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Maneka opposes cow slaughter for Army sneakers, stalls project.

The point I have raised in my posts is related to cows & cow slaughter, perfectly in line with the title, & the topic being discussed on this thread.

Then Cow Slaughter should be banned completely. India is not Pakistan where only Muslims laws are important. Here, All religions should be taken care of.

........Now what's your point left ??

Are you Flag bearer of Muslims ??? Even 90% Indian Muslims don't like Pakistani Muslims.
You clearly don't know me if you think I got a Madrassah education :lol:

Other people on this forum know me pretty well. I'm not even a religious person, & I could care less about the conditions of Muslims in the Middle East or anywhere else.

You are correct. I do not know you. All I can fathom about you is what you type here. So I would suggest that you be more circumspect when making submissions on this forum. First impressions are lasting impressions
I also had educated Muslims tell me that Jihad is a fight within one's self to remove evil within. How do I equate that with the fact that most Muslims who I've seen practice Jihad do so by strapping bombs onto their waists and make schnitzels of themselves makes your guess as good as mine

How many muslims do you know that strap bombs to their waists??
Its so predictable this thread has got onto Jihad and bombs from cow slaughter and army sneakers!! :coffee:
Umm are you being serious or just displaying your ignorance of world affairs and world opinion on Islam due to terrorism being practised by radicals of that religion internationally. Did you hear of 9/11 ?

I'm asking how many Muslims do you personally know that turned out to be suicide bombers? I've haven't met anyone in my entire life that turned out to be a suicide bomber.
Fine, then stick to that madressa education which you got in Pakistan and live with your ignorance in Hoboken. You are clearly beyond education and unworthy of my attempts to point out logic ;)

You wont find many people with Madressa education on this forum......
Pakistan is more than what is portrayed in Media
You are correct. I do not know you. All I can fathom about you is what you type here. So I would suggest that you be more circumspect when making submissions on this forum. First impressions are lasting impressions

You've tried to incense me with the Madrassah education jibe & the Jihadi reference, not knowing that I couldn't care less about any of those things. I've given you documented proof in the Indian legal system, please counter my argument with such arguments, not the meaningless jibes.
In all these examples, I have pointed out that the slaughter of cows is exclusively prohibited, whereas the slaughter of other animals is permitted on certain conditions. Why is that?

I have never seen troll like you. Don't you get tired with same kind of statement. Which language do you understand ?? Are you living in US or FATA ?? I am sure, why Most of the Americans says about Islamic Phobia. You are too much obsessed about such religious things. Even, We don't care so much.

Because Cow is religious to Hinduism. So, it would and should be Banned [ Even it's not banned completely]. Simple to understand.

If any other religion would ask for any more such things, That would be banned too.
You wont find many people with Madressa education on this forum......
Pakistan is more than what is portrayed in Media

Bravo and beyond dispute ! :tup:

Likewise India is more than what is reflected in the average Pakistani mind. I came to this forum to learn about our neighbor and its people. I don't jump to ridiculous conclusions about your country or your religion or debate at length with ignorance about issues which I have limited or no knowledge about. That is all that most Indians in this forum ask of their Pakistani counterparts
In all these examples, I have pointed out that the slaughter of cows is exclusively prohibited, whereas the slaughter of other animals is permitted on certain conditions. Why is that?

Umm..ok..let me rewind. For the exclusively prohibited part.Every state you mentioned has slaughter houses.

No animal except Goats, Sheep and Poultry are allowed to be openly slaughtered. This includes pigs, which doesn't happen anyways, Camels which as has been mentioned has been prohibited, or cattle as it is difficult to monitor such slaughter houses and open/illegal slaughter houses may incite religious sentiments just as a pork slaughter house would do in a predominantly Muslim area or a country. Cows are still slaughtered in every state in India but in licensed slaughter houses.
Bravo and beyond dispute ! :tup:

Likewise India is more than what is reflected in the average Pakistani mind. I came to this forum to learn about our neighbor and its people. I don't jump to ridiculous conclusions about your country or your religion or debate at length with ignorance about issues which I have limited or no knowledge about. That is all that most Indians in this forum ask of their Pakistani counterparts

You don't, & I appreciate you for that. But there are many Indians that don't think like you. Let us talk facts with facts, instead of the meaningless jibes.

I have created threads about my affection for my family's roots in India, as well as many other topics on India.
Umm..ok..let me rewind. For the exclusively prohibited part.Every state you mentioned has slaughter houses.

No animal except Goats, Sheep and Poultry are allowed to be openly slaughtered. This includes pigs, which doesn't happen anyways, Camels which as has been mentioned has been prohibited, or cattle as it is difficult to monitor such slaughter houses and open/illegal slaughter houses may incite religious sentiments just as a pork slaughter house would do in a predominantly Muslim area or a country. Cows are still slaughtered in every state in India but in licensed slaughter houses.

That's not true at all, please read Post #73. I've quoted you exact statements that say that the slaughter of a cow is prohibited, but for all other animals is permitted (on certain conditions though).
Even many Indians don't know such laws, facts about Cow.....And Guess what ? A Pakistani is doing so much of research and Knows more than any Indian. Obsessions at it's Best!!
Then Cow Slaughter should be banned completely. India is not Pakistan where only Muslims laws are important. Here, All religions should be taken care of.

........Now what's your point left ??

Are you Flag bearer of Muslims ??? Even 90% Indian Muslims don't like Pakistani Muslims.

I think Bilal holds an argument and i commend him on how he presents his case when posting his point. Like me i think he loves Pakistan and is proud to be. I think Indian muslims are bullied sometimes and to try to be accepted by society dont agree with pakistani muslims, but i thnk you figure of 90% is from the land of make belief.
BTW i think if something offends a religion it should be respected and taken on board. If i offend anyone it is not my intention.
That's not true at all, please read Post #73. I've quoted you exact statements that say that the slaughter of a cow is prohibited, but for all other animals is permitted (on certain conditions though).

Why are you repeating same thing every time ??......When same answer is already replied by many members.
You've tried to incense me with the Madrassah education jibe & the Jihadi reference, not knowing that I couldn't care less about any of those things. I've given you documented proof in the Indian legal system, please counter my argument with such arguments, not the meaningless jibes.

Yes, it is indisputable that the Indian constitution has left the issue to states to regulate whether the sale of beef should be banned or not. Likewise, the constitution protects the sentiments of minorities. Hence, can you argue with my contention that if a Muslim majority state in India outlaws the sale of pork, then all people who live in that state will be bound by that law subject to exemption being applied for?
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