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Many in Bangladesh now see India validating two-nation theory and abjuring secularism

it’s not Islamic state but Islam is the state religion where all region has equal right, only on paper.

In reality as well!! See the Hindus of Bangladesh how prosperous they are. 1/4th of civil servant are Hindus, a big percentage of policy makers as well. This is not the case in India where minorities are marginalized day by day!

Dude, Monarchies cannot be based on Sharia as a default. There is no concept of a Shura in SA. In sharia, the head of the state can choose a leader but it is still confirmed by the shura. There is no shura in SA, the king has the ultimate say.

Iran has a constitution and as you know the Quran serves as the constitution in a country with Sharia. So it does not follow sharia. In an Islamic government, the rule of law is determined by Allah and his messenger (PBUH) not a parliament.

Saudi monarch is does many things which are against Islam. I am talking about legal system which is based on Shaira.
The discussion ended before you even spoke. You don't understand sharia or Islam. Islam is not like your fake religion, there are many intricate details and you cannot just make up laws willy nilly. Buddha himself was an atheist anyways.

Same as in India. Actually worse in India, Dont you guys count the jains, sikhs and buddists part of hindus?
Tell me how many people were killed in the name of Buddhism? Or how many nation's did we invade in the name of our religion. Or how many holy wars we initiated?
Same as in India. Actually worse in India, Dont you guys count the jains, sikhs and buddists part of hindus?
In Pakistan it is far worse then I thought, all Hindus, Sikhs and Christains are clubbed as Non Muslims as if Mulsims are the sole object.

Last week I was reading a article `Religious discrimination harms Pakistan, defies Quaid`s vision`, url address is given below
The articles states "It recalled that Satya Prakash Singha, leader of the then Punjab Christian League, became the first Speaker of the Punjab Assembly after independence, because he had supported the creation of Pakistan."

But he resigned the next day after an editor wrote in the biggest Urdu-language newspaper that he never imagined that a non-Muslim would occupy that office in Pakistan. And his resignation was accepted instantly.

Then there is the sad story of Dr Abdus Salam, Pakistan`s first Nobel Prize winner. Pakistan did not acknowledge the honour until India did, and Indian Prime Minister IndraGandhlinvited him and greeted him by touching his feet.

Read the article
Tell me how many people were killed in the name of Buddhism? Or how many nation's did we invade in the name of our religion. Or how many holy wars we initiated?

Let’s see Buddhist majority Burma killing minorities and burning down villages, raping women and throwing innocent children into a burning pit. You want to know more dirty Buddhist.
Tell me how many people were killed in the name of Buddhism? Or how many nation's did we invade in the name of our religion. Or how many holy wars we initiated?

Look at your next door neighbor Myanmar and Sri Lanka for example. What Japan did during Second World War. Don’t try to pretend you lot are angel.
Why did you say that in your other comment and now you are back peddling?

In fact, there are No countries with Islam as their state religion and there are no countries that have introduced sharia law. So either you are very stupid or a big lair.

You mentioned countries that don't allow you to celebrate Chrismas, Again I want to ask you do these countries have sharia as their basis or British common law or some monarchies that make their own laws?

Which countries out of the ones you have mentioned don't allow you to build temples or churches. Name one country and we can discuss it. Otherwise, do not paint Muslims with a fat brush because it can be done with Buddhism too.

Either way, your comment is immature. Two wrongs don't make a right. Nehru had a vision of India or at least that is what he used to hoodwink the minorities within India to join the "Hindu Union". That is the whole point of the article, that the two-nation theory was proven right. Not the shit that you or nehru was talking about.
He is an Indian too ashamed to show his flags
They were all Pakistani citizens. Does it matter that they were Hindus?

Yes, all refugees in India during 1971 India Pakistan war were Hindus. Around 90% of them. Hindus were not in favor of creation of Pakistan and were choosing a party with secession agenda and were harming that country. And 10% were Mukti Banhini mainly Muslims. Things were normal among Bangladeshis (Muslims) in Bangladesh and Chakma people of CHT. Though some Bangladeshis with extreme cocky feeling waged Guerilla warfare in BD. But it wasnt enough to dismember East Pakistan from Pakistan. India with its diplomatic channels, blocking sea and air routes to Pakistan and through many covert operations throughout whole 1971 and 13 day war could create the country named as BD. Then those Hindus mostly returned. And 10% Muslims also returned but with many other Muslims from India and with many converted Hindu wives too. Aftermath of this whole debacle is. BD is indebted to India forever wrongly. Claiming BD wasnt independent before and India made it independent. As if they werent independent in Pakistan. It maybe the Hindus feelings. And India want to send the Muslims of Indian Eastern parts to BD, claiming they were refugees of 1971. Which is wrong. Hindus were mostly the refugees of 1971. And the constitution created in India for BD is also harmful. When BDs think of 1971, they think as Hindus, they talk as Hindus, they work as Hindus. These are all harmful for BD and self destructive for BD people.
Yes, all refugees in India during 1971 India Pakistan war were Hindus. Around 90% of them. Hindus were not in favor of creation of Pakistan and were choosing a party with secession agenda and were harming that country. And 10% were Mukti Banhini mainly Muslims. Things were normal among Bangladeshis (Muslims) in Bangladesh and Chakma people of CHT. Though some Bangladeshis with extreme cocky feeling waged Guerilla warfare in BD. But it wasnt enough to dismember East Pakistan from Pakistan. India with its diplomatic channels, blocking sea and air routes to Pakistan and through many covert operations throughout whole 1971 and 13 day war could create the country named as BD. Then those Hindus mostly returned. And 10% Muslims also returned but with many other Muslims from India and with many converted Hindu wives too. Aftermath of this whole debacle is. BD is indebted to India forever wrongly. Claiming BD wasnt independent before and India made it independent. As if they werent independent in Pakistan. It maybe the Hindus feelings. And India want to send the Muslims of Indian Eastern parts to BD, claiming they were refugees of 1971. Which is wrong. Hindus were mostly the refugees of 1971. And the constitution created in India for BD is also harmful. When BDs think of 1971, they think as Hindus, they talk as Hindus, they work as Hindus. These are all harmful for BD and self destructive for BD people.

This what I said in my post number 41.

Most were Hindus. Even now, most of the separatist sentiment in Sindh province of Pakistan are driven by Hindus. They form the core of all separatist parties in Sindh.

Even though Bangladesh did become independent. It will forever live under the shadows of India. India will always manipulate and interfere in Bangladesh. If Bangladeshis did start to go against India, they will forever be reminded of Indian help and bullied.
In reality as well!! See the Hindus of Bangladesh how prosperous they are. 1/4th of civil servant are Hindus, a big percentage of policy makers as well. This is not the case in India where minorities are marginalized day by day!.
According to you,minorites are marginalized only in India day by day. What about the gruesome attack on foreginers at the Holey Artisan Bakery. Twenty hostages were killed in the siege including a Indian teenager.
Many Bangladeshis from Great Britain have joined ISIS and other extremist.


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