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May 13, 2006
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United States
Who is the evil Dajjal (the "anti-Christ")?

from: "Signs of Qiyamah"
by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

Note: On the US one Dollar, There is
a Masonic sign implicating DAJJAL, a pyramid with one eye - check it out, if you don’t believe me !! Underneath it which is written ‘ Novus Ordo Seclorum’ -- Translated as:

Owais, the Msaonic sign is on the dollar, but only because most of the signors of the Constitution were Masons, and the "New Order" was liberation from Royal rule. I know, because I myself am a Mason. Contrary to myth and urban legend, we are not an occult society, we believe in God and country, in that order.
Owais, the Msaonic sign is on the dollar, but only because most of the signors of the Constitution were Masons, and the "New Order" was liberation from Royal rule. I know, because I myself am a Mason. Contrary to myth and urban legend, we are not an occult society, we believe in God and country, in that order.

really? how they recruit you? what is it all about ? tell us
really? how they recruit you? what is it all about ? tell us

You have to ask to be made a Mason. No one will invite you. You MUST believe in a supreme being as the "master architecht" of the universe ( it can be Christian, muslim, hindu etc.), and be of good standing ( no criminals, felons etc.) - they do a background check. We believe in charity, and helping mankind. And you must join of your own free will.
I was in the La Martiniere Lodge.

I just couldn't find the time.
Were you a MM or somewhere in between?

whats MM? are there ranks in Masonary groups? how does it works? what the purpose of free masons?

You said that they believe in "architect", who is he? Do you have to do some kind of wierd rituals to join? also can Ahteist people join it? ( you an Atheist, right Salim?)
whats MM? are there ranks in Masonary groups? how does it works? what the purpose of free masons?

You said that they believe in "architect", who is he? Do you have to do some kind of wierd rituals to join? also can Ahteist people join it? ( you an Atheist, right Salim?)

OK. None of this is secret. These are some of the things we are allowed to speak about to interested people. When you join up as a Mason, you will go through 3 degrees.

They are entered apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master mason ( MM). The degree involves memory work, if you will.

After becoming a MM there are other optional degrees you can obtain. You can join the Scottish Rites and rise to the rank of Shriner ( 33rd degree),

or you can join the York Rites and rise to rank of Knight templar ( which is what I did). It is the same rank as 33rd, though not called so.

The "architect" is another way of saying "Supreme being" - one that is in total control of the entire universe.

Who is he? call him by what name you choose. Allah, Rama, Buddha, Jehovah, Christ, etc. They all chose the same ultimate path of harmony and peace and love.

That is why Masonry will not conflict with your religion.

No atheist can ever be made a Mason.

Yes, there are rituals. Don't worry. You will leave with your crown jewels intact>:smile:

The purpose of Masonry is to make "good men better". No felons, drug users, and other such elements are allowed to join. We do a background check to be sure.

We do a lot of charity work, because it is what we as humans should do, regardless of who you are. Children are an asset to humanity. That is why the Scottish Rite Hospitals exist. They are free of charge to kids.

It's all about giving back to the human race a little of what we took.

Sorry to bore you. I hope this helps.
whats MM? are there ranks in Masonary groups?
A.Rahman said:
how does it works? what the purpose of free masons?
Nowdays to do good in the societies to which we belong
A.Rahman said:
You said that they believe in "architect", who is he?
You'd call him Allah.
A.Rahman said:
Do you have to do some kind of wierd rituals to join?
Yes, but they're not weird when you understand their meaning
A.Rahman said:
also can Ahteist people join it? ( you an Atheist, right Salim?)
I'll leave this one for Salim

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