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Manufacturing 'terrorists' the Indian way

resent ex. saberjit singh who held as innocent by his family and pak. human right com. but by GOP & Sequrity a tererist.
I know the writer. those Indians who are giving comments without reading the stuff need to know that its reality. for almost every blast or incident, the Indians Muslims are doubted and in many cases being harassed, arrested, tortured.
The reason for it? Well everybody know that.
Atleast U dont have the right to talk about them.
@ jana isnt also happen in pakistan when some blast happen hindu minority guys r picked up by force 4 connection with raW

No our police picks alot of innocent Pakistani Non-Hindus to link up with extremists.
resent ex. saberjit singh who held as innocent by his family and pak. human right com. but by GOP & Sequrity a tererist.

Sarbajit Singh wasn't made to sign on blank papers to extract a confession, he gave an interview and accepted the charges.
resent ex. saberjit singh who held as innocent by his family and pak. human right com. but by GOP & Sequrity a tererist.

You are linking up an Indian terrorists with your own people??

There is a big difference between picking up a foreigner and harrassing your own people.

Our police also do the same as your Indian law encforcing agencies are doing. The only difference is that our police is doing it out of their lack of effeciancy whereas Indian law enforcers are doing it out of hate for Muslims
Sarbajit Singh wasn't made to sign on blank papers to extract a confession, he gave an interview and accepted the charges.

He is foreign Indian terrorists who is involved in blasts and killings people in another country.

Whereas Indian law enforcers are nabbing own Indians and harrassing them for any incident in India
They are pathetic as pathetic as Indian police or any other pathetic police. We dont twist words when it comes to genuin criticism

I believe the police has really matured as a force and have contributed quite positively in the WoT.
This is a kind of collateral damage that muslim society is facing in india. do you know that out of around 3500 muslims arrested under pota, 1/3rd had direct connection with various terrorist activities. When all the rest were released when pota was scrapped many of them were arrested later in involvement in terrorist activities.
So you can say that out of 3500 people around 1500 people were involved in terror activities.
These 2000 people have to pay the price for 1500 people.
So we can say that to arrest 1500 terrorists we did a collateral damage of 2000 people, which is not bad at all. Considering the fact that these 1500 people would have killed thousands later.
Our security agencies did a fairly good job.
There are so many NGOs working hard to safeguard human rights of terrorists, Maoist and militants of all kinds.

But I've never met any NGO who visits the families of terror victims who are killed bomb blast to sympathize and more so the injured one some of who have brain injuries, burst eardrums, lost eye sight ,missing limbs .... going through hell everyday just to survive and dream of leading a normal life.
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