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Massive corruption of PML N exposed by Arshad Shareef

Wallah how much money they need.. bringing hell close to themselves..
arent they gonna die...

Hum Dekhein gay
Hum Dekhein gay
Lazim hein k Hum Dekhein gay
Who din ke jiska wada hay
Jo loh e azal mein likha hay
Hum dekhein gay
Lazim hein k Hum Dekhein gay
Who din ke jiska wada hay
Jub zulm o sitam k koh e garan
roi ki tarah urr jain gay
Jub zulm o sitam k koh e garan
roi ki tarah urr jain gay
PMLN is party of Ghunda, and Business Man
If we mixed two these type of persons result will be TERROR :coffee:
only hell fire can fill Noora's belly !
Mr.Sharif has looted us a lot and I tell you, we are equally responsible for enabling him to loot us.
If we would have resisted his corruption and did not voted him the second time,then he wouldn't be enjoying such strong position as he is now.We were provided a chance once and he was thrown out by military, but we didn't catch him-we let him stay in Saudi Arabia to harbour new plans and we are paying price now.
I don't trust upon any political party now-no matter how corruption free they claim themselves[ on the other hand].These candidates can no longer win my support.I have tested all of them one by one.However,as a Pakistani I can only make dua for my people for not to be fooled by anyone.Our people are simple hearted-they are desperate for a leader and I can smell it.
I wish best of luck to my fellow Pakistanis against these corrupted masses.
All the ganday anday
Ameer ul Sadiqeen Hazrat Mubashar Luchman
Ameer ul Mutiqeen Hazrat Moiz Peerzada
Hazrat Fawad Chaudry
Hazrat Arshad Shareef
Hazrat Abbasi
all the saints in one place
I do not trust ARY because it has been caught lying multiple times. Taking the side of anarchists and egging them on to commit treason is unpardonable in my book. Creating excuses for such acts is much worse.

I can not accept anything put on by any of their anchors. I saw ML once before his paid Malik Raiz interview. He had such Lanat on his face that I did not want to look at him again. After Malik Riaz episode, no body should have even listened to him. He decided to wrap himself up in nationalism and support a party that drips with cynicism and hypocrisy (PTI).

If there is truth in these allegations, I will wait for more reliable and less biased journalists to comment on this. How many stories have been debunked? Does anyone remember the 35 puncture lie? Nobody talks about it because it was created by a self-serving impostor from UK and idiots like Dr. Shahid passed this information without confirmation.

So, before anyone starts to think they got the smoking gun, they'd better turn the lights on first!
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