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Massive Economic Warfare Against Russia at highest level


Oct 30, 2007
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“In the long term, this will have a cost on the Russian economy. Some of those costs will be imposed by the United States, some of those Russian has already invited upon itself, and some of them will be international.”

Behind the scenes, Obama administration officials are preparing a series of possible battle plans for a potential economic assault on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, an administration source close to the issue told The Daily Beast. Among the possible targets for these financial attacks: everyone from high-ranking Russian military officials to government leaders to top businessmen to Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine. It’s all part of the work to prepare an executive order now under consideration at the Obama administration’s highest levels.

The Obama administration came under sharp criticism over the weekend for not responding quickly or strongly enough to the takeover of the Ukrainian province of Crimea. Meanwhile, a team of State Department, White House, and Treasury Department officials worked to provide the president a menu of sanctions and other economic pressure levers that Obama might add to that executive order..

Secretary of State John Kerry, who will travel to Kiev Tuesday, promised harsh consequences for the Russian government if it continued its aggression in Ukraine—and hinted at the economic retalation to come.

“There could even be, ultimately, asset freezes, visa bans. There could be certainly disruption of any of the normal trade routine. There could be business drawback on investment in the country. The ruble is already going down and feeling the impact of this,” Kerry said Sunday on Meet the Press. “And the reason for this is because you just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.”

Inside Obama’s Plans to Squeeze Russia - The Daily Beast
Russia is highly self sufficient, they are in fact a major exporter of resources, this won't affect them much.

Plus, who is going to stop doing business with Russia anyway?

Europe needs Russian gas to keep their economy going, and no one else will stop trading with Russia anyway, except perhaps America, and I doubt Russia cares much about trading with America to start with.
Moscow stock exchange fell 20% !!( a historical low) today,they suspended trading.The russians just threw 10 billion $ from their reserves in one go to stop the ruble from falling even more.

I guess Putin will now learn the meaning of "play stupid games,win stupid prizes".
You are right. The declaration that he will intervene was too early. The troops without insignia was enough at the moment.

Local protesters and agent provocateur should have been used in conjunction to show people suffering under the new regime that would have given a very strong case to Russia to intervene on humanitarian grounds(wink wink) as a last resort.
russia is self sufficient.
but ya,these steps will hurt its economy to some extent
Local protesters and agent provocateur should have been used in conjunction to show people suffering under the new regime that would have given a very strong case to Russia to intervene on humanitarian grounds(wink wink) as a last resort.

Yes sure, but thats sneaky behaviour and not the russian way. Only US dogs acting so sneaky. Putin is a honorouble man. He speaks what he thinks and thinks what he speaks.
I dont think this trick can work .Several reasons Russia is self sufficient in energy both oil and gas.
They got a powerful friend called China.Support of China is enough for Russia .Comparative strong friends like India and other BRICS nations also there.
Yes sure, but thats sneaky behaviour and not the russian way. Only US dogs acting so sneaky. Putin is a honorouble man. He speaks what he thinks and thinks what he speaks.

Yes that's what US does and the first priority is to secure the country's interest with least risk and cost, not to look good in a movie's script.
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I dont think this trick can work .Several reasons Russia is self sufficient in energy both oil and gas.
They got a powerful friend called China.Support of China is enough for Russia .Comparative strong friends like India and other BRICS nations also there.

There are no friends in international relationships. China will use every possibility to grow. They are also mind twisted capitalists.

Yes that's what US does and the first priority is to secure the country's interest with least risk and cost, not to look good in a movie's script.

Than why oppose USA? Just be friends with them and join their imperialism party!
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