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I love that book, specially one quote:
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

Another one:
"Two legs good, four legs bad" :lol:
I love that book, specially one quote:
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

Another one:
"Two legs good, four legs bad" :lol:

That reminds me of school I had to write an essay on this back then.

I like the part where there are thousands of Smiths and when they talk that is heavy.
If you like the Matrix then you should watch Equilibrium its bit like the Matrix that there is this system and they oppose it, the gun seen in the Equilibrium is breath taking.
Seen it but the movie failed to imperss me, they should have waited for release sometime after The Matrix II and Minority Report.
No way you didn't like it, I liked the fighting bits they were the best I have ever seen after Matrix.
I didn't say that, I liked it but didn't impress me the way I was after Matrix.
I was expecting more...:pop:
I couldn't understand the movie what is it about, right I get the part he could move through time.
Man, its one of my favorite movies. I liked the concept. Change one thing. Change everything. :crazy:
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