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MASSIVE Indian radar station spotted (3000 km range)!!!


Said no expert ever.
The OP is Tejas Spokesman... He got a little mixed up.
He was actually thinking that if Tejas price can be fixed at £3000. then there is a huge potential for sales.
You never disappointed me for your usual input. Unique it is and no doubt, a beat thing ever happened to Indians to humiliate Modi land. You have no regret when Indian military personnel dies and now you have such martian tech leak. It's good to boast and speak big of certain things given the nationalism but there's a limit to do so man. Whatever you have been thinking while doing these things; aren't you should do and feel proud man.

Eventually, you seems to be on a ride to spam this place and downgrade it. But, no more.

Does china has something with similar capability?

Chinese let the clouds to rain so they can use the rain water for the crops and generating electricity. Also Chinese don't fly Rafale jets as France have put military sanctions on China due to the Indian threat to France with never to sing the French songs.
As far as radars are concerned India is a supa power, Chinese have got sub standard goods quality goods so no comparison. Fascist Modi even have got 2 directional radars stuck to him one in his beard and other in his back side. Beard radar checks the Muslims around him and back side radar detects the surgical strikes requirements.
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