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Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’


Such public prayers, showy way of showing piety, are not good.
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This clearly looks staged and made to look like one, where are the seniors, the Imam and others. Kids can be coerced and baited with lollypops..

It can be staged indeed but I must tell you that many Indian Muslims of the last 20 years have becoming fake-pious, whether in 10-year-old boys shouting TLP-like "Ghustaq-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda" or like I have seen in my neighborhood, some males wearing the Arabic dress Thawb to make themselves more Muslim than the Arab Muslims or India having become the largest burqa wearing country in the world or the mosques filling up like never before or do three hajjs within five years and such things, while they tolerate or in fact rear five dogs on their street ( in contrast to the cats of the early Muslims including the first one ) and take up MBA degrees and become interest-based-economics-based loan sharks and real estate magnates and do other such things. Indian Muslims have changed bhai. Twenty years of the TJ's brainwashing and "Sar tan se juda". Fake piousness, fake Islamicness. :( So I won't be surprised if the picture is true.

I am logging-off. Please leave your reply and I will reply tomorrow.
Muslims ruled hindus by their islamic laws ,muslims divided india got their own muslim lands . hindus are better that they allowed muslims to live in their part of land allotted to them , they are giving equal rights to all provided by secular constitution of india.
A Pakistani muslim can not understand how good hindus of india are (barring few religious zealots hindu and muslim both ). Indian muslims can't hate hindus , even after jinnah and muslims got their lands , hindus allowed muslims to live honorably in their part of divided india . Gave muslims respect and equal citizen status . Indian muslims know this fact very well that pakistanis are not friend of indian muslims , you just want widening of division among indians .
If muslims acknowledged that simple fact, half problems will disappear within India as well as between India & Pak.

But, fact of the matter is, they dont. In Pakistan, they will say, we chose islam, this is our land. In India, they will say, we opted for India, this is our land.

Larger truth is, islam came from outside and usurped unislamic dharmic land. It is not a natural or divinely ordained thing to happen but well-planned expansion of abrahamic religions.

Another larger truth is, Hinduism is secular (inclusive) by default. It considers various ideologies to be different paths to the same destination. Whether India becomes officially a 'Hindu Rashtra' or not, India will remain secular as long as Hindus remain majority.
Pakistan, otoh, will be islamic irrespective of whether it officially becomes a "secular" state or not. Thats because, islam considers it as the 'only one' in many ways.

Officially, the constitution can say anything. Things on the ground is decided by the character of the people, kind of ideology they follow, how exclusive or inclusive they are in their mind, in their behavior, in their belief.

Indic religions and Abrahamic religions are fundamentally different & incompatible. But if anyone thinks that Indic will not retaliate even when push comes to shove, he will be proven wrong.

As always, Sanghis lie and this is no exception. This was a staged picture.

If muslims acknowledged that simple fact, half problems will disappear within India as well as between India & Pak.

But, fact of the matter is, they dont. In Pakistan, they will say, we chose islam, this is our land. In India, they will say, we opted for India, this is our land.

Larger truth is, islam came from outside and usurped unislamic dharmic land. It is not a natural or divinely ordained thing to happen but well-planned expansion of abrahamic religions.

Another larger truth is, Hinduism is secular (inclusive) by default. It considers various ideologies to be different paths to the same destination. Whether India becomes officially a 'Hindu Rashtra' or not, India will remain secular as long as Hindus remain majority.
Pakistan, otoh, will be islamic irrespective of whether it officially becomes a "secular" state or not. Thats because, islam considers it as the 'only one' in many ways.

Officially, the constitution can say anything. Things on the ground is decided by the character of the people, kind of ideology they follow, how exclusive or inclusive they are in their mind, in their behavior, in their belief.

Indic religions and Abrahamic religions are fundamentally different & incompatible. But if anyone thinks that Indic will not retaliate even when push comes to shove, he will be proven wrong.

People write crap like this only when they are high on gow mutra.....Hinduism is so secular that only dalits can do manual scavenging....never seen a Brahmin do it.
Such public prayers, showy way of showing piety, are not good.

I was a civil engineer in moradabad in 2003 to 2008 , i was widening roads in moradabad uttar pradesh , in muslim areas roads were blocked because of agitation against america perhaps for Iraq or Iran , effigy of american president was burnt for many days , road was blocked in muslim areas , we worked on roads in other areas but in muslim areas even young boys came and stopped works on roads .this is how muslims act against even infrastructure projects .
This clearly looks staged and made to look like one, where are the seniors, the Imam and others. Kids can be coerced and baited with lollypops..
Even young boys can stop construction of roads in muslim areas because muslims are demonstrating against america or france.
This clearly looks staged and made to look like one, where are the seniors, the Imam and others. Kids can be coerced and baited with lollypops..
Who staged this namaz ?
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I was a civil engineer in moradabad in 2003 to 2008 , i was widening roads in moradabad uttar pradesh , in muslim areas roads were blocked because of agitation against america perhaps for Iraq or Iran , effigy of american president was burnt for many days , road was blocked in muslim areas , we worked on roads in other areas but in muslim areas even young boys came and stopped works on roads .this is how muslims act against even infrastructure projects .

MashaAllah...civil engineer in UP. Oopar ki kamaayi bahut hogi.
A Pakistani muslim can not understand how good hindus of india are (barring few religious zealots hindu and muslim both ). Indian muslims can't hate hindus , even after jinnah and muslims got their lands , hindus allowed muslims to live honorably in their part of divided india . Gave muslims respect and equal citizen status . Indian muslims know this fact very well that pakistanis are not friend of indian muslims , you just want widening of division among indians .

I have to say this is an idiotic reply, it is stupid beyond belief.

You do not know anything about me, and yet you continue to label me and make assumptions on something I have not said.

I challenged you on your previous statement, rather then provide valid reasoned arguments to back your statement, you prefer to point fingers and throw accusations, that's childish, please grow up, and stop behaving like an ugly troll.

There is no "Muslims got their land", you fool. Because there was no India, and no-ones f..ing father gave me my Pakistan, where do you people get these fantasies from?

Pakistan gained its independence in 1947 from the British, just like India, there was no India before 1947, except the British colony of India, not a country of India, how is that so hard to understand.

Why do you people have to create fantasies and lies? why?
Do the facts hurt so much?
Is it so hard to be an Indian without relying on silly fantasies? is it?

Hindus did not allow anything.
A Muslim citizen of India is on his/her land, it does not belong to any Hindu, it is theirs as much as other citizens of India.

Bihar belongs to Bihari Hindus AND Muslims, it is their ancestral land.
Kerala belongs to Hindus AND Muslims and Christians, it is their ancestral land.
West Bengal belongs to Hindus AND Muslims, it is their ancestral land.

Links to the land, its history, its ownership and everything else runs through the blood. How is that hard to understand.

By your logic if a white guy converts to Hinduism and moves to Kerala, he has more rights to that land then a Muslim with deep roots to that land, please make some sense, because your logic is idiotic.

Regarding secularism and Muslim rights & protection, you must be dreaming if you think those things exist in India.
India has had thousands of riots killing every minority group in the thousands and tens of thousands. That you call protection.

There was a Gujarat riot 20 years ago, killing thousands of Muslims, people forget there have been many many more riots, just in Gujarat, including an exact copy back in 1969, thousands also were murdered by the Hindu majority.

The representation of Muslims in all government departments ranges from 1% to 4%.
The average representation of Muslims in parliament, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and state assemblies has always been around 4%, that you call representation, shame on you.
Muslims make up 15% of population.

India has passed many religious laws, is that secular?
Funds collected in Hindu temples are administered by the Indian state, is that secular?
Indian supreme court has passed numerous judgements on religious matters, including one where it stupidly declared back in 1994 that a mosque is not part of Islam, that judgement came from pure inbuilt hate towards Muslims.

What is a secular government, parliament and judiciary doing dealing with religious matters?

Is that secular?
India is not secular, nor does it grant basic rights to minorities, especially Muslims.

Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community.
Written by Pavneet Singh Chadha | Gurgaon |
Updated: December 10, 2021 9:38:30 pm
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar (File)
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Friday said that namaz should not be offered in the open and the practice “will not be tolerated”, adding that an earlier decision where some sites had been reserved for the purpose had been withdrawn.
Asked about Friday prayers being disrupted in Gurgaon over the past few weeks, Khattar said: “We have told the police and the Deputy Commissioner that this issue has to be resolved. To resolve it, everyone offers prayers at their own place, someone offers namaz, someone does paath, someone does puja, we have no issue with that. And religious places are built for these purposes only so that prayers are offered there. Such practises should not take place in the open, this practice of offering namaz prayers here in the open, this will not be tolerated.”
The Chief Minister was speaking after chairing a meeting of the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) at PWD rest house in Gurgaon.

Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community. “They have said that they have several places where they should be given permission. Some of their properties or those under Waqf board are encroached upon… how they can be made available to them is being discussed. Or they can offer prayers in their homes. Offering namaz in the open and this confrontation, we will not allow this confrontation to continue,” he said.

“A decision had been taken earlier after consultation, but that decision too where some spots had been reserved, we have withdrawn it. Now, talks will be conducted with a fresh approach again. Everyone should get the facility. No one’s rights should be infringed, but no one will be forced,” he said.
Hours earlier, while the Chief Minister’s meeting was on, some local residents and members of pro-Hindutva groups occupied the area outside the Sector 37 police station, which had been earmarked for namaz prayers.
They conducted a “condolence meet” to mourn the demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and other defence personnel who were killed in a helicopter crash on Wednesday.
Residents and members of various pro-Hindu organisations stage a protest against conducting Namaz (Friday prayers) in an open site at Sector 37, in Gurugram, Friday, Dec. 10, 2021.
(Express Photo By Amit Mehra )
Amid police deployment, the group parked trucks and vehicles at the ground, chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’. An argument ensued after a small group arrived to pray and the local residents — from Khandsa, Mohammadpur Jharsa, Begumpur Khatola and nearby villages — asked them to leave.
These groups had disrupted prayers at the designated sites earlier, too. They conducted a havan ceremony at sector 37 to mark the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, conducted Govardhan Puja in sector 12 A and left dung cakes behind, and showed up to play cricket and played bhajans through speakers in sector 47.
On Friday, prayers were disrupted by these groups at parks in sector 44 and sector 29, too. They included several people who had been arrested on October 29 for allegedly attempting to disrupt Friday prayers.


So they don't allow us to pray in our mosques, don't allow us to build new mosques, and now prevent us from praying.

This depraved society has no problem with lynching Muslims in the open.....no problem with defecating in the open....but a problem when a Muslim prays.

Let me be the first to say on this.....Jinnah was right!
Best way to counter them is to spread these news among Muslims nations populace, not just in Arab but also South-east Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. If upper caste don't let minorities live peacefully in India, they should not live peacefully in Islamic and Christian countries.
As always, Sanghis lie and this is no exception. This was a staged picture.

People write crap like this only when they are high on gow mutra.....Hinduism is so secular that only dalits can do manual scavenging....never seen a Brahmin do it.
This picture is from news paper telegraph. Do you think reporter staged the picture?

Best way to counter them is to spread these news among Muslims nations populace, not just in Arab but also South-east Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. If upper caste don't let minorities live peacefully in India, they should not live peacefully in Islamic and Christian countries.

Genius , your formula may work in few muslim countries where majority indian workers are muslims , few hindus who work on managerial posts are indispensable .

You want to send this message to christian countries so that european and americans should expell hindus from there ? What about your treatment of masihi , hindus and sikhs ? If christians of europe and america give you same treatment then where will pakistanis living in europe and america will go ? Pakistan ?
I have to say this is an idiotic reply, it is stupid beyond belief.

You do not know anything about me, and yet you continue to label me and make assumptions on something I have not said.

I challenged you on your previous statement, rather then provide valid reasoned arguments to back your statement, you prefer to point fingers and throw accusations, that's childish, please grow up, and stop behaving like an ugly troll.

There is no "Muslims got their land", you fool. Because there was no India, and no-ones f..ing father gave me my Pakistan, where do you people get these fantasies from?

Pakistan gained its independence in 1947 from the British, just like India, there was no India before 1947, except the British colony of India, not a country of India, how is that so hard to understand.

Why do you people have to create fantasies and lies? why?
Do the facts hurt so much?
Is it so hard to be an Indian without relying on silly fantasies? is it?

Hindus did not allow anything.
A Muslim citizen of India is on his/her land, it does not belong to any Hindu, it is theirs as much as other citizens of India.

Bihar belongs to Bihari Hindus AND Muslims, it is their ancestral land.
Kerala belongs to Hindus AND Muslims and Christians, it is their ancestral land.
West Bengal belongs to Hindus AND Muslims, it is their ancestral land.

Links to the land, its history, its ownership and everything else runs through the blood. How is that hard to understand.

By your logic if a white guy converts to Hinduism and moves to Kerala, he has more rights to that land then a Muslim with deep roots to that land, please make some sense, because your logic is idiotic.

Regarding secularism and Muslim rights & protection, you must be dreaming if you think those things exist in India.
India has had thousands of riots killing every minority group in the thousands and tens of thousands. That you call protection.

There was a Gujarat riot 20 years ago, killing thousands of Muslims, people forget there have been many many more riots, just in Gujarat, including an exact copy back in 1969, thousands also were murdered by the Hindu majority.

The representation of Muslims in all government departments ranges from 1% to 4%.
The average representation of Muslims in parliament, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and state assemblies has always been around 4%, that you call representation, shame on you.
Muslims make up 15% of population.

India has passed many religious laws, is that secular?
Funds collected in Hindu temples are administered by the Indian state, is that secular?
Indian supreme court has passed numerous judgements on religious matters, including one where it stupidly declared back in 1994 that a mosque is not part of Islam, that judgement came from pure inbuilt hate towards Muslims.

What is a secular government, parliament and judiciary doing dealing with religious matters?

Is that secular?
India is not secular, nor does it grant basic rights to minorities, especially Muslims.

Muslims demanded their separate land under leadership of jinnah , he said muslims can't live with hindus because of some theory which they called two nation theory . Muslims got their land . No hindu living among majority muslim area in present day pakistan wanted a separatev country for hindus , they were forced to leave for hindu lands in india . Even after so much blood shed hindus did not force muslims to go to east and west pakistan . Majority of hindus are secular and they allowed muslims full and equal citizenship rights in india .
My understanding is that Roadside praying don't need imam.
I am not from gurugram. I just did google search found those pictures
- No namaz happen without an imam
- I have friends in Gurgaon hence i asked the exact locations
- The road blocks are a possibility only during jumah and Eid namaz when mosques vicinity is small
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