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Martyred Armyman Aurangzeb's father set to join BJP: Jammu & Kashmir

thankful that Hindus don't return those favours.
As if you are capable in the first place.

Problem is this. Individual hindus and groups are of nuisance value. They can't touch us. Muslims face persecution when trained people from the state machinery join hands with the above groups. Against a bigoted armed and trained police, army etc, innocent Muslims are helpless.
Exactly,its none of your business.

Every Muslim everywhere is our business.

Just like every Hindu is India’s business.

Every Jew is Israel’s business.

Why are you trying to isolate Muslims from each other?

Don't want to comment on Indian Muslims' fertility rates because I don't know much about it. But Pakistan is going to be in serious trouble with it's population growth, they are still not taking steps to curb it.

I work as an IT engineer and I have many Pakistani friends. These friends are IT or Engineering gradutaes and their wives are also highly educated. Most of them have 6-7 children. I personally know at least 3 Pakistani guys, two of them my close friends who have 6 children. If this is the fertility rate among highly educated couples in Australia, God knows what the situation is among poor, uneducated rural people in Pakistan.

That used to be the case in the previous generation and mostly a result of losing population in the three wars with India and the Russian invasion.

Most Pakistanis are not getting married until after age 25 and having fewer children, while women have become more prevalent in the workforce (nowadays most medical school graduates for example are women.)

At this same time Christians and Hindu birth rates are increasing in Pakistan, but so are refugees from Afghanistan or Afghan immigrants.

Pls. No disrespect to Kalam. But he was certainly not Muslim.

Muslims don’t worship idols one day and pray namaz the next. That totally nullifies everything.

All these famous Muslim actors marry Hindu women (which is haram) and keep idols in their home to keep their jobs. They become so far removed from the majority of Indian Muslims who detest idolatry. It earns them the money, and it is their real god unfortunately.

When Hindus hold these wealthy actors up as examples of model Muslims, that model basically asserts that if you abandon your faith and embrace their faith, Non-Muslims will love you, which is exactly what the Quran says on that matter.
Well this would make another great story for Bollywood with BJP's full support and maybe another great Pakistani song in it :enjoy:
Every Muslim everywhere is our business.

Just like every Hindu is India’s business.

Every Jew is Israel’s business.

Why are you trying to isolate Muslims from each other?


Things are changing, India is more united than ever. Soon we will attack pak to get our land back and sabotage CPEC. But before that plz take more loan :-)

Things are changing, India is more united than ever. Soon we will attack pak to get our land back and sabotage CPEC. But before that plz take more loan :-)
India is more ununited than eve due to narrow minds of extremist terrorist Hindus all over India, What Land you're taking about, if you talking about Azad Kashmir this land is not yours infact whole Kashmir is not yours, and come on get the Azad Kashmir, who are stopping you @Theparadox ;):enjoy:
me and M. Sarmad have already done proved it beyond a shadow of any doubt that he is not a Muslim but a shiv sainik/RSS type Hindu (or other non-Muslim) hate spreading lowlife (trying to convert decent Hindus to his cause) but PDF chiefs are not interested so nothing more I can do.

Well if that is the case (and we all kind of know why that's happening)...we will just have to bring this up each and every thread he pollutes to try get gullible support of uninformed/emotional/deluded folks.
Well if that is the case (and we all kind of know why that's happening)...we will just have to bring this up each and every thread he pollutes to try get gullible support of uninformed/emotional/deluded folks.
Never had any interaction with Sarmad. Lol.

he pollutes to try get gullible support of uninformed/emotional/deluded folks.
This is hilarious.

Every Muslim everywhere is our business.

Just like every Hindu is India’s business.

Every Jew is Israel’s business.

Why are you trying to isolate Muslims from each other?

That used to be the case in the previous generation and mostly a result of losing population in the three wars with India and the Russian invasion.

Most Pakistanis are not getting married until after age 25 and having fewer children, while women have become more prevalent in the workforce (nowadays most medical school graduates for example are women.)

At this same time Christians and Hindu birth rates are increasing in Pakistan, but so are refugees from Afghanistan or Afghan immigrants.

Muslims don’t worship idols one day and pray namaz the next. That totally nullifies everything.

All these famous Muslim actors marry Hindu women (which is haram) and keep idols in their home to keep their jobs. They become so far removed from the majority of Indian Muslims who detest idolatry. It earns them the money, and it is their real god unfortunately.

When Hindus hold these wealthy actors up as examples of model Muslims, that model basically asserts that if you abandon your faith and embrace their faith, Non-Muslims will love you, which is exactly what the Quran says on that matter.
As per some of our friends, maybe you too are a RSS guy. :omghaha:

There he goes again @doorstar @M. Sarmad ....acting as judge on individual instead of acknowledging almighty absolute role on this.
You know...you are actually right on this one. We can make informed guesses. But judge we can't.
He knows best.
You know it very well that IOK is neither part nor parcel of India. It is an occupied territory with it's fate still pending. Even if people of IOK stop their protests and attacks against occupiers, their struggle cannot be stopped. Remember from 47 to 90 they were quiet and waiting for the promise to be fulfilled but they were stabbed in the back. Neither Pakistan nor India have enough power to quest the other half, so in this case Kashmiris will keep resisting and Muslims in India even though won't speak openly but will keep increasing their population until they have enough majority to take revenge. That is the nature to fight back for the crimes comitted against them. Maybe for you that doesn't matter as you might be more Americanized but it will definitely create an impact in India.

Furthermore, this strategy of india to take advantage of some situation and having Muslim fight against Muslims will backfire in the long run. Just look at Afghanistan.

You know it very well, to use your brand of American English as told to, that IOK is a part and parcel of India, also that you make yourself a figure of fun repeating the same story over and over.

Perhaps there are others like you, who think that by constantly repeating their point of view, it will somehow, miraculously, become the truth. It will not.

The stupidity of those, khaki chaddis and green chaddis alike, who think that population growth is related to religion in some murky, ill-defined way is unbounded.

He is uber-sanghi that made some glaring errors on basic muslim concepts. @doorstar can tell you about them.

His whole intent here is to stoke communal tensions.

@Joe Shearer @M. Sarmad @saiyan0321 @Psychic @The Sandman @Mentee @Tps43 @Moonlight

One of the best-detected false flaggers.

Never had any interaction with Sarmad. Lol.

This is hilarious.

As per some of our friends, maybe you too are a RSS guy. :omghaha:

You know...you are actually right on this one. We can make informed guesses. But judge we can't.
He knows best.

Please don't bother with the '...this is hilarious...' dismissal of your clear and well-defined campaign on PDF. This is not about @Nilgiri, who is clearly far right, and acknowledges his political position. This is about you.
what a lame news indian have other than rape in india and modi .
You know it very well, to use your brand of American English as told to, that IOK is a part and parcel of India, also that you make yourself a figure of fun repeating the same story over and over.

Perhaps there are others like you, who think that by constantly repeating their point of view, it will somehow, miraculously, become the truth. It will not.

The stupidity of those, khaki chaddis and green chaddis alike, who think that population growth is related to religion in some murky, ill-defined way is unbounded.

One of the best-detected false flaggers.

Please don't bother with the '...this is hilarious...' dismissal of your clear and well-defined campaign on PDF. This is not about @Nilgiri, who is clearly far right, and acknowledges his political position. This is about you.
Right, alt right, far right.

The condition of Indian Muslims has not improved under any of them.

Except the early years of Nehru. The secularist facade of our republic was shaken when the Somnath was rebuilt with state money.

Time to mass report him than. Don't know what people get by doing such things Smh
Report for what? Speaking the truth and adhering to forum rules and defending Muslims?
You know it very well, to use your brand of American English as told to, that IOK is a part and parcel of India, also that you make yourself a figure of fun repeating the same story over and over.

Perhaps there are others like you, who think that by constantly repeating their point of view, it will somehow, miraculously, become the truth. It will not.

The stupidity of those, khaki chaddis and green chaddis alike, who think that population growth is related to religion in some murky, ill-defined way is unbounded.

Here comes the professional troll who pride himself on borrowed language just Iike his country pride itself in borrowed name. You personal attacks is what make me satisfied that I stepped on your nerves.:yahoo:

Btw I speak the truth unlike bhartis who follows the theory of speaking lie a thousand times will make it truth.

Yes it will. Just like the population of Muslims grew to reach 200M in bharat which was actually home of Hindus historically. Same in Sindh or Bangladesh where today Muslims are clear majority. :azn:
He is uber-sanghi that made some glaring errors on basic muslim concepts. @doorstar can tell you about them.

His whole intent here is to stoke communal tensions.

@Joe Shearer @M. Sarmad @saiyan0321 @Psychic @The Sandman @Mentee @Tps43 @Moonlight

Mods, @Horus @waz @Dubious @WebMaster
They are at it again. This time attacking brother @AfrazulMandal

As per some of our friends, maybe you too are a RSS guy. :omghaha:

Yes, they already went after me several times but I don’t entertain their nonsense.

Let’s stay on course for the conversation and ignore them.

Indian Muslims have a right to enter into any conversation concerning them and give their view whenever they wish.

It is pretty widely accepted that Abdul Kalam is not a Muslim due to his worship of idols, and the fact he adhered to Hindu ideology and philosophy.

BJP’s favorite Muslim, which they use to beat every Indian Muslim as anti-national, was actually a Hindu.







With Modi.


At Kalam’s funeral.

The Muslim-killer’s favorite Muslim.

Report for what? Speaking the truth and adhering to forum rules and defending Muslims?

For not adhering to their rules. PDF Indian defense brigade is here to silence anyone who gets in their way.

Here comes the professional troll who pride himself on borrowed language just Iike his country pride itself in borrowed name. You personal attacks is what make me satisfied that I stepped on your nerves.:yahoo:

Btw I speak the truth unlike bhartis who follows the theory of speaking lie a thousand times will make it truth.

Yes it will. Just like the population of Muslims grew to reach 200M in bharat which was actually home of Hindus historically. Same in Sindh or Bangladesh where today Muslims are clear majority. :azn:

Pakistanis shouldn’t have to look twice to write their opinions here, the same should go for Indian Muslims.

This is PDF and not BharatDF.

Mods should really control this gang here.
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