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Martyrdom in Hinduism


May 24, 2011
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In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna states, "Either being slain you will attain the heavenly worlds or by gaining victory you will enjoy the earthly kingdom; therefore O Arjuna, rise up and fight."

1. Martyrdom is considered noble in Hinduism. From ancient times till today Hindu soldiers have gone into battle even with full knowledge of death to achieve martyrdom. In the struggle against the British many known and unknown Hindu youth embraced martyrdom. Bhagat Singh, Pritilota Wadedar, Surya Sen, Khudiram Bose, and countless others laid down their lives willingly. In the 3rd Battle of Panipath the Maratha chiefs similarly fought on knowing the end was sure death. But the most remarkable among the Hindustani race have been the valiant Rajputs whose history is full of ultimate sacrifices. My intention is not to belittle others, but we must move on with the main theme.

2. It has now become an accepted fact that only the Muslims have been encouraged in their religion to welcome "shahadat" / martyrdom. The Western Christian Civilization (WCC) media have brain-washed entire humanity to perceive Muslims as "suicide bombers" / terrorists, etc because The Holy Quo'ran promises heavenly abode to the martyrs.

3. The fact is: Every religion encourages its followers to fight for the right cause, and promises reward in the next life. A soldier who has fought in a battle actually will know how important religion/faith is at the moment he is bayonet-charging or is being charged. That is the reason all armies/armed forces employ religious teachers/pastor/etc
In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna states, "Either being slain you will attain the heavenly worlds or by gaining victory you will enjoy the earthly kingdom; therefore O Arjuna, rise up and fight."

1. Martyrdom is considered noble in Hinduism. From ancient times till today Hindu soldiers have gone into battle even with full knowledge of death to achieve martyrdom. In the struggle against the British many known and unknown Hindu youth embraced martyrdom. Bhagat Singh, Pritilota Wadedar, Surya Sen, Khudiram Bose, and countless others laid down their lives willingly. In the 3rd Battle of Panipath the Maratha chiefs similarly fought on knowing the end was sure death. But the most remarkable among the Hindustani race have been the valiant Rajputs whose history is full of ultimate sacrifices. My intention is not to belittle others, but we must move on with the main theme.

2. It has now become an accepted fact that only the Muslims have been encouraged in their religion to welcome "shahadat" / martyrdom. The Western Christian Civilization (WCC) media have brain-washed entire humanity to perceive Muslims as "suicide bombers" / terrorists, etc because The Holy Quo'ran promises heavenly abode to the martyrs.

3. The fact is: Every religion encourages its followers to fight for the right cause, and promises reward in the next life. A soldier who has fought in a battle actually will know how important religion/faith is at the moment he is bayonet-charging or is being charged. That is the reason all armies/armed forces employ religious teachers/pastor/etc

Does right cause means blow up innocent people like islamic terrorists do???

First of all: Bagavadgeetha says
Lord Krishna states, "Either being slain you will attain the heavenly worlds or by gaining victory you will enjoy the earthly kingdom; therefore O Arjuna, rise up and fight."
It means fight against the armed enemy..

ANd remember,The hindu kings never fight against a unarmed men..instead they would allow them to take arms and fight back

In Hinduism or in Bagavad geeth ,u can never find a line preaching blowing up unarmed men...

Don't generalize Islam with other religions...

ANd by the way u know wat happened in past..
mohhamad ghori,killed millions of hindus in the name of islam and kept their head for crows to eat....

Better research more n post

O Arjuna, rise up and fight
Wat was arjuna upto when krishna said those words???
He was going to fight million strong armed kauravas..not against unarmed people
Fortunately, religion play little or no part in defense and strategic affairs. I could care less about circular logic :P
Besides Bhagwat Geeta is a Symbolism of Karma.

War is Not WAR Here but "Your Duty" He is NOT Preaching to Kill ( Hinduism has no Place for even Cows being Killed leave aside Human Beings ! )

To Fight means to "Get up and Perform your Duties" and Avoid the Illusions of the World.
Just wanna share my view

4 Dissimilarities between Hinduism and Islamic
1. Muslims believe in none but Allah, the one Supreme God and follow only Qu'ran. Hindus worship one God, but in many forms, aspects, incarnations and emanations. They are not particular about the name of the method of worship. They also worship the various gods and goddesses either as the highest God himself or as an aspect of him or even as a separate entity. They follow not only several scriptures but also the sayings of several saints and seers.

2. A person converts to Islam by proclaiming faith in the supremacy of Allah and accepting Muhammad as His messenger. Technically, a firm declaration of faith in Allah and the prophet is sufficient to convert to Islam. In contrast, a person becomes a Hindu either by birth or by personal choice, but without the need to confirm his faith in any particular God, scripture or messenger. A Hindu may be a theist or an atheist, a believer in absolute God or a local deity. Whatever path he may choose, he needs to be a seeker of Truth and upholder of Hindu Drarma.

3. Islam does not recognize any intermediary between man and God. A worshipper can reach out to Him directly through his prayers. In Hinduism there is a choice. A person can worship God directly or seek the intervention of a priest or a Guru for assistance.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background
Does right cause means blow up innocent people like islamic terrorists do???

First of all: Bagavadgeetha says

It means fight against the armed enemy..

ANd remember,The hindu kings never fight against a unarmed men..instead they would allow them to take arms and fight back

In Hinduism or in Bagavad geeth ,u can never find a line preaching blowing up unarmed men...

Don't generalize Islam with other religions...

ANd by the way u know wat happened in past..
mohhamad ghori,killed millions of hindus in the name of islam and kept their head for crows to eat....

Better research more n post

Wat was arjuna upto when krishna said those words???
He was going to fight million strong armed kauravas..not against unarmed people

The Quran does not ask to kill unarmed people either, the orders to battle is against armed enemies and suicide is haram ergo suicide bombings are also haram and no martyrdom is awarded to suicide bombers.
What a stupid thread... Quoting Bhagvad Gita out of context.

Does the OP has any idea why Lord Krishna recited Gita to Arjun. It was bcoz Arjun was hesitant to raise arms against his own kins out of love and respect.

Its about duties of a human being, "the Karma".

The Gita also say " A man must perform his duties without caring for the rewards". So there is nothing like "martyrdom" and its rewards.
Those duties can be anything. Caring for parent/nature, anything that sustains your life, even your tools and weapons. And yes fighting for just cause also. there is nothing specific that you should give your life to attain pleasures of heaven. Its only that you should not shy away from your duties. And you will be rewarded if you are just.

Kindly read the complete scripture b4 posting

Other than that, don't know what Quran says about martyrdom, but im sure what mullahs are interpreting of Quran cant be right specially the fidayeen part and blowing oneself in front of mosque.
Actually this is a good thread. It does raise some very relevant questions about war and morality in war. About the morality in killing others and the alternatives.

In the onset it should be mentioned that Hinduism advice's 'Ahimsa', or 'Avoiding harm to others'. That is the basic premise for living a Hindu life (or a life of dharma)

But to understand the concept better there are two particular terms that people need to understand. They are 'Dharma' and 'Karma'. Everything in Hinduism revolves around these two concepts.

Dharma loosely translated is 'Righteousness'. 'Karma' roughly translates as 'Duties & Responsibilities'. Do you see the relationship ?

Its the relation between 'Rights' and 'Responsibilities'.
Lord Krishna also said that "A sin done on the path of dharma is greater than 1000 holy deeds" that doesn't mean he wanted Arjun to become a suicide bomber :omghaha:
In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna states, "Either being slain you will attain the heavenly worlds or by gaining victory you will enjoy the earthly kingdom; therefore O Arjuna, rise up and fight."

1. Martyrdom is considered noble in Hinduism. From ancient times till today Hindu soldiers have gone into battle even with full knowledge of death to achieve martyrdom. In the struggle against the British many known and unknown Hindu youth embraced martyrdom. Bhagat Singh, Pritilota Wadedar, Surya Sen, Khudiram Bose, and countless others laid down their lives willingly. In the 3rd Battle of Panipath the Maratha chiefs similarly fought on knowing the end was sure death. But the most remarkable among the Hindustani race have been the valiant Rajputs whose history is full of ultimate sacrifices. My intention is not to belittle others, but we must move on with the main theme.

2. It has now become an accepted fact that only the Muslims have been encouraged in their religion to welcome "shahadat" / martyrdom. The Western Christian Civilization (WCC) media have brain-washed entire humanity to perceive Muslims as "suicide bombers" / terrorists, etc because The Holy Quo'ran promises heavenly abode to the martyrs.

3. The fact is: Every religion encourages its followers to fight for the right cause, and promises reward in the next life. A soldier who has fought in a battle actually will know how important religion/faith is at the moment he is bayonet-charging or is being charged. That is the reason all armies/armed forces employ religious teachers/pastor/etc

Hey man , This time you have come out with some very good impartial stuff. You deserve appreciation for that.

In Hinduism, you must fight for righteous cause that is Dharma. Dharma does not mean religion.

Attacking enemy who do not have weapon is banned. You may be knowing the story of Prithviraj Chauhan who let the Mohammad ghauri Go as he gave up the weapon and requested prithviraj to let him go. Actually it was an idiocy on the part of Prithviraj but this principle were followed with highest spirit.

Killing innocents is totally unacceptable no matter from which religion they belongs. This is where Hinduism differ from other sects (So called religion)

The most important thing about Hindu sacrifice is that those who sacrificed were kings well to do guys and not brainwashed frustrated people who decided to give up life for some heavenly enjoyment such as intercourse with virgins etc which is not available to them on earth.
@asad71 Please go through the Kurukshetra war in Mahabharata , there are rules to follow when doing war.
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Hey man , This time you have come out with some very good impartial stuff. You deserve appreciation for that.

In Hinduism, you must fight for righteous cause that is Dharma. Dharma does not mean religion.

Attacking enemy who do not have weapon is banned. You may be knowing the story of Prithviraj Chauhan who let the Mohammad ghauri Go as he gave up the weapon and requested prithviraj to let him go. Actually it was an idiocy on the part of Prithviraj but this principle were followed with highest spirit.

Killing innocents is totally unacceptable no matter from which religion they belongs. This is where Hinduism differ from other sects (So called religion)

The bold part is one of the cornerstone difference between Hinduism and Abrahamic religions. The Hindu's is required to fight for the defense and protection of 'Dharma' and against 'Adharma'. But the problem arises when protecting Dharma also means protecting the Religion.

Without the existence of Hindu religion, how will Dharma be defined ? Without the Hindu scriptures to define the path of 'Dharam', people will start concocting their own version of Dharam.

Comments by Hindus in PDF itself shows how they have defined their own 'personal' version of 'Dharam' to include everything they find convenient. That includes eating beef, to sex outside marriage to consumption of Alcohol and related evils. :disagree:

Without the definition of Dharma, what is one fighting to defend ?
The first and foremost condition of being a martyr(no matter what religion or law you follow) is getting killed by the enemy while you are trying to kill them.Blowing yourself up is the same as shooting yourself after shooting other people.What's the point of heroism if you can't even face an enemy??

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