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Massive Economic Warfare Against Russia at highest level

Russia ,Iran,China, (India and Brazil may also join in future) can start trading with currency other than USD. Then see how American economy will collapse like a House of Cards.

Saddam identified the position where US is most vulnerable and started trading oil in currency other than $. This caused US to attack IRAQ. Saddam lost but exposed the weakest spot of US vividly to the world. Putin should blow that spot with great vigor to bring down the Goliath. Somebody should stop US to rule the world by printing $ paper.

In short term there will be global recession as a result of after shock of US market collapse. But in mid and long term entire world will be benefited as US economic and political hegemony will end .
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Russia ,Iran,China, (India and Brazil may also join in future) can start trading with currency other than USD. Then see how American economy collapses like a House of Cards.

Saddam identified the position where US is most vulnerable and started trading oil in currency other than $. This caused US to attack IRAQ. Saddam lost but exposed the weakest spot of US vividly to the world. Putin should blow that spot with great vigor to finish the Goliath. Somebody should stop US to rule the world by printing $ paper.

In short term there will be global recession as a result of after shock of US market collapse. But in mid and long term entire world will be benefited as US economic and political hegemony will end .

It is good.But it cant implement that easily.For that first China needed to change from export driven economy.They must reduce trade with US .Instead they must change in to domestic driven economy.If they can do that then it will be easy.Iran,Russia dont have problems .Because they have natural resources.If they offer too much then then India and Brazil will follow that currency.
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The secret government (Obama is just a puppet) of the USA is already planing to destroy/reduce actual US military. Because its too expensive and the soldiers are western lifestyle victims aka weaklings.

After the events of a possible WW3 scenario, the pentagon will start to produce high tech weapons like Airbourne lasers, railguns, drones of any kind. That will be the toughest time for Russia. I hope Putin can manage a global resistance against the NWO pawns.
Lol, American trade with Russia is virtually negligible. I believe even the Netherlands is a bigger trading partner for Russia than the USA. That's why Russia has only recently been admitted to the WTO, but long before, their economy had been chugging along fine. Russia can shrug off these sanctions without problems.

The question becomes, can the USA coerce other countries to impose sanctions too? They've done it to Iran, and even though it's been somewhat effective, it's pissed a lot of countries off. China and India half-heartedly comply sometimes, but often ignore the sanctions. USA vassals like Japan and S. Korea comply, but you can tell they are pissed off, because they need Iranian oil and would be among the top consumers if they weren't prevented from buying. And finally, Russia is not Iran. Telling countries how to conduct their trade relations is the ultimate form of bullying interference, and there will be a huge backlash against any order for countries to stop trading with Russia.
Russia ,Iran,China, (India and Brazil may also join in future) can start trading with currency other than USD. Then see how American economy will collapse like a House of Cards.

Saddam identified the position where US is most vulnerable and started trading oil in currency other than $. This caused US to attack IRAQ. Saddam lost but exposed the weakest spot of US vividly to the world. Putin should blow that spot with great vigor to bring down the Goliath. Somebody should stop US to rule the world by printing $ paper.

In short term there will be global recession as a result of after shock of US market collapse. But in mid and long term entire world will be benefited as US economic and political hegemony will end .
that depends on how many countries are willing to change from USD to whatever the new currency is and how well planned is this move but it will be worth it .also the world cant pay for the US mistakes by using the dollar forever
the fool just cemented the china-russia economic alliance.US will go bankrupt if it tries to contain both simultaneously.They can contain china alone,but they needed russia's co-operation to a certain extent.Instead intruded right into russia's backyard and made a mess of things.Now compounding problems,totally brainless foreign policy.Engaging on 3 fronts at the same time -mid east,far east,east europe.And proposing to do this while simultaneously making large defence cuts,this is what happens when u let prestige overcome sense.
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that depends on how many countries are willing to change from USD to whatever the new currency is and how well planned is this move but it will be worth it .also the world cant pay for the US mistakes by using the dollar forever

Initially , it is not required all countries to refuse $ simultaneously. If 50% of oil trade happens without $ and BRIC countries adopt a different currency, $ will surely collapse. In the beginning they should adopt EURO replacing $. That will be sufficient to put the death nail to US economy. This will also isolate US from EU. $ will fall rapidly. Once there will be initial success, rest of the countries will join the bandwagon one by one. $ will be spiralling down quickly ending US hegemony without firing a bullet even. Life of US is safely stored in $. Kill the $ to kill US
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Please check the following leaked video-

The above leaked clip was wrongly populer for the " F**k the EU" statement of Victoria Nuland, ast sec of state. But the actual importance of the clip is that Nuland was discussing the regime change in Ukraine and who will be part of new Ukraine Govt!!!
This leaked video gives us a glimpse on how kings are made by the kingmakers from the background.

The following video shows how US was involved in current Ukraine antigovt protest. It also tells that US invested 5 bn USD for regime change in a country which is 100 miles away-

China supports Russia
UN Chief Urges Restraint in Ukraine Crisis
JEW USA is the mad cop, they want arrest Russia now. Tomorrow they put the whole world in jail

We'd better have shown them their limits earlier

This time they can't prtend fighting against 'evil Islam' to justify their war, their NWO has become obvious
Lol, American trade with Russia is virtually negligible. I believe even the Netherlands is a bigger trading partner for Russia than the USA. That's why Russia has only recently been admitted to the WTO, but long before, their economy had been chugging along fine. Russia can shrug off these sanctions without problems.

The question becomes, can the USA coerce other countries to impose sanctions too? They've done it to Iran, and even though it's been somewhat effective, it's pissed a lot of countries off. China and India half-heartedly comply sometimes, but often ignore the sanctions. USA vassals like Japan and S. Korea comply, but you can tell they are pissed off, because they need Iranian oil and would be among the top consumers if they weren't prevented from buying. And finally, Russia is not Iran. Telling countries how to conduct their trade relations is the ultimate form of bullying interference, and there will be a huge backlash against any order for countries to stop trading with Russia.

I have heard once an american ambassador saying in an interview that russia is not an important country and made fun how Nicaragua has higher trade with he US than the US has with russia.
Its always how you see it from whos benefit and disadvantage is it.
Local protesters and agent provocateur should have been used in conjunction to show people suffering under the new regime that would have given a very strong case to Russia to intervene on humanitarian grounds(wink wink) as a last resort.

I agree
Russia should wait and practise the same against the to-be-elected pro west Government
An eye for an eye approach!

Oh wait, that approach will still be useful in Eastern Ukraine!
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