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Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’

Can you please get your head out of your backside, why are you people so stuck in your fantasies.

I gave you pointed arguments based on facts, you are just repeating stupid lies like a parrot. Stop being a ignorant TROLL and grow up.

There was no Indian state before 1947, so the question of separation does not arise.

Even today India is not a nation, it has dozens of nations.
India still does not have a national language.

Different ethnic groups follow
different Gods,
have different festivals,
speak different languages,
have different cultural traditions,
look different from each other > you refer to South Indians as KALIAS, North East Indians as Chinese, West Bengalis as Bangladeshi's
Hindus hate Sikhs, Muslims and Christians
Sikhs hate Hindus (they used to hate Muslims, but no longer)
Christians seem to hate Muslims openly and Hindus quietly (I know this from personal experience)
Indian Muslims are just sh.t scared of all you, because they just want to be good little servants

You do not have a nation, even now.

Jinnah wanted separate nation for muslims, he got it . Not all muslims went to muslim nation pakistan , hindus allowed muslims to live in india even after partition on basis of religion . Hindus never wanted muslims to go away , hindus never demanded separate land for themselves , this is secularism of hindus that even after largescale violence in pakistan hindu heartland of UP, Bihar, MP , Orissa, remained calm and never forced muslims of hindu heartland to leave india .
India still does not have a national language.

Well, what should have been done decades ago is that English should have been the national language and all regional scripts should have been written in English just like the scripts of Indonesia and Philippines. Such would have done a lot to calm down regional quarrels and would also have evolved Indians a bit more. In any case English is the de facto language of technology, trade, culture and geopolitics.

You do not have a nation, even now.

"Nation" is anyway an artificial construct.
You don't sound like a Muslim Rajput,state your clan.
Direct descendant of prithviraj chauhan .
Bachgoti Chauhan muslim rajput of sultanpur Uttar Pradesh my elders related to raja of hasanpur state of bachgoti muslim rajpoot in sultanpur , mazrooh sultanpuri is from the same clan of bachgoti chauhan rajpoots .rashid latif famous cricketer belongs to angnakol village of sultanpur .
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Direct descendant of prithviraj chauhan .
Bachgoti Chauhan muslim rajput of sultanpur UP my elders related to raja of hasanpur state of bachgoti muslim rajpoot in sultanpur , mazrooh sultanpuri is from the same clan of bachgoti chauhan rajpoots .rashid latif famous cricketer belongs to angnakol village of sultanpur .
Do you think your forefathers made a mistake? or do you actually think the 'light of truth' shone on them?
If I look at converted individual or country today, I don't see ANYTHING better in them even though they have supposedly embraced the PERFECT school of thought. I see people brainwashed to a point of no-return. In fact, its beyond brainwashing. Its a different mental paradigm.
Do you think your forefathers made a mistake? or do you actually think the 'light of truth' shone on them?
If I look at converted individual or country today, I don't see ANYTHING better in them even though they have supposedly embraced the PERFECT school of thought. I see people brainwashed to a point of no-return. In fact, its beyond brainwashing. Its a different mental paradigm.

For all practical purposes i consider religion as opium . I detest extreme religion .

This is what my elders tell about history

Fate of forefathers made us muslim , our warrior forefathers fought on side of Ibrahim lodi against babar in first war of panipat , after loss of indian side babar won , elder branch of our clan became muslim just to save other hindu chauhan branches which had small principalities of chauhan clans in sultanpur . we still have 75 percent hindus from our chauhan clan in sultanpur ,we are dominant community of rajputs in east uttar pradesh.
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Forget hindus and sikhs they were forced to leave by violence , they reduced from 28 percent to 1.8 percent . Talk about bangalis they were muslim brothers they could not live with you for 20 years .

About 7.5 Million Muslims were forced to leave by violence, from India to Pakistan, post-1947, whether by Sikhs or Hindus. Answer that and then we can discuss other issues, as well.
It can be staged indeed but I must tell you that many Indian Muslims of the last 20 years have becoming fake-pious, whether in 10-year-old boys shouting TLP-like "Ghustaq-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda" or like I have seen in my neighborhood, some males wearing the Arabic dress Thawb to make themselves more Muslim than the Arab Muslims or India having become the largest burqa wearing country in the world or the mosques filling up like never before or do three hajjs within five years and such things, while they tolerate or in fact rear five dogs on their street ( in contrast to the cats of the early Muslims including the first one ) and take up MBA degrees and become interest-based-economics-based loan sharks and real estate magnates and do other such things. Indian Muslims have changed bhai. Twenty years of the TJ's brainwashing and "Sar tan se juda". Fake piousness, fake Islamicness. :( So I won't be surprised if the picture is true.

I am logging-off. Please leave your reply and I will reply tomorrow.

Piousness and piety are unfathomable, there is more to it than what meets the eye, yes I have observed that there is a humongous amount of more muslim women wearing Burqas in India than in Pakistan, something to do with their lower middle class, more to do with it like surrounded by hostile forces, a renaissance of Hinduism?? as a mere 5-8% of Indian muslims can be classified as middle to middle upper, the upper middle could be much less...

And it is proved that marginalization leads to radicalization, the radicalization, the renaissance of Hindutva in India has also risen the extreme Islamic values and vice versa, or call it fundamentalist Islam, misquoted and is a misnomer seems as though. There is only one Islam truly...

So this change and radicalization has much to do with the radicalization of the majority religion of India, the rise of Hindutva, all sorts of Sangh's and Senas, with Hindu khatre mein haeen is resulting in muslim khatre mein haeen vibes...
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About 7.5 Million Muslims were forced to leave by violence, from India to Pakistan, post-1947, whether by Sikhs or Hindus. Answer that and then we can discuss other issues, as well.
Muslims demanded pakistan , they got it. Many went , no hindu told them to demand a separate land , nobody told them to leave india , hindus even allowed to return those muslims who made mistake of going to pakistan .
This picture is from news paper telegraph. Do you think reporter staged the picture?

Sanghis never fail to prove how stupid they are. In the article he posted, just below the picture, it is clearly stated:
"Representational file picture"

No wonder India is going down the drain when we have such stupid people voting in Yogi, Modi and other mass murderers.
Muslims demanded pakistan , they got it. Many went , no hindu told them to demand a separate land , nobody told them to leave india , hindus even allowed to return those muslims who made mistake of going to pakistan .

Better read the "Partition Plan", announced by Mountbatten, and consequent "Indian Independence Act 1947", promulgated by British Parliament. There was no provision, whatsoever, for transfer of population. Pakistan came into being, fundamentally, by the resolutions passed by the Bengal Assembly, Punjab Assembly and Sindh Assembly, and, thereupon, the referendums held in NWFP, and Sylhet. British colonial conglomerate, which they created, by capturing different lands of Subcontinent, from different rulers, and which they named as "British India", was relinquished, in authority, to India and Pakistan. There was no India, as a state, when British came and occupied this region. Period. Come out of your "Hindutvadi" psyche.
Piousness and piety is unfathomable, there is more to it than what meets the eye, yes I have observed that there is a humongous amount of more muslim women wearing Burqas in India than in Pakistan, something to do with their lower middle classness, more to do with it like surrounded by hostile forces, a renaissance of Hindusim?? as a mere 5-8% to Indian muslims can be classified as middle to middle upper, the upper middle could be much less...

And it is proved that marginalization leads to radicalization, the radicalization, the renaissance of Hindutva in India has also risen the extreme Islamic values and vice versa, or call it fundamentalist Islam, misquoted and is a misnomer seems as though. There is only one Islam truly...

So this change and radicalization has much to do with the radicalization of the majority religion of India, the rise of Hindutva, all sorts of Sangh's and Senas, with Hindu khatre mein haeen is resulting in muslim khatre mein haeen vibes...

I think the right-radicalization of Indian Muslims ( as opposed to left-radicalization among Muslims in previous decades ) might have two reasons : (a). As you said, a reaction to the mass Hindutvization among the majority community which brought a closing-of-ranks among the Muslims, (b). The preaching of the Tablighi Jamaat.
Better read the "Partition Plan", announced by Mountbatten, and consequent "Indian Independence Act 1947", promulgated by British Parliament. There was no provision, whatsoever, for transfer of population. Pakistan came into being, fundamentally, by the resolutions passed by the Bengal Assembly, Punjab Assembly and Sindh Assembly, and, thereupon, the referendums held in NWFP, and Sylhet. British colonial conglomerate, which they created, by capturing different lands of Subcontinent, from different rulers, and which they named as "British India", was relinquished, in authority, to India and Pakistan. There was no India, as a state, when British came and occupied this region. Period. Come out of your "Hindutvadi" psyche.

Don't know you have gone through this...very erudite reply by Javed Jabbar.

For all practical purposes i consider religion as opium . I detest extreme religion .

This is what my elders tell about history

Fate of forefathers made us muslim , our warrior forefathers fought on side of Ibrahim lodi against babar in first war of panipat , after loss of indian side babar won , elder branch of our clan became muslim just to save other hindu chauhan branches which had small principalities of chauhan clans in sultanpur . we still have 75 percent hindus from our chauhan clan in sultanpur ,we are dominant community of rajputs in east uttar pradesh.
Its good to see that you bluntly stated that it just happened instead of the usual crap that 'we embraced the perfect one and left the filthy one'
If ur clan became muslim to save other hindu clan, it may have been a need of that time. That time is long gone. Temporarily we all have to wear different chogas ("when in rome behave like romans do"). Formal wear in offices, casual wear in homes, traditional wear during festivals etc. But, once the need is gone, the original self takes over. And rightly so. Better to be original self.
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