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Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

Russian take down Stalin. They repent. Stalin did a lot of things for Russia. but that do not negate the fact that he is an assholle.

Chinese dont repent. We should be ashamed of ourselves. 死不认错

What r u ashamed? Mao Zedong is the Chinese in China, not in Singapore. For u, he is a foreigner.

Do not using ur West Brain to belittle a Great Chinese, except Mao's mistake at his old age he still did lots of contributions to recent China , not u nothing for mainland of China.
Thats right. I agree that its a 特殊历史问题。

You guys not aware how anti-China my westernized country folk is and I am always posting favorable writings in China.

One thing I observe is the difference between oversea Chinese and China Chinese


Mao paved the way for this to happen. KMT would make China a lapdog of the US, with half the size. Chiang kai shek lost, thank goodness.
What r u ashamed? Mao Zedong is the Chinese in China, not in Singapore. For u, he is a foreigner.

This Southeast Asian should mind his own business, he doesn't think like a Chinese and doesn't even look like a Chinese.



看来“文化大革命顺利结束” (华国锋说的),中国人已经丢掉文化,以杀人为荣,以说谎为荣,会反省罪恶的是无知。


Thats right. I agree that its a 特殊历史问题。

You guys not aware how anti-China my westernized country folk is and I am always posting favorable writings in China.

One thing I observe is the difference between oversea Chinese and China Chinese

Deng is a big scumbag and few has realized what has done. He is involved in Great Leap Forward and he is the CEO of 反右。 搞到几百万人家破人亡。

At that time, Mao started 反右, Deng add poison to it by 反右扩大化. The victims among anti-rightist campaign is Zhu Rongji. The anti-Rightest occurred during the Great Leap Forward. From there onwards, China became a nation of liars.

Then until cultural revolution, no one dares to go against mad dog Mao. The good people already gone, thanks to scumbags. Also the top 4 person responsible for Great Leap Forward is

1) Mao Zedong
2) Liu Shaoqi
3) Deng Xiaoping
4) Zhou Enlai

Liu Shaoqi was running day to day affair. 老毛天性浪漫,不管琐事。Then Liu Shaoqi in 7000 Person Meeting 七千人大会, push all responsibility to Mao. 自己也干坏事,责任全推给毛。

Mao is a scumbag and not able to endure such shitt. He started the cultural revolution of purge all his traitors. 乱臣贼子,一棒打死。


Mao Zedong was actually playing the biggest role in it.

Before it was being implemented, it was tested in small and isolated cases. All indicated that the tests was failing and saw productivity decrease. But Mao insisted that it will work because he so much believe in Communism, a blind fanatic. He believe, because of Communism, everyone will have big spirit and work harder.
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This case a bit similar.

It's not Qin Shihuang who unified China. It was his prime minister and all previous officials before him. Qin Shihuang was just a childish and big headed emperor, who were drunk of fame and power of some else hardworks. He ruined Qin.

The same case with Mao Zedong. If you read China history deeper, you know the people who developed China at the time was not Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong did huge mistakes, that makes us know what inside his head, he actually know nothing about running a country. He was just fooling people with his childish communist dream.

In this competitive world, you can't claim to be doing the right thing for a little progress. You need to make a comparison with the others, whatever your performance is above world average or far below. India is progressing too, but in competitive context, India have negative image. So did China under the Mao era.

You guys should thank you to Deng Xiaobing to liberate and reform China. He is the true real hero of modern China.
Mao Zedong admired Qin Shihuang, the first emperor who united China. Qin Shihuang was a despotic emperor, he had ruled China with a strong hand, a combination between of barbarianism and terrorism. He let people killed for nothing. Mao copied some of Qin´s method. Both leaders had some similarities.

Both men earned credit for uniting of China, at the cost of millons of lives.
What Deng evaluate Mao, here it is:





I just tell ur guys, Deng confirm Mao's contributions to mainland of China. THAT IS ALL !!!

Deng is also a Great Leader in PRC. Whatever Deng or Mao, they all r members of Chinese Communist Party, they all against capital liberalization.

Mao is the Chinese, not Taiwanese or Singaporean. Right now Mao still the founder of PRC and a Great Leader in mainland of China.
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Mao Zedong was actually played the biggest role in it.

Before it was being implemented, it was tested in small and isolated cases. All indicated that the tests was failing and saw productivity decrease. But Mao insisted that it will work because he so much believe in Communism, a blind fanatic. He believe, because of Communism, everyone will have big spirit and work harder.

Mao's killing started very early. His Jiangxi AB purge is basically kill and kill. Later, his land reform is kill and rape. 土改时发动流氓打砸抢,地主女家眷惨遭强奸,比印度更甚。

Communist is basically a gangster party. Now party officials even have 100 mistress.

看来“文化大革命顺利结束” (华国锋说的),中国人已经丢掉文化,以杀人为荣,以说谎为荣,会反省罪恶的是无知。







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Mao's killing started very early. His Jiangxi AB purge is basically kill and kill. Later, his land reform is kill and rape. 土改时发动流氓打砸抢,地主女家眷惨遭强奸,比印度更甚。

Communist is basically a gangster party. Now party officials even have 100 mistress.
Damn i want in.
Mao's killing started very early. His Jiangxi AB purge is basically kill and kill. Later, his land reform is kill and rape. 土改时发动流氓打砸抢,地主女家眷惨遭强奸,比印度更甚。

Communist is basically a gangster party. Now party officials even have 100 mistress.

Do you have any proof?

Don't just run with your mouth.
Damn i want in.
These Banana-Chinese 懂个锤子! 真以为自己能代表13亿大陆人。喝洋墨水听路边消息,就以为自己读懂大陆。My city population more than their whole citizens.

These Banana-Chinese 懂个锤子! 真以为自己能代表13亿大陆人。喝洋墨水听路边消息,就以为自己读懂大陆。



看到了吧?这群汉奸除了特别会给别人扣"毛左"或 "文革余孽"的帽子之外,还和境外的反华势力互相配合的攻击土共。

Do you have any proof?

Don't just run with your mouth.

Rethinking China in the 1950s - Google Books

Gender and Agrarian Reforms - Susie Jacobs - Google Books

Its easy to find communist rape women in 1950 land reform. Its even far easier to find gangsterism in 1950 land reform.Both Chinese sources or western sources.

Go and do your research and don rely on me. If Chinese do not repent, they have no moral grounds against Indians.

What if a few Hindus come and read this thread, the time Chinese mock them for rape, they will now have resources of our dirty linens.

Look PRC guys, I do not want to argue too much because I have expose too much of our dirty linens. You Chinese I "Chinese" (whatever you want to call me), I have all secrets and dirty works of Chinese.
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