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Manmmohans reasons for going to saudiarabia


Jan 1, 2010
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As i had predicted about indian Pms visit to saudi arabia doesnt just have to do with buyin oil.Its more then that convincing Saudis to ask Pakistani to accept indias role in Afghanistan.
Now indian politician says the same what i predicted in riyadh gears.... thread and which probably angered some indian members...who thought i was talkin about some conspiracy and indian ms visit is only for buisness.
Saudi Arabia can be 'interlocutor' between India, Pak: Tharoor - dnaindia.com
Riyadh: Saudi Arabia can be a "valuable interlocutor" between India and Pakistan, minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor said today and subsequently clarified that he did not mean that Riyadh should be a mediator.
"We feel that Saudi Arabia of course has a long and close relationship with Pakistan but that makes Saudi Arabia even a more valuable interlocutor for us," Tharoor, who is accompanying prime minister Manmohan Singh on a three-day visit to the kingdom, said.

"When we tell them about our experience, Saudi Arabia listens as somebody who is not in anyway an enemy of Pakistan but rather is a friend of Pakistan and therefore I am sure will listen with sympathy and concern to a matter of this nature," he said when asked what kind of cooperation did he expect from Riyadh considering its close relations with Islamabad.

Shortly after making the remarks, the minister – who earlier also hit headlines for his controversial statements on social networking site Twitter on the government's austerity measures and immigration policy -- retracted them.

"No chance of my saying Saudi Arabia should be a mediator... Never said that or anything like it," Tharoor said.

Now some people probably indians will ask me how i can say such a thing coz mrTharoor never said anything about Stan
And ill answer tht after almost 3 decades indian head of state visits saudia why?
A top indian politician talks in a secretive manner signaling what i just stated above.
India is desperately looking for OIC membership to use its influence on Muslim countries. If they got OIC membership then they can easily influence so many on going muslim countries issues. As far as Afghan issue, Saudies are trying their best to distant their policies from all Afghan issues.
Plus India can make block from like minded muslim country, expected would be present Afghan govt, Egypt and present govt of Bangladesh. So, Indian painting a picture on broader canvas..

Well M Singh is going to Saudia is more like Franky goes to Hollywood.
There is nothing wrong with Saudis playing a third party role in the peace process.
There is nothing wrong with Saudis playing a third party role in the peace process.

Its not related to those discussions in any sense rather its an involvement to put pressure on Pakistan to allow Indians serve their own interest of being in Afghanistan, a risk to our national security, when we have already had enough of Talibans and are still having.
He went to get his pills for his dual personality disorder where he is a different person outside India and someone else when he gets back to India.:cheesy:
This visit, along with indian agreement on starting talks with Pak, is a sign of Pak forces success in countering R.A.W sponsored terrorists disguised as taliban & a sign that US has hinted india they'd soon be gone so u r on ur own buddy. Indians now know what's coming after US leaves them high & dry in Afghanistan,,, Revenge..... That's why she's running around to once again harping of peace.
Its just a general visit, there are many things Saudi Arabia and India collaborate on. I really doubt it will have some Earth shattering consequences for Pakistan.
1. Oil
2. OIC membership
3. Afghan role
4. UN seat
5. Don't help Pakistan plea
6. Business deals
7. More jobs for Indians in Saudi Arab

I don't understand the intent of the writer here. Now can a PM not even talk about something. They aren't planning to bomb pakistan. They are just trying to improve relations. You gotta commend that.
1. Oil
2. OIC membership
3. Afghan role
4. UN seat
5. Don't help Pakistan plea
6. Business deals
7. More jobs for Indians in Saudi Arab

To be a member in OIC, you cant have an ongoing conflict with a member state. India has an ongoing conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir so india cant join. And Pakistan has blocked india so theres no way india can join. Pakistan is amongst the first nations to join OIC in 1969.

The only thing india can get out of this visit is oil, business deals, and more jobs for indians in Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi visit doesn't only involve around Pakistan although that was discussed as well.

There has been 19 minister level visits between Saudi Arabia and India in the past 3 years alone. The cold war in the 80s constrained India - Saudi relations. Now that period has finished and both India and Saudi Arabia are looking for new partners its natural for this to happen.

Post 9/11 Saudi Arabia wants to reduce its reliance on west and US and look to diversify its alliances and co-operation.

India and China are the two main emerging countries at the moment and because Chinese communist ideology is an anathema to Saudis, it would never reach the comfort level with India where the free practice of religion and 170M Muslims can provide.
[quote[The only thing india can get out of this visit is oil, business deals, and more jobs for indians in Saudi Arabia.[/quote]

and these only things matters the most man.we will get double crude oil for our industry from soudi....its all about economy...these r the reasons why us is still a super power...hope to see more of business with riyadh..
The only thing india can get out of this visit is oil, business deals, and more jobs for indians in Saudi Arabia.

and these only things matters the most man.we will get double crude oil for our industry from soudi....its all about economy...these r the reasons why us is still a super power...hope to see more of business with riyadh..:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
India and China are the two main emerging countries at the moment and because Chinese communist ideology is an anathema to Saudis, it would never reach the comfort level with India where the free practice of religion and 170M Muslims can provide.

India also has a billion kuffar (hindus, sikhs, jains, etc) besides I dont think Saudis will chose india over China because of Religion. Saudi Arabia is America's close ally and America has only 3 million Muslims and China has 22 million Muslims. Saudi Arabia will chose the next superpower and that is most likely China.

and these only things matters the most man.we will get double crude oil for our industry from soudi....its all about economy...these r the reasons why us is still a super power...hope to see more of business with riyadh..:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Good for India if it is making its self stronger in its economy ever country should & i wish the same for Pakistan .. but plzz India is not a super power stop saying that.:coffee:
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