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thats an AN-94 ABAKAN



It has ability to survive the recoil force until the fired round/s have left the barrel.This enables more hits on target under the most adverse combat conditions.

No dude. Its AK-103. Check the body.

and this...

actually i am surprised to see a marine commando with an assault rifle generally they use sub-machine guns like mp5 .

sadly most of the latest stuff like FN P90 SMG & FN F2000 are allotted to our Special Protection Group (SPG) who protect our politicians

Why would MARCOS need CQB weapons? IIRC the MARCOS are an elite unit especially trained to infiltrate enemy territories and carry out subversive and sabotage activities. Though they are trained for CQB, its not their primary agenda. They can choose and pick weapons best suited for their operations. NSG or SPG, otoh are especially trained for CQBs and their choice of standard weapons reflects this doctrine or training.

The MARCOS in the pictures are already on their home turf (a naval base) and are just there to provide security for a VVIP. The AK-103 wielded reflects this role.
Great pictures and details by everybody thanks.
Is it just me or by the operator's right thigh next to the sidearm holster there is a white earphone like the one's used by the secret service? and if so why is he not using it? :

Dude,it's foolish thinking that Special forces(They r the highest trained and Equipped with latest gadget in whole indian armed forces) that they don't have communication with each other...:woot:
Why not buy these guys proper masks instead of giving them a black cloth to wear?

Why you need a costly mask .... when you have a cost effective black cloth that does the same job... Further Air breathing will be more comfortable than the mask :D...

Any way they are damn dangerous ... I heard that there are more sharp shooters in them than the commandos is this true?
Depends on the role. If the Marcos are to be used in a CT capacity, they will have to have people who spend a lot more time in kill houses and on range than the para commandos whose focus remains on other roles and more conventional special operations (behind enemy lines etc).

The CT teams, depending on their readiness status, tend to spend a lot of time on-range to ensure accuracy with their weapons.
Why you need a costly mask .... when you have a cost effective black cloth that does the same job... Further Air breathing will be more comfortable than the mask :D...

Any way they are damn dangerous ... I heard that there are more sharp shooters in them than the commandos is this true?
yes,i heard in news that sharp snipers were placed as protection
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