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Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv



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Apr 27, 2013
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The remains of dozens of Palestinians killed by Israelis in fighting during the war of 1948 which led to the creation of the state of Israel have been found in a mass grave in Tel Aviv's Jaffa district.

An official at the Muslim cemetery there told AFP news agency that the grisly find occurred on Wednesday when ground subsided as workers carried out renovations, revealing six chambers full of skeletons.

Jaffa fisherman Atar Zeinab, 80, says that as a teenager during the final months of fighting in 1948, he helped to collect the Arab dead in the area south of Jaffa and bring them for hasty burial in the cemetery, the area's main graveyard.

"I carried to the cemetery 60 bodies during a period of three or four months," he told AFP. "We used to find the people in the street and most of the time we didn't know who they were."

He said that the danger of being hit by flying bullets or grenade fragments was such that bodies were dumped one on top of the other in existing family crypts in the cemetery, contrary to Muslim custom.

"We carried them early in the morning or in the night," he added. "We put women, children and men in the same place...nobody prayed for these people."

Jaffa was at the time a Palestinian town, but there was a forced exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and rightwing Jewish armed gangs.

In 1950 it was incorporated into the city of Tel Aviv which was renamed Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Today it has a mixed Arab and Jewish population.

Around 760,000 Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes in what they call the "Nakba" or "catastrophe" of 1948.

Source: aljazeera
This was only a couple years after the Holocaust. Ironic, huh? The same people who were done wrong by the Nazis continue the cycle against the Palestinians.
EoZ's take on it is here: link

...They don't know the date of death, they don't know who killed them. All they know is that they were buried Islamically. Instead of consulting historians or news accounts, the Al Aqsa Foundation will look for elderly residents who will recount fuzzy anti-Jewish rumors they heard when they were children. That will be all the "proof" they need.

However, far more Palestinian Arabs were killed by the British during the 1936 riots than were killed by the Jews...

...The British were engaged in what would certainly be considered war crimes today. And the casualty rates of some of these actions were high enough to justify mass graves. There is also no doubt that many civilians were also killed, although the papers I've seen are reluctant to go down that path.

Keep in mind also that (as this paper mentions in passing) Arabs were killing other Arabs during the revolt as well as in the months leading up to the 1948 war.

We can expect that the Al Aqsa Foundation will continue to claim that the apparent Arab victims purportedly discovered in Jaffa could only have been killed by Jews. History shows that this is far from obvious, and when this story gets into the more mainstream media, lets hope that the reporters are smart enough not to swallow the lies from an organization that routinely lies to further its agenda.
This was only a couple years after the Holocaust. Ironic, huh? The same people who were done wrong by the Nazis continue the cycle against the Palestinians.
The problem much of the world has isn't that Israel was/is "just as bad" as its enemies but that Israel and its Jews have demonstrated, objectively, total and convincing moral superiority over peoples who claim their religion supersedes Judaism. That doesn't mean an individual Jew is any better or worse than an individual Muslim (or Christian) but it does mean that, collectively as a nation, the Jews have behaved and prospered better, thus posing a difficult challenge to countries that base their social and political order on a particular religion and creed.

I think it was @Aeronaut who said it best a week or so ago: when the Jews kill Arabs it's legal and just; when Arabs or Muslims kill Jews its a crime. He was exaggerating or meant it ironically, but all told it works out to be true just the same. For an action, even a killing, isn't a crime in itself but only when viewed in context. If you get the facts wrong - or you resort to falsifying them - you're going to make a flawed judgment as to what is just and what is criminal.
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The problem much of the world has isn't that Israel was/is "just as bad" as its enemies but that Israel and its Jews have demonstrated, objectively, total and convincing moral superiority over peoples who claim their religion supersedes Judaism. That doesn't mean an individual Jew is any better or worse than an individual Muslim (or Christian) but it does mean that, collectively as a nation, the Jews have behaved and prospered better, thus posing a difficult challenge to countries that base their social and political order on a particular religion and creed.

I think it was @Aeronaut who said it best a week or so ago: when the Jews kill Arabs it's legal and just; when Arabs or Muslims kill Jews its a crime. He was exaggerating or meant it ironically, but all told it works out to be true just the same. For an action, even a killing, isn't a crime in itself but only when viewed in context. If you get the facts wrong - or you resort to falsifying them - you're going to make a flawed judgment as to what is just and what is criminal.

Find that post for me will ya? :D
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Find that post for me will ya? :D

This is what I found - and though it's not exactly what I said you wrote, you tell me if I'm mistaken or not in its intent:

Muslims killed by Americans = Collateral damage.

Americans Killed by Muslims = Act of terror.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...ologize-muslims-you-killed.html#ixzz2VIi1gXNT

well that makes it alright for israel to kill innocent palestinians.
What if the Palestinians killed aren't "innocent"? Or is every death of a Jew by the hand of a Muslim or Arab claiming to act out of merely a perceived injustice always make that Jew's death "just" and the Muslim or Arab an "innocent"?
What if the Palestinians killed aren't "innocent"? Or is every death of a Jew by the hand of a Muslim or Arab claiming to act out of merely a perceived injustice always make that Jew's death "just" and the Muslim or Arab an "innocent"?

do you think israel kills evil palestinians?
or do they cover their eyes and press the button?

if there is a palestinian that wasnt innocent that they killed then good job to israel.

but the sad truth is that israels victims are mostly innocent people.

remember one thing, every israeli is , was , or is going to be a soldier.
but not every palestinian is a militant.
from what i hear, and see i could care less if the palestinians kill an israeli.
do you think israel kills evil palestinians?
or do they cover their eyes and press the button?
Neither. The Israelis are very good at discerning combatants from non-combatants - but the terrorists do like so much to hide among civilians. Doing so is a crime - on the part of the terrorists, for turning people into battle equipment - human shields.

but the sad truth is that israels victims are mostly innocent people.
The "sad truth" is that you and most of the world don't really care about good statistics here.

from what i hear, and see i could care less if the palestinians kill an israeli.
As I've argued many times, failure to endorse Israel 100% is what is keeping Pakistan the mess it is today. The good news is that it should be reversible: as soon as you confront terror-supporters by endorsing civil rights and Israel's great deeds in respecting them, you are endorsing values that place civil and human rights ahead of race bigotry. It may be a battle, yet the benefits to your society will be immediate as the bigots will be on the defensive.
This is what I found - and though it's not exactly what I said you wrote, you tell me if I'm mistaken or not in its intent:

What if the Palestinians killed aren't "innocent"? Or is every death of a Jew by the hand of a Muslim or Arab claiming to act out of merely a perceived injustice always make that Jew's death "just" and the Muslim or Arab an "innocent"?

Aren't you mixing up to VERY different views, getting old huh?
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