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Manoeuvres make waves but in truth Chinese navy is a paper tiger

You wish for a war with your neighbours, just to prove a point to USA and the west?:crazy:

Who do you think the joke will be on, irrespective of the outcome? Say a Chinese victory, but a few chinese cities destroyed, hundreds of thousands killed and maimed, your economy taking a hit, cities and villages burning, all of which westerners will watch from their couch at home on CNN - and you think that's how to show them?

The best thing for China to do is what it is doing now - keep growing economically, improve living standards, improve the military. Hope for no wars. I really think this China threat is overrated - China has not shown any hegemonic ambitions or desire to conquer other countries, other than a few border disputes with neighbours. The only case in which a conflict can happen is if a very belligerent leadership rises to power in future.

Which is why India for example, while trying to have enough military power to defend against China in future, is mostly only worried about the threat from the other side. We know which are the unreasonable countries.

Wars in their technical sense provide a military with invaluable evaluation of their doctrine and also gives real combat data for their equipment, both of which are essential to success.
Look, either China is a threat or it is a not a threat, pick an option and stay with it.
Experience is quick to acquire and quick to lose, so it's not number1 problem

The only people who seem to have real difficulties to learn are arabs, it looks like they can't manage a battlefield even after years, always using the same tactics that makes them lose tanks

can you enlighten us on this more???
can you enlighten us on this more???
They set up very badly conceived defensive positions, attack in disorder without coordination and precise obkectives, or displace their tanks without cover, which makes them lose a lot of tanks

It's practically the same things since the beginning of the war.

Even i hate JEW USA army, you can see a big difference in the weapons/vehicles in 2003 and at the end of the war

The JEW USA FOBs in Afghanistan are now practically impossible to attack for insurgents. Why syrians don't do like them?
They set up very badly conceived defensive positions, attack in disorder without coordination and precise obkectives, or displace their tanks without cover, which makes them lose a lot of tanks

It's practically the same things since the beginning of the war.

Even i hate JEW USA army, you can see a big difference in the weapons/vehicles in 2003 and at the end of the war

The JEW USA FOBs in Afghanistan are now practically impossible to attack for insurgents. Why syrians don't do like them?

don't know what to say against your post,as if you're saying this about 6 day war,you've to remember that Israel got upperhand only due to some superior equipment and numerical advantage.there is no denying that their tactics were superior too,but if you study opponent's tactics,they too performed well.if you study Battle of Abu-Ageila,you'll find that massive loss of Egyptians due to their old equipment,tank like T-34(WW II vintage ones).plus,it was an Airborne Raid which turned the tide of war after Israeli Offensive bogged down.Egypt did whatever it could.but massive loss of their Airpower meant that they god hammered by IAF too.same thing can be said about Syria too in 1973,who mounted an wonderful night raid using their thermal vision equipped T-62.they actually breakthrough Israeli positions and gained much of Golan Heights but then for reason unknown,they retreated,not knowing how close they were to the victory.but their loss were heavy.
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