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Manmohan Singh to China's Wen Jiabao: Back off on South China Sea

Wen is a not the head of the Chinese. Instead, Singh should tell Hu Jintao: back off, you hear me? back off, now. Singh is barking to the wrong tree. You know what I am saying? Wen is premier. Not head of state.

Wen and Hu are Two different People , Man this confuses me a Lot
Keep pushing China??? you either comply or preppare to suffer consequencely...defy China is not an option..we can make you cry without tear: I bet if China peacefully invest more in water conservation project in Tibet, your gorvermement will have no choice but chose between oil or water...:lol:...

ok u block water, we get our water from streams flowing to ur friendly countries..and in return of ur water conservation we will start a sea way conservation in the mallaca straits..then we will see 1.3 billion beggars in china..
it won't take long for us the evil Chinese to push back India

China signs contract for Indian Ocean mining rights

China on Friday signed a long-expected contract, which has drawn much attention in Indian strategic circles, under which the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) will get exclusive rights to explore 10,000 square-km of seabed in the southwest Indian Ocean in an area off the coast of Africa, state media reported....

Eventually we will make Indian ocean to be renamed as Chinese Oean :lol:

The Hindu : News / National : China signs contract for Indian Ocean mining rights

ur a chinese dragon spitting sh!t instead of fire, and u spit it in truck loads..:rofl::rofl::agree:

Now get hold of a world map see the distance between african V/S indian coast and vietnam coast and chinese coast..and more over ur drilling in undisputed soverign property of a nation where as we are drilling in ur claimed territory , do u understand the difference here, by this we want to signal that dragon we care a F about u, now go F ur self shitty dragon..
Try to read this about Ganges...we chinese control 3% of it

The Ganges water diversion ... - M. Monirul Qader Mirza, Ema. Manirula Kdera Mirj - Google Books

REDIT : my bad we didn't control 3% of water but just see the river map..you will see all tributary rivers merge with Ganges

Sh!tty dragon u ur self acknowledged that u have put ur foot in ur mouth ..lets say even if u control 10% of ganga water in volumes..ok.now do u know indias utilization of ganges river in volume?? its will not even be 20% so it hardly matters if u control 5-10 % ganges water donno about bangladesh/pakistan cause u divert our waters we will surely manage it else where.but who on this bloody planet will give passage to ur cargo in indian controlled waters ?? We stop ur crude for 3 months and the japs will be ruling manchuria once again.
smile please.....

Did you see the title of the article on Times of India website itself?

This will be a faggoty article even if it would have been posted on New York Times.. it is the onus of the poster here to check or atleast read it fully before posting...

posting article is a right and with that comes responsibility also.......

Wen is a not the head of the Chinese. Instead, Singh should tell Hu Jintao: back off, you hear me? back off, now. Singh is barking to the wrong tree. You know what I am saying? Wen is premier. Not head of state.

He never said back off even implicitly... why the hell is the discussion for !!
ur a chinese dragon spitting sh!t instead of fire, and u spit it in truck loads..:rofl::rofl::agree:

Now get hold of a world map see the distance between african V/S indian coast and vietnam coast and chinese coast..and more over ur drilling in undisputed soverign property of a nation where as we are drilling in ur claimed territory , do u understand the difference here, by this we want to signal that dragon we care a F about u, now go F ur self shitty dragon..

that troll thinks that he scored a point there by citing that Indian Ocean link.... but the reality is that IQ d!ck gave us one more reason to venture out into South China Sea.. IN has one more example to cite now while venturing out into SCS in the garb of open rights to navigation and commercial reason..
This puzzles me... If this is, really the case, then why not do so!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it right now, why threat............

Because they are not Russians. They are Chinese.


You know what I am saying?

Did you know what you just said ? :lol: :lol:

p.s. Why the he*l you repeat the same question in each and every post of yours ? If you think that we already know what you say, then why you even bother to post here. :hitwall::hitwall:
While China is banking on the world more energy rich region of GCC, all Indians have got is the South China sea..good going!
Sh!tty dragon u ur self acknowledged that u have put ur foot in ur mouth ..lets say even if u control 10% of ganga water in volumes..ok.now do u know indias utilization of ganges river in volume?? its will not even be 20% so it hardly matters if u control 5-10 % ganges water donno about bangladesh/pakistan cause u divert our waters we will surely manage it else where.but who on this bloody planet will give passage to ur cargo in indian controlled waters ?? We stop ur crude for 3 months and the japs will be ruling manchuria once again.

You talk like Indian Navy is U.S Navy…PLAN will certainly want to taste Indian curry in Malacca straite and open another front in Tibet side..we shall se who shall prevail military, but with the initiative of blocking water, we will make 400+ billions Indians dehydration suffering without fire a single shot of course for the sake of few chinese merchant Ships.

Only inferior complex such Indians always bring up (invoke) others Nations (Japs, UN…why not Aliens) as arguments or moral backup…as 1962...noone come to rescue you...yes keep you dream alive to find your savor

you can't do squat and nor will it every happen. even with 4 wars with pakistan India never turned off the water supply. Why? because that guarantees a nuclear strike and mutual destruction. why? because if you starve off a country that is the ultimate " reason" to go for broke and nuke you...
But why am I explaining this to you... it's apparent you are not mature to handle any critical thinking..

Woo…such pity you Indians guys always complain that Chinese forumners always invoke Nuke as argument…seems like we found some Chinese admirer here. Mark my word, a Chinese nuke counter-strike will mark the last Indian as extintive spiecy on this earth…Water in our territory..we will have the last word on it…you will have no other option than comply

labeling other as unmature will not help your cause...try hard to find a counter-punch agaisnt mighty evil dragon that swallow water instead of spitting the fire into Indian territory :lol:

ok u block water, we get our water from streams flowing to ur friendly countries..and in return of ur water conservation we will start a sea way conservation in the mallaca straits..then we will see 1.3 billion beggars in china..

??? I only wish I understand what you’re trying to say :lol:
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