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Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

Kill minorities in riots and blame muslims for the terror acts perpetrated by hindus supress sentiments of people in kashmir northeast and of tribals through rapes plunder murder by forces and then wonder why people revolt in india.

then wonder why people fly to karachi(like you)....?

inplace of pocking you nose here and there better you keep reading your daily propoganda news articles and be happy....
then wonder why people fly to karachi(like you)....?

inplace of pocking you nose here and there better you keep reading your daily propoganda news articles and be happy....
Propaganda is wat india does better by saying that kids were paid to pelt stones in kashmir or like blaming muslims for the terror acts perpetrated by hindus.
It is a common practice in India to pick up suspects from minority community and brand them terrorist..it serves the whole purpose of keeping minorities subdued through fear. I know many Indian who keep their investments and saving outside India..live in middle east or Malaysia and keep their visits to "motherland" very low profile.

Actually i don't deny the mistakes happening. But there are lot of states where there is lot of sympathy for Muslims and some politicians come openly and support them. Just that these specific mistakes are highlighted more. Muslims are there everywhere in our country and it is impossible for departments to have a high level strategy like that.
Thanks. I almost forgot. I have to rush out on the streets to complete my quota of killing 2 muslims, 1 christian, 1 sikh, and then I have to catch a plane to a neighbouring country to plant a bomb there. After that I have a meeting with mosad, CIA. Then, I will move to canada disquised as a "khalistan" terrorist by the evening.

I am a state-sponsored "hindutva" terrorist/RAW/**nist and I am getting salary according to 6th pay commission.

My uniform is saffron trousers and saffron shirt. (Good camouflage uh)

Nowadays campus interviews are conducted to recruit "hindutva" terrorists by TCS, INFOSYS, WIPRO. These are the companies headed by RSS. (anybody interested?)

Hey guys, please help me complete my quota. Otherwise, I will be fired from my job.


I am sure you will complete your quota. I have full faith in your abilities. Don't worry you won't be fired from your job. By the way I have an idea. let's steal a couple of brahmos cruise missiles from the army and launch them on the so called kashmiri freedom fighters training in ***. By doing this you will be completing your yearly quota in advance. Then no need to hunt for muslims everyday. Your boss will be pleased with you and you will get promoted. Then you can request your boss to give you a months holiday to go on a world tour. I will help you in all of this if you pay me a little and take me along with you on a world tour, do you agree?:azn:
( p.s. I have already done some setting with Indian army officers, so don't worry. sab kuch hoga plan ke mutabik)
He is foreign Indian terrorists who is involved in blasts and killings people in another country.

Whereas Indian law enforcers are nabbing own Indians and harrassing them for any incident in India

LOL. Indian law enforcers do that because they do not want to increase the workload of American drones and soldiers as they are already working overtime in pakistan. It is in our strategic interest to ensure that the Americans do not get exhausted.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And those Indians are ISI-sponsored terrorists posing as hindutva terrorists

you should be thankful to Indian law enforcers because according to you Indian terrorists are killing people in pakistan right? so by arresting "Indian terrorists" (many of those arrested have connections with terrorists in pakistan or are terrorists themselves) Indian law enforcers are helping pakistan. see how much we care for pakistan that we don't hesitate to arrest our own people. see how much US cares for pakistan that despite its economic woes it is sending drones and bombing some areas of pakistan to eliminate terrorists. Actually India and the US have resolved to make pakistan free of terrorists. It is in the strategic Interest of US and India to have a strong, friendly, terrorist-free, economically prosperous pakistan, I REALLY MEAN THAT and MAA KASAM hum honge kaamyaab, hum honge kaamyaab, hum honge kaamyaab ek din... ho ho man mein hai vishwas, poora hai vishwas, hum honge kaamyaab ek din.
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New Delhi, Jan 14: Swami Aseemanand has opened Pandora's box of troubles for the RSS and other Hindutva elements. His explosive rhetoric caused a flurry among right wing supporters after naming some key RSS leaders in the various blast cases that rocked India.

Buzz up!There are more controversies in Aseemanand's kitty after a private television channel aired a copy of a letter written by him to the Presidents of both India and Pakistan. He had written the letter on December 20, 2010 and had confessed to his involvement on the crimes committed. He had also revealed that his change of heart was because of a Muslim boy who was falsely implicated in the Malegaon blast and is jailed. The Malegaon was found to be the handiwork of Hindu extremists, according to confessions by Aseemanand.

The letter was apparently sent to Aseemanand's brother who was asked to forward them to both President's. But his brother did not send them to the President's offices. The letter now becomes crucial evidence after it was found by investigative agencies.

This has proved that Swami Aseemanand had not given out the explicit details under pressure from any parties or investigative agencies. Aseemanand's confession had caused major embarrassment to right wing groups and the CBI recorded his confessions on December 18, 2010

I sometime feel ashmed to be called Indian because of these people.

Its simple "Term Indian Muslim youth a terrorist and kill them"

This has been happening for last 60 yrs.... killing Muslim and baring them from development and equal gorwth.
Can anyone tell me what is the percentage of Indian muslim growth after independence.I think its -100%
New Delhi, Jan 14: Swami Aseemanand has opened Pandora's box of troubles for the RSS and other Hindutva elements. His explosive rhetoric caused a flurry among right wing supporters after naming some key RSS leaders in the various blast cases that rocked India.

Buzz up!There are more controversies in Aseemanand's kitty after a private television channel aired a copy of a letter written by him to the Presidents of both India and Pakistan. He had written the letter on December 20, 2010 and had confessed to his involvement on the crimes committed. He had also revealed that his change of heart was because of a Muslim boy who was falsely implicated in the Malegaon blast and is jailed. The Malegaon was found to be the handiwork of Hindu extremists, according to confessions by Aseemanand.

The letter was apparently sent to Aseemanand's brother who was asked to forward them to both President's. But his brother did not send them to the President's offices. The letter now becomes crucial evidence after it was found by investigative agencies.

This has proved that Swami Aseemanand had not given out the explicit details under pressure from any parties or investigative agencies. Aseemanand's confession had caused major embarrassment to right wing groups and the CBI recorded his confessions on December 18, 2010

I sometime feel ashmed to be called Indian because of these people.

Its simple "Term Indian Muslim youth a terrorist and kill them"

This has been happening for last 60 yrs.... killing Muslim and baring them from development and equal gorwth.
Can anyone tell me what is the percentage of Indian muslim growth after independence.I think its -100%

Terrorism has no religion. if the malegaon blasts have been conducted by "Hindu terrorists" then strong action should be taken against them. No one should be falsely implicated whether a muslim, hindu or a person of any religion. But unfortunately such mistakes occur for various reasons. These incidents dent our country's image and are a cause of shame.
Propaganda is wat india does better by saying that kids were paid to pelt stones in kashmir or like blaming muslims for the terror acts perpetrated by hindus.

The same kids are also queing up to be police officers. This proves that if you give them steady employment they wont throw stones!!!!!
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