helping them militarily, they will do whatever they can.

Note that we are talking about suicide bombers in general. They are not limited to battlefields.

Now blowing up a bomb in marketplace etc is what gets them the most flack.That is indiscriminate, there could be women, the elderly, children minding their business, only to be taken out by a suicide bomber.

Police say that most of the deaths occurred when a suicide bomber attacked a rally in Peshawar's busy Qissa Khawani market. Activists of the right-wing religious party, Jamaat-i-Islami, had organized the rally to protest against frequent power cuts in the city.

Terrorist Bombs Kill 23 in Pakistan | News | English

What merit is there to attacking something like this?
I do not support suicide bombings but can I ask one question please.

I've heard reports that in one of the india/pak wars, Pakistani soldiers strapped bombs and sticks of dynamite to themselves and threw themselves under indian tanks to stop them from advancing into advantageous positions, after the war they were recognized as heroes and given posthumous medals for gallantry.

Do we also condemn such acts as suicide as haram also? or is it legitimate in this case? And how does this compare to Afghan Taliban who may or may not use same tactics against NATO?
Using suidel attackes where possibility of lose of civilians is haram , in the battle field it may be allowed? We have to consult with any Mufti?
the soldiers were ryt bcz they were not killin the inoocent people
dey were in war nd protectng dere country

A quote from general Patton from WWII.

No b****** ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb b****** die for his country

The fact that those soldiers had to resort to such tactics is a mark against us.
A quote from general Patton from WWII.

The fact that those soldiers had to resort to such tactics is a mark against us.

Yeah ryt
but here m talking abt
how those soldiers r ryt or dffrnt frm suicide bombers
Can you tell , which tribel culture is contradictory with islamic fundamentals?

There are many, let me tell me a few of them,if i remember more i will tell you about it.

1-If there is a murder, to try to settle the issue, the family of murderer provide a girl to the family of the dead(victim) to be married. no matter how old or young the girl is and no matter how old or young the man is.

2-in tribal culture women are supresed badly, they have got a saying for it: Woman belongs to either grave or home, some people here might know what i am talking about.

3-the democracy or any form of government even islamic system will be badly damaged by this tribal culture. people have to listen to the chief of the tribe to cast their vote or make their voice heard, no matter how wrong the chief is. for example, in the last election in Afghanistan one tribe collectively voted for one of the Candidates just because the chief had asked them to do so.

4-women are dont have a voice in tribal culture, they never get consulted as a matter of fact it is a shame for a man to listen to his woman, he will get taunted if he does so.

5-women were beaten by cables by the taliban in afghanistan on the streets, which part of it is islamic.
Agreed Suicide is haram in Islam , Afghan Mujahdeen wanted to liberate their country nothing else.

They should participate in peace talks with ISAF and fight against OBL terrorism.

how can they want to liberate their country? they are/were the stoges of pakistan. are they going to take the country form one and give to another one?

and by the way, you are quite keen on the killer taliban. but believe me today's taliban is not yesterday's taliban which will be listening to pakistan. their ideology is already making pakistan as a bloodbath, if they gain power again, their ideology will spread more and more and will destroy pakistan to a level that people like you wont be able to stop it, and in taht situation regretion wont have any benefit. we are in it toghether, hope you know this one day.
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