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Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

achingmori massacre? Never heard it. Please tell us what happened and why?
Are you an converted person from traditional religion of AP? Why are you so worried about minorities in AP?...I guess in NE, it is the different tribal people who fight with each other rather than Gov fight with them..If you and your friends are so united with your view to be a part of China, why you guys fight among the tribal line?...
Eh,he's another troll on chinese payroll,jus sit back and enjoy his cheerleading for his chinese masters and let our Arunachali friends take care of him.
and we didnt made any ptagmatic decision.

the nagas and manipuris still fight indian ruke, while we arunachalis take pride in our indian identity. Tibet was illegaly occupied by china, we cannot be connected to the chinese on the basis of illegal occupation of tibet.

all this fake arunachali is saying fits so well with chinese propaganda.
Are you an converted person from traditional religion of AP? Why are you so worried about minorities in AP?...I guess in NE, it is the different tribal people who fight with each other rather than Gov fight with them..If you and your friends are so united with your view to be a part of China, why you guys fight among the tribal line?...
Tribes have always competed for resources and power,just like every place.It is a thing of the past now as we concentrate on co-operation to increase our lives and meaning rather than fight over petty issues.Inter-tribal issues are really far less serious in a same state.For example,just one person was killed in adi-galo tensions a few years back and that in itself was considered the biggest flare up between the two in decades.Now add the factor that the person who expired was the main source of disagreement.See?far less bloodshed than what Indians have over the issue of beef or any trivial matter.
It is an oft repeated mistake to assume modern day competition as rivalries or enmities between tribes.
the adi-galo divide runs very deep, so does the monpa-tani divide. It isn't for no.reason we monpas demand for the seperate monyul autonomous council under the 6th schedule of the indian constituion.

guys, ignore this fellow. he is clearly not an arunachali. as i said talk with real arunachalis in facebook or in real life. you will find how much this guy is trying to cook things up. as an arunachali i can clearly see through his lies and the desperate attempt to sound like an intellect with deep knowledge about the issue while all he wrote is nothing butvthe official line of thw chinese, nothing original.
Maybe because,India is not where we belong.Arunachalis aren't worried of China taking over AP.Subconsciously,we are afraid that we may become the same as the tibetans in dharmashala or in delhi.We have this mistaken idea that PRC will just barge in and kick out all of us.That is why we are apprehensive of China.
As far as India is concerned,rest of NE and its state will make it very clear to anyone who wants to see things with realism and pragmatism.


Assuming you had choice right now, What do you see as the major benefits of joining the PRC as opposed to staying in the Indian union? What factors would you take into consideration? Obviously, you'd get the same treatment in the PRC as you would in India, if you revolted against the govt. When it comes to human rights, there is nothing to separate the 2 nations. So is the main benefit you see financial?
the adi-galo divide runs very deep, so does the monpa-tani divide. It isn't for no.reason we monpas demand for the seperate monyul autonomous council under the 6th schedule of the indian constituion.

guys, ignore this fellow. he is clearly not an arunachali. as i said talk with real arunachalis in facebook or in real life. you will find how much this guy is trying to cook things up. as an arunachali i can clearly see through his lies and the desperate attempt to sound like an intellect with deep knowledge about the issue while all he wrote is nothing butvthe official line of thw chinese, nothing original.
Dnt worry mate he has already been labled as a troll on chinese payroll by many NE members on PDF let alone other Indians from across the country. And know he doen't sound like someone with deep knowledge,he actually sound like someone desperate to get some cents by worshiping his master from the east. Yawn !

Assuming you had choice right now, What do you see as the major benefits of joining the PRC as opposed to staying in the Indian union? What factors would you take into consideration? Obviously, you'd get the same treatment in the PRC as you would in India, if you revolted against the govt. When it comes to human rights, there is nothing to separate the 2 nations. So is the main benefit you see financial?
Bhai koi aur thread dhoondh le,chhod us troll ko uski duniya main.
@Abotani u can speak Adi dialoge ok. u know things bout Arunachali culture and geogrphy ok . But by ur way of talking bout some recent incidents and news u should do more homework before posting ur as from arunachal pradesh.

true. he doesnt quote the anti china protests in arunachal and in delhi by arunachalis. he doesnt see how outraged we are at the stapled visa issue.

language is not hard to learn, more if someone is being groomed to spread propaganda. but the incidents he refee to are selective and only serves china's designs.
we are giving him way much attention than a paid troll deserves.

You may be right but I think India does tend to let things fester for too long before getting serious about finding a solution. Here in the US, no one ever talks about leaving the union (other than the odd idiot politician). But I hear some rumblings from India so I wonder what makes people feel alienated and why they don't have the sense of belonging to the Indian union that all the people here in the US do.

I am not speaking for the rest of NE. i am soeaking about ny ancestral land here. i am talking about arunachal. and yes it is better with india.

as for upper class tibetans being in exike, that is the chinese rhetoric and the oppressor always uses such excuses for their continued oppression. The tibetans in india comorise tibetans from every walk of life. many muslims were left in india during partition , so i fail to understand what you are trying to say that there are many tibetans in tibet! It is tibet, tibetans wouod be there. An entire nation cannot be sent into exike no matter how hard the commies want.

how would you explain hundreds of thousands of tibetans coming to india for the kalachakra initiation via nepal?

The 2008 protests in lhasa show how much tibetans dislike the chinese. funnily enough, PLA troopers were given dress of monks to show monks in bad light.

we are not mistaken when we say we dont want china, it is you who is mistaken when you think we are mistaken. the result doesnt changes at all even if that other equation is brought into olay.

as for not wanting 'haring' the problem is not that we dont want then there. we want then here as per provisions of the law and not outside of it. our main fight is against the influx of Bangladeshis, which is getting serious in tani areas. no arunachali ever saud non arunachalis must jot be allowed here. all we say is that they must not be allowed to own property here.

you are so mistaken brother.
SO am I saying for AP.China will be a far better option than India,for they have far better capacity to propel us forward economically and socially.Look at the dismal state of AP,its economy,politics,education and any sector one would care to look at.What have Indians done?Nothing,they just left us to rot here.EVen the logging boom of the 80s was stopped due to stupid environmental concerns.That when AP had over 80% forest cover then and even with logging it would still be a very environmentally stable place.
What about the chakmas that trouble us and who Indians settled in AP against our wishes.Even now Indian agencies protect them even though chakmas are just trouble makers.
The fact that we are doubtful of CHina only because of fears of displacement is a fact for otherwise arunachalis don't fear whole about China.
Most tibetans who flee to India are in fact the upper class or the deeply religious/brainwashed ones.For population of whole tibet is just about 3 million and if hundreds of thousands are fleeing every year.Tibet should have been bereft of tibetans decades ago when in fact they are still in numbers in Tibet and China.If PRC was so bad the luobas and dengs would have simply slipped into AP to join their brethren.Funnily,the luobas and deng who are the most cut off people in PRC don't flee to India and they are not han to receive any special treatment over tibetans.

We don't want outsiders in AP and that's a fact..we just use the ILP argument to cover up our own ethnocentric attitudes towards outsiders.For think about it,if we didn't mind them..why insist on an ILP at all?If the issue is simple ban on land owning by outsiders than it can be guaranteed without ILP even.Banglaeshis aren't a major concern,most arunachali eviction drives are targeted at Indians and rest of NE folk particularly assamese.

The fact is we don't want them here,beyond the bare minimum for our own purposes and every other talk of ILP concerns is just excuses to hide the real reasons.
You may be right but I think India does tend to let things fester for too long before getting serious about finding a solution. Here in the US, no one ever talks about leaving the union (other than the odd idiot politician). But I hear some rumblings from India so I wonder what makes people feel alienated and why they don't have the sense of belonging to the Indian union that all the people here in the US do.


It has much to do with the way india was formed. in ameruca almost everyone is an imnigrant even the whites, whike in india, everyone is an original inhabitant is very much attached to their ancestral lands.

SO am I saying for AP.China will be a far better option than India,for they have far better capacity to propel us forward economically and socially.Look at the dismal state of AP,its economy,politics,education and any sector one would care to look at.What have Indians done?Nothing,they just left us to rot here.EVen the logging boom of the 80s was stopped due to stupid environmental concerns.That when AP had over 80% forest cover then and even with logging it would still be a very environmentally stable place.
What about the chakmas that trouble us and who Indians settled in AP against our wishes.Even now Indian agencies protect them even though chakmas are just trouble makers.
The fact that we are doubtful of CHina only because of fears of displacement is a fact for otherwise arunachalis don't fear whole about China.
Most tibetans who flee to India are in fact the upper class or the deeply religious/brainwashed ones.For population of whole tibet is just about 3 million and if hundreds of thousands are fleeing every year.Tibet should have been bereft of tibetans decades ago when in fact they are still in numbers in Tibet and China.If PRC was so bad the luobas and dengs would have simply slipped into AP to join their brethren.Funnily,the luobas and deng who are the most cut off people in PRC don't flee to India and they are not han to receive any special treatment over tibetans.

We don't want outsiders in AP and that's a fact..we just use the ILP argument to cover up our own ethnocentric attitudes towards outsiders.For think about it,if we didn't mind them..why insist on an ILP at all?If the issue is simple ban on land owning by outsiders than it can be guaranteed without ILP even.Banglaeshis aren't a major concern,most arunachali eviction drives are targeted at Indians and rest of NE folk particularly assamese.

The fact is we don't want them here,beyond the bare minimum for our own purposes and every other talk of ILP concerns is just excuses to hide the real reasons.

Economics is not everything. Chinese mistakenly think money can buy entire communuties of people.

We are afraud of china because it has a bkoody history of opression against the occupied land. atkeast with india, our resources aren't misused for new delhi's benefits.

bangladeshis are a real threat. have you seen the number of bengali miyas in itanagar? you clearly are out of touch with ground realities in arunachal.

arunachal can never prosper with china. you are entitles to your opinion, but a majority of us arunachalis dont buy into your brainwashing tactics.

you tried hard and cab continue to try harder to make people think otherwise, but the fact remains arunachalis are happy being indians and it isn't going to change much to the dismay of communist party of china
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and we didnt made any ptagmatic decision.

the nagas and manipuris still fight indian ruke, while we arunachalis take pride in our indian identity. Tibet was illegaly occupied by china, we cannot be connected to the chinese on the basis of illegal occupation of tibet.

all this fake arunachali is saying fits so well with chinese propaganda.
Yawn,Tibet was always under Chinese influence.And yes Arunachalis made a pragmatic decision.Not one based on love but one based on realistic considerations about the future.We arunachalees take pride in our own identity and not "Indian" culture.
Arunachal has far more in common with China or burma for that matter than India,especially the mainland.

@Abotani u can speak Adi dialoge ok. u know things bout Arunachali culture and geogrphy ok . But by ur way of talking bout some recent incidents and news u should do more homework before posting ur as from arunachal pradesh.
Really?For I have in various thread given the history of Arunachal,particularly how it came under british control and then Indian.None of them are "recent"
the adi-galo divide runs very deep, so does the monpa-tani divide. It isn't for no.reason we monpas demand for the seperate monyul autonomous council under the 6th schedule of the indian constituion.

guys, ignore this fellow. he is clearly not an arunachali. as i said talk with real arunachalis in facebook or in real life. you will find how much this guy is trying to cook things up. as an arunachali i can clearly see through his lies and the desperate attempt to sound like an intellect with deep knowledge about the issue while all he wrote is nothing butvthe official line of thw chinese, nothing original.
Deep,centuries and millenias even.All the way from Tanis gradual bottling up in just AP, when once they were present in what is now tibet proper.The tani and tibetan conflicts..especially after the ascension of buddhism in tibet.
Or the issues between various tani tribes and sub tribes itself..

Economics is not everything. Chinese mistakenly think money can buy entire communuties of people.
We are afraud of china because it has a bkoody history of opression against the occupied land. atkeast with india, our resources aren't misused for new delhi's benefits.
bangladeshis are a real threat. have you seen the number of bengali miyas in itanagar? you clearly are out of touch with ground realities in arunachal.
arunachal can never prosper with china. you are entitles to your opinion, but a majority of us arunachalis dont buy into your brainwashing tactics.
you tried hard and cab continue to try harder to make people think otherwise, but the fact remains arunachalis are happy being indians and it isn't going to change much to the dismay of communist party of china
Oh really?The tibetans and even luobas and deng now enjoy far more better lifestyles under PRC.
What about the state of NE.OF assam the heart of NE even?It once had a considerable gdp per capita when compared to rest of India..now its in the bottom in NE on per capita basis.Their petroleum and other resources used with little returns for them
Why do you think assamese started ULFA when they are so similar to mainland?
And you are right,its not just about economics or development.It's about where we are far better suited.India isn't that place.
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