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Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

Rahul Karmakar, Hindustan Times Senapati, November 05, 2014

First Published: 00:09 IST(5/11/2014) | Last Updated: 01:46 IST(5/11/2014)

Pius Varay ducks instinctively whenever a child pops an empty Tetra Pak carton or a motorcycle misfires. The sound is a traumatic reminder of soldiers firing in his village of Oinam in Manipur 27 years ago.

The 36-year-old Varay may be the youngest survivor of Operation Bluebird, a brutal counter-insurgency operation launched by paramilitary soldiers in July 1987, but the scars still remain.

According to an Amnesty International report, many men were maimed, tortured and women raped between July and October 1987 after the military launched the operation following an attack by National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) rebels on Assam Rifles’ Oinam outpost. The rebels killed nine soldiers and escaped with 150 guns and 125,000 rounds of ammunition.

Operation Bluebird was ostensibly aimed at catching the rebels and recovering the firearms. But activists say the soldiers ended up exacting revenge on the innocent people of Oinam and 35 surrounding villages for more than three months. The villagers were also forced to make food for the soldiers for 65 days until they exhausted their granaries.

As a nine-year-old student of Oinam Government High School, Pius was spared the torture of what activists call the “Holocaust” of India. But security forces made him talk because he was among those the rebels ordered to carry the stolen guns to a forest hideout.

“Most of us sang, but the rebels shifted before the Assam Rifles located their camp. The officers just did not believe we could cover the distance across a harsh terrain and return home in a night. We had it bad both ways,” Pius says.

Nearly three decades on, many people in Oinam are still struggling to cope with the trauma of one of the darkest episodes in the revolt-hit state’s history. Several villages were turned into virtual prisons during this period as security forces, armed with the Armed Forces Special Powers Act of 1958, allegedly unleashed a reign of terror in the area.

Human rights activist Irom Sharmila has been on indefinite fast for 14 years to demand the repeal of the archaic law, which gives security forces wide powers to shoot-at-sight, search and detain anyone suspected to be involved in the armed revolt in Manipur. The military says the law is necessary for it to tackle insurgency.

Church deacon Ngaoni Shangne, now 94, says the Amnesty report understates what happened in Oinam in Senapati district, 95km north of the state capital Imphal. The village was hit by the Japanese invasion during World War 2 and Shangne, who the Japanese used as a porter, thought the worst was over when the war ended.

He was wrong. He recalls the second horror saying, “We were made to carry 50-kg loads from one village to the other without food or water. Some men were hung upside down and thrashed while women were buried up to their necks. Pregnant women, kicked and abused, were made to deliver in the field as the soldiers watched.”

Some village headmen were blindfolded and executed with their hands tied behind their backs. Naga rights groups put the number of deaths at 27 but the official figure was 15.

Oinam was made out of bounds for local authorities too. Manipur chief minister Rishang Keishing wrote of how excesses committed by Assam Rifles paralysed the civil administration in a September 1987 letter to Union home minister Buta Singh. “The deputy commissioner and the superintendent of police were wrongfully confined, humiliated and prevented from discharging their official duties by the security forces,” he said.

The legal fight to bring the Assam Rifles personnel to book ended in March 1992 without the final hearing. One of the judges was transferred after recording thousands of pages of arguments from the petitioners and Assam Rifles. He has not been replaced, nor has the date of the next hearing been set in these 27 years.

If this country cannot provide justice, God will,” says 57-year-old Bluebird survivor Shangvao Rong. “They (the soldiers) will die too, hopefully not like the way they made our brothers and sisters die.”

Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror - Hindustan Times

Such is the plight of natives that they have to rely on imaginary figures called gods..for they know justice will never come from Indians.
And now the remnants of the armed terrorist groups are down to posting under anonymous accounts on PDF. I would say 'Mission accomplished'.
Yawn,India is a group of several dozen nations.India is nothing more than a geographical reference.Nothing more.

You can say it to yourselves and you should repeat it over thousand times.But we are proud about our nation t we will do anything to protect our nation.We are Proud Indians and we are proud about our Army,Govt ,we are proud about all of our democratic institutions..If you dont want to be in this nation then get the hell out of here.
You should remove your Indian flag if you have some shame.
No just a clueless kid , yes there were atrocities on our part but these same people do not say a word when militants kill and maim innocent civilians.
I guess, we need to be just mature enough to ignore a few. Everyone can't be happy - regardless of the outcome. :tup:
Imaginary arunachalees of yours.Trust me,dear,my family has contacts with MPs of AP..let alone the imaginary DM father of your imaginary friend.
Lol, keep on ranting on forums rat, it amounts to jack and will amount to jack.
You can say it to yourselves and you should repeat it over thousand times.But we are proud about our nation t we will do anything to protect our nation.We are Proud Indians and we are proud about our Army,Govt ,we are proud about all of our democratic institutions..If you dont want to be in this nation then get the hell out of here.
You should remove your Indian flag if you have some shame.
Can't help deluded persons with falsified and spinster history.Suit yourself.
I think it's the same operation on which a movie is made called shootout at lokhandwala?
Can't help deluded persons with falsified and spinster history.Suit yourself.

Unfortunately 99.99% of 125 crore persons loves this history and proud about this history .Rest of 0.01 like you are insignifcant to us.Completely negligible.
Unfortunately 99.99% of 125 crore persons loves this history and proud about this history .Rest of 0.01 like you are insignifcant to us.Completely negligible.
Rhetoric,like a typical,mediocre Indian who can't even come up with good enough excuses..just plain old,repeated as nauseam rhetoric.
Rhetoric,like a typical,mediocre Indian who can't even come up with good enough excuses..just plain old,repeated as nauseam rhetoric.

Like I said Have some shame before criticising Indians by using their own flag.At least a pinch of shame
Like I said Have some shame before criticising Indians by using their own flag.At least a pinch of shame
Indians and their flag,kind of like EU,dozens of nations in a regional union.Oh sorry,nothing peaceful and voluntary like EU.A nation made and maintained by Imperialists and colonists.First the white guys,then their brown servants usurped their former master's holding.
Ngo abotani, tum arunachali nahi lagta hai de.

you dont sound arunachali at all. any tom dick or harry can come with that name.
for one, arunachalis dont talk much about indian army atrocities in the north east because our state has never witnessed it.

and fyi, i am a monpa from monyul (tawang and west kameng districts). i have been a long time member with the name Lyrical Mockery but i forgot the password for that account. i am writing because you are hiding behind a mask to spread disinformation. here in arunachal we dont hate india.
In an insurgency fight, excesses happen because of the asymmetrical nature of the conflict. India has over the decades worked to improve our record on this front and accountability has improved.

Its indeed our collective failure that we have not been able to eradicate every single insurgent without harming even a single civilian in the process. But thats in theory. In reality though, this abotani guy, if he's indian, needs to learn to live with people who may not be like him, otherwise a lifelong career as a dissenting voice on a pakistani website beckons.
Ngo abotani, tum arunachali nahi lagta hai de.

you dont sound arunachali at all. any tom dick or harry can come with that name.
for one, arunachalis dont talk much about indian army atrocities in the north east because our state has never witnessed it.

and fyi, i am a monpa from monyul (tawang and west kameng districts). i have been a long time member with the name Lyrical Mockery but i forgot the password for that account. i am writing because you are hiding behind a mask to spread disinformation. here in arunachal we dont hate india.
Oh really?Guess Why outsiders are called ayings/harings and a lot of names by each tribes.Because we love them so much?Why SUMA and various other organisations repeatedly drives out outsiders with no ILPs or in various times even those with ILPs.Because we don't hate them?
Oh right,we don't hate them,we just don't like them at all.
Why the achingmori massacre happened..we just loved them so much that we hacked them to death.Or even in 62 war.

Though you are right,we don't hate them as if it was second nature,like pakistanis do.We just wish to get benefits and remain separate at the same time as well.If we liked them or considered them part of us we wouldn't insist on ILP and similar measures.
prove that you are an arunachali before you dare to insult abotani and tani clans.

Oh really?Guess Why outsiders are called ayings/harings and a lot of names by each tribes.Because we love them so much?Why SUMA and various other organisations repeatedly drives out outsiders with no ILPs or in various times even those with ILPs.Because we don't hate them?
Oh right,we don't hate them,we just don't like them at all.
Why the achingmori massacre happened..we just loved them so much that we hacked them to death.Or even in 62 war.

Though you are right,we don't hate them as if it was second nature,like pakistanis do.We just wish to get benefits and remain separate at the same time as well.If we liked them or considered them part of us we wouldn't insist on ILP and similar measures.

all of that information is available on the internet. stating what is available on newsites doesnt prove that you are an arunachali. i can take similar information from khyber pakhtunwa and claim to be a pathan!
prove that you are an arunachali before you dare to insult abotani and tani clans.
all of that information is available on the internet. stating whatvis available on newsites dont prove that you are an arunachali. i can take similar information from khyber pakhtunwa and claim to be a pathan
Prove it? Sure.
Aying kidar e ngoluk ami mang.Ngolu atel mang.Ngoke kom monpa erang kadung.Hinying JNC ke 50th golden jubilee e mai..college week ekom edu da..1st week of nov lo.Internet lotu pama yeh dem.Local arunachalee min kenyenne dem

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