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Maryam Press Conference: Attacking the Army and Judiciary

No one is coming out for these two MAFIAS. And even Imran Khan is ousted PML N is never returning to power ever. They may end up in grave but not in power. And finally Imran Khan is going no where. He INSHALLAH would rule for more than a decade.
they are smart, how do you think they ruled a country for 35 years..their plan is straight forward, use the middle and upper business class..due to current taxation drive pressure, use them and their influence on communities (the uneducated poor class) to drive a revolt forcing the establishment to topple the current govt as it happened in 1990s when PPPP govt was toppled several times..establishment doesnt want large scale protests or unrest and reacts quickly to this..this is PMLN real trump card, the establishment fear of 1970s unrest...i will be surprised if they fail..after all the heart of punjab PMLN won clearly and have ample support over there..Mr warriach predicted this months ago that real game will start once this business class is forced to pay its due share rather than just increasing sales tax on general public
Reporters just started on ARY. Sabir has started the program with a massive blast by telling the viewers that the audio video and the presentation by Maryam is done by a big TV channel of Pakistan.
This is direct reference to "Geo" Tv.
The scheme is falling of the seams. Maryam has brought a very controversial challenge for the state of Pakistan.
Pakistani state and its departments should stand up and be counted and deal with this issue front on.
This woman and her helpers in the media should be dealt with right now. This is beyond acceptable for any state in the world.
Not that my friend, this judge would first face the troubles for recording this video with a leader of PMLN who is the
Vice President of PMLN UK. The judge should not be meeting him and recording a video.

The judge is being caught discussing official matter with un-official person that too a loyalist to a party of the cases. He has done his retirement with shame. This is where he will be served with Judicial Committee proceedings though, Al-Azizia and Flagship will be clarified.

Maryam referred to some unknown inappropriate video of Judge being used to pressurize him and I wonder, no one ever pressurized her father caught red handed asking for personal number of a foreign female anchor person for chit chat or may be.. That Anchor person is on record.
This filthiest women of political history of Pakistan should stay with her father. It was a mistake to relieve her of punishment.
Now her media cell is again active. The question is, if this is a true video, who from PMLN met the judge and why? Actually it seems the 'Khandan-e-Shareefan' try to influence the judge; we all know the famous saying of 'Patwaris, 'ھم وکیل نہیں جج کر لیتے ھیں۔'
Most probably, she herself met the judge.
The judge is being caught discussing official matter with un-official person that too a loyalist to a party of the cases. He has done his retirement with shame. This is where he will be served with Judicial Committee proceedings though, Al-Azizia and Flagship will be clarified.

Maryam referred to some unknown inappropriate video of Judge being used to pressurize him and I wonder, no one ever pressurized her father caught red handed asking for personal number of a foreign female anchor person for chit chat or may be.. That Anchor person is on record.
if that happens
in any other country this judge willbe going to prison if video is authentic
i not think she has enough courage to challenge establishment and she may have support from some people in establishment to maintain pressure on ik govt so they perform as establishment cannot do this directly
Reporters just started on ARY. Sabir has started the program with a massive blast by telling the viewers that the audio video and the presentation by Maryam is done by a big TV channel of Pakistan.
This is direct reference to "Geo" Tv.
The scheme is falling of the seams. Maryam has brought a very controversial challenge for the state of Pakistan.
Pakistani state and its departments should stand up and be counted and deal with this issue front on.
This woman and her helpers in the media should be dealt with right now. This is beyond acceptable for any state in the world.
and all his judgements OVERTURNED or going to retrial..

but this is banana republic pakistan
Sabir Shakir revealed that the video presentation today was doctored and made in the studios of a big TV station. Read Geo.

He then disclosed that Nasir Butt was trying to meet the judge for a long time, he tried few times without success before he meet the judge.

Ch Ghulam Hussain just revealed that the claim that the judge was shown a video by the agencies is also a white lie.
Choi has inside with the Establishment. I am sure he got the news from them.
This is going to get dirty.
Involvement of Geo shows that this is a well planned conspiracy against the state of Pakistan by the known actors, same people who were involved in the infamous leak.
i not think she has enough courage to challenge establishment and she may have support from some people in establishment to maintain pressure on ik govt so they perform as establishment cannot do this directly

Nope, I don't agree.
I tell you what the reasons are according to my analysis of this situation.
They first tried, legal means, they failed.
The then tried medical grounds for bail of Nawaz, they failed.
Now they are trying blackmailing, they would fail again.
As the news is coming Geo is involved in the production of the video, which indicate a deeper conspiracy against the state of Pakistan.
There is no pressure on IK and PTI. They are doing great, I am convinced IK would sort out the mess of Pakistan.
He is going around like West he would turn around everything.

and all his judgements OVERTURNED or going to retrial..

but this is banana republic pakistan

Nope, The judgement stand. He talked about the case, in which he has actually found Nawaz Butt not guilty.
Secondly the judgement couldn't be overturn on a doctored video.
In the video, there is no evidence or statement made by the judge in which he said that he was pressurised to give his verdict against Nawaz.
Nope, I don't agree.
I tell you what the reasons are according to my analysis of this situation.
They first tried, legal means, they failed.
The then tried medical grounds for bail of Nawaz, they failed.
Now they are trying blackmailing, they would fail again.
As the news is coming Geo is involved in the production of the video, which indicate a deeper conspiracy against the state of Pakistan.
There is no pressure on IK and PTI. They are doing great, I am convinced IK would sort out the mess of Pakistan.
He is going around like West he would turn around everything.

Nope, The judgement stand. He talked about the case, in which he has actually found Nawaz Butt not guilty.
Secondly the judgement couldn't be overturn on a doctored video.
In the video, there is no evidence or statement made by the judge in which he said that he was pressurised to give his verdict against Nawaz.
if video is authentic and shows that he was pressurized by someone than all of his judgments come into question
the problem is not that pmln is strong and popular party to threaten army and nation,the problem is that ik govt has not made good start and have done mistakes in the beginning of their tenure which is creating high risk that he will fail even after 5yrs complete tenure due to his reliance on ministers and members of govt who were previously part of pmln and ppp govt and have secret relations with them even now.Removing Asad Umar as finance minister and replacing him with previous ppp era minister is one of the major blunders of ik which will cost him in future
O Bhai please Imran Khan knows How to rule. First every one said he can't play cricket he beat in that than he can't make hospital he beat in that than he can't be a Politician he becomes one looses big first time than gets only one seat than rules a province now PM. I am just amused How he keep proving people wrong and still people try to come up with new point only to be proven wrong in that also.
Sabir Shakir said that Nasir Butt tried to bribe the judge and offered him money anywhere in the world in his bank accounts.
It means that Butts tried to bribe the judge during the trials by using Nasir Butt, which according to Maryam's own admissions knew the judge for a long time.

This is going to be hang in the neck of Maryam like a medal of shame in coming days, mark my words.
This woman is a criminal through and through, she thinks that she can blackmailed Pakistan by lies, deceit and treachery.

I remind everyone what Hamid Mir said few days ago that a video will surface of someone, which would change everything in Pakistani politics.
It means he knew for a long time. Only reason would be that the video was processed by Geo as per Sabir's claims.
She has a history of doing such things right ?
Maryam has did something that PMLN's rivals couldn't do at all... she released a fake video with fabricated audio and will accept that too..... PMLN now will be facing courts for all manipulation, propaganda & fakery... Good one.
Ya the video seems doctored especially the last part(urdu), the facial expressions just don't match with the audio. And no this isn't a sync issue. For those who don't know about the video:

if video is authentic and shows that he was pressurized by someone than all of his judgments come into question
How can it be authentic when she herself admits that both audio and video are recorded separately thus doctored video.

So it leaves no question about authenticity of the video.

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