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Martin Jacques' latest views on China


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
An author shares his views on the growing clout of the world’s second largest economy.

AUTHOR and academic Dr Martin Jacques released an updated and expanded second edition of his widely acclaimed book, When China Rules The World: The End Of The Western World And The Birth Of A New Global Order, earlier this year.

During a recent visit to Kuala Lumpur when he attended an Asian Centre for Media Studies event, Jacques (pic) spoke to The Star about his book and its approach to the subject. Some excerpts:

How is the second edition different from the first?

Time. Because China is growing so quickly, China time is fast. There’s been a lot of updating throughout the second edition.

When I wrote the first edition, the 2008 (US-centred) financial crisis had just happened. The last chapter is about the crisis, which was little commented on before.

The second edition looks at the beginnings of a Chinese economic world order.

How far is the second edition a response to critics of the first?

I don’t think what I’ve done is a response to the critics. The inaccuracies in the first edition were very few, and I’ve certainly responded to those.

There was a bit of a jump in the argument between the rise of China and its relations with other countries.

Here I look at not just China-US relations, but the rise of developing countries generally, of which China is a part.

I use the phrase “rule the world” as a metaphor. I’ve learned a lot from meetings and discussions.

There was never much in the first edition I wanted to change. The structure of the book is basically the same.

Do you see China’s rise as continuing into the future?

Yes, definitely. Along the lines of the book, without any doubt whatsoever.

How might a new China-centred tributary system emerge in East Asia?

There are echoes of a tributary system. The most obvious return to that is the rise of China.

East Asian economies today are much more China-centric. There’s the fact we’re now moving to a new China-centric system.

China is probably the most important market for countries in the region, for trade and investment, with its high-speed rail links, and so on. Getting on with China will be absolutely crucial for countries in this region.

Can economic dominance translate into clout in other spheres?

If China is economically dominant, that gives it a great deal of influence over other countries.

The draw of China will be that much greater. China will be a huge cultural presence in the region.

Lots of people in this region will study in Chinese universities. Beijing will be a tremendous draw.

You can see that in the flight patterns of Malaysia Airlines, for example. Previously, Malaysians travelled to Britain, not so much to other East Asian countries; it would be interesting to see the changes.

The attraction of Shanghai will be that of a big city like New York. People are attracted to power.

We’ll be much more familiar with Chinese governance and institutions. From being a mystery, they’ll be familiar; we were used to the United States before, but much more with China (in future).

What of Greater China, the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan?

All the ties will get stronger.

Hong Kong will remain very much as now, I don’t expect it to change. It will become increasingly integrated (with the mainland) and Sinicised, and (still) in many senses not very Chinese.

I would expect Taiwan to move ever closer to China. Taipei feels it has nowhere to go except closer to China.

There are already a large number of Taiwanese working in China. There has been growing economic integration.

Over the next 20 years, Taiwan will probably accept Chinese sovereignty. It will come because it is absolutely the logical step

What of the prospects of China’s collapse, as some predict?

There are gradations on the scale. China isn’t going to sail into the sunset without problems. But what I’m extremely sceptical about are predictions about the problems leading to economic meltdown and Armageddon.

Some day China may see a multi-party system, although unlikely. China may be more open, but it will still be very much Chinese.

A collapse is not impossible, but extremely unlikely.

Can China’s economic power translate into cultural influence?

It will take a long time. China is still a poor country.

Rich countries don’t aspire to be like a poor country; economic power is the basis (of cultural influence).

The Beijing Olympics is an example: China was unable to stage it 10 years before.

Since the rest of the world is not familiar with Chinese culture, the process of feeling comfortable with China culturally and politically will take a long time.

Because Chinese culture is so different from Western culture, it will take a century for the West to be familiar with it. I’m sceptical that it won’t happen.

How is China’s rise regarded by India?

India has a big problem with China, as it has a very strong view of China. India is a long, long way behind (in growth).

Indians are traumatised by China; their relationship with China is erratic, fickle and fearful. Because of the border wars, China looms very large in the Indian imagination.

The issue doesn’t disturb the Chinese, but for Indians it’s an issue. India is so far behind that the thought of overtaking China (economically) is the talk of fantasists in dreamland.

India needs to learn as much as possible from China and pursue a strong relationship with it. It needs a clear strategy in dealing with China.

India should stop this petty rivalry. At the moment there’s not much of that happening

What of China’s relations with South-East Asia?

In historical terms for this region, 100 years (since the end of China’s dynastic rule in 1912) is not such a long time.

There is a familiarity with China in this region that is not found in other parts of the world.

This marks out relations with China as different here. Countries in this region relate with China in a multifarious process.

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar are dealing (economically) with China mostly through Chinese provinces closest to them.

It’s a situation most nation states don’t allow in their regions. But Chinese provinces close to these countries will deal more with them in future.

As for relations with the United States?

It will take the US at least 10, maybe 20 years from now to treat China as an equal.

It will happen in a series of baby steps here and there, for example by treating China as a partner in the region, rather than as a problem like now.

But it won’t happen within 10 years. In certain circumstances it may happen quicker, such as a (Western) financial crisis, or it would take longer.

And Europe?

There’s been poor coverage of China in the rest of the world, mainly from ignorance. Coverage tends to be Eurocentric.

Soviet reforms under Gorbachev with glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) were well received in Western Europe. But the Soviet system could not be reformed.

China’s communist revolution had better historical roots than the Soviet’s.

What remains of the ‘Washington Consensus’ (ie, US-style economic doctrine)?

It’s dead. In the developing world, China is the main show. Why look at America?

China is actively doing (the alternative): there are general lessons in its emphasis on infrastructure, the importance of the state, of political stability, and so on.

Will there be a third edition?

I probably won’t do a third edition. It was hard work with the (second edition), being governed by the framework of the existing book.

I’d probably work on something fresh. More on the lines of “understanding China,” so that people can understand the conceptual thinking.

Martin Jacques' latest views on China
How is China’s rise regarded by India?

India has a big problem with China, as it has a very strong view of China. India is a long, long way behind (in growth).

Indians are traumatised by China; their relationship with China is erratic, fickle and fearful. Because of the border wars, China looms very large in the Indian imagination.

The issue doesn’t disturb the Chinese, but for Indians it’s an issue. India is so far behind that the thought of overtaking China (economically) is the talk of fantasists in dreamland.

India needs to learn as much as possible from China and pursue a strong relationship with it. It needs a clear strategy in dealing with China.

India should stop this petty rivalry. At the moment there’s not much of that happening.
A book called "When China Rules the World" is nothing! There's already a movie about india ruling the world!

Indian author's take on Mr Jacques' book on China

‘India must keep distance from China-West conflict’

“India would be making a big mistake if it allowed itself to get dragged into a Western anti-China alliance,” warns Martin Jacques, author of the international bestseller When China Rules the World.

The 67-year-old British author, broadcaster and speaker whose association with China began nearly two decades ago, is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on that country. His book, rated as by far the best on China to have been published in many years, has already sold more than a quarter of a million copies worldwide, a rare achievement for a scholarly 800 page work of non-fiction.

Mr Jacques has examined the remarkable rise of China and has predicted that “China will soon rule the world (and) as China’s powerful civilisation reasserts itself, it will signal the end of the global dominance of the Western nation-state, and a future of ‘contested modernity’”. In these circumstances, he argues that it would be better for India to make a grand rapprochement with China on entirely new terms rather than to treat it as an enemy.

China today has more to offer the world in terms of trade and other economic opportunities than the West, Mr Jacques believes. “East Asians at one time considered the United States to be the biggest market for their products but that has changed,” he points out. Today, China is a bigger market than the United States for all east Asian economies, including Japan.

Western markets, including that of the US, are declining or are stagnant whereas the Chinese market is growing and already China is the biggest trading partner of a host of key global economies, including India. “The principal strength of the United States in Asia today is the military, and in particular the navy,” says the author. “But how long can military strength be sustained without an underlying economic base? A nation’s strength cannot just be confined to its navy, it has to be much more.”

Mr Jacques believes that a time will soon come when most east Asian countries will no longer look to the United States for leadership. Washington probably realises this and President Obama has tried to recover ground lost by the Bush administration in east Asia.

Today, the United States is hinting at strengthening alliances in the Asia-Pacific that would contain China.

Countries such as Japan, Australia and Singapore have expressed their willingness to promote such an alliance without being overtly confrontational and India is being induced to join. But there is a big problem with this formulation.

According to Mr Jacques, “The problem the United States faces is of a profound nature: the source of its power is military while its economic strength is waning.”
“The problem with India is that its relations with China are stuck somewhere despite a great increase in trade and cooperation on several global issues,” he points out. China nevertheless is of great importance to India and it would be in New Delhi’s interest to sort out its disputes with Beijing, especially those related to the borders.

It appears to Jacques that India continues to remain traumatised by the 1962 War and cannot seem to move on. He suggests that New Delhi should drop its historical baggage and take a grand new initiative in improving ties with China. Yet, he also does not deny that there could be some major impediments.

Mr Jacques incisive look into China reveals some disconcerting aspects, some of them cultural. In his book he describes how a very charming, intelligent and progressive young Chinese woman is acutely discomfited at the idea of marriage with a Black person. He hints at an underlying Chinese racism that permeates even official thinking on global matters. That leads Mr Jacques to pose the big question: “What will China be like as a great power?”
There is of course no simple answer. In his book, Mr Jacques makes a profound observation: “The geopolitical approach informs how a state elite reasons and acts, while a cultural analysis, rooted in history and popular consciousness, seeks to explain the values, attitudes, prejudices and assumptions of a people. In the short run, the former may explain the conduct of relations between countries, but in the longer run people’s values and prejudices are far more significant and consequential. Ultimately, nations see the world in terms of their own history, values and mindset and seek to shape that world in the light of those experiences and perceptions
His chapter on “The Middle Kingdom Mentality” contains many pointers to the way Chinese think and it should be mandatory reading for all those concerned with China policy-making. Moreover, there is a lot in there that should make Indian policy makers wary.

Attitude could perhaps be one reason why the Sino-Indian relationship is stuck with Beijing showing no hurry in resolving its border row with India. Though Mr Jacques does not say so, it is possible that Beijing might wish to impress upon New Delhi that it does not consider relations with India important enough to make concessions on the border dispute.

Strange as that rationale might sound, it is possible. For, as Mr Jacques admits, “The Chinese do look down upon Indians and it’s a racial thing.”
He also admits that Chinese understanding of other cultures is weak partially because of their inherent strength. If that is true then it is quite possible that over time as China gets more powerful, it could develop a contemptuous view of weaker nations around it. And that would not be good news for any of those countries, India included.

- Indranil Banerjie is an independent security and political risk consultant

If those above views are may become true, then 1962 was the best thing to happen and so is Indian justification of developing nuclear weapons.
A book called "When China Rules the World" is nothing! There's already a movie about india ruling the world!


Thankyou for sharing this hillariouse youtube video Very Funny :D
As long as indians recognize Chinese as super-brahmins, we can make some reservations for you.

If Chinese are willing to covert to Hinduism, take up temple maintenance practices and certain holy rituals suffer reservation in jobs and education etc.

I think you Chinese have got yourself a deal ;)
If Chinese are willing to covert to Hinduism, take up temple maintenance practices and certain holy rituals suffer reservation in jobs and education etc.

I think you Chinese have got yourself a deal ;)

ROFAL :rofl:
If Chinese are willing to covert to Hinduism, take up temple maintenance practices and certain holy rituals suffer reservation in jobs and education etc.

I think you Chinese have got yourself a deal ;)

But you cant trust those bricks :lol:
Indians are traumatised by China; their relationship with China is erratic, fickle and fearful. Because of the border wars, China looms very large in the Indian imagination.

If that crap makes your day, go to sleep now :wave:
A book called "When China Rules the World" is nothing! There's already a movie about india ruling the world!

Oh my god, I think China lacks of confidence, India is really overconfident, 2030 is too early to make all white people become beggers, waiters and tax drivers in India.
I can recommend the movie India 2030 to everyone who wants a great laugh. China is way ahead of India and yet we don't have this kind of movie where the whites have become slaves. :D
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