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Maneka opposes cow slaughter for Army sneakers, stalls project.

Wait, this thread isn't about Pakistan. And wait, doesn't India claim itself to be a secular country?

You don't even know the meaning of Secular.

India is Secular country, But it doesn't mean One religion will kill certain animal which is worshipped by another religion. Still, It is not banned in most of states. Such Slaughter by and large happening.

So, Buy your Logic we should also Slaughter PIG in Muslim Areas ??? Is it fine with you ?? Your Opinions are Illogical.
Pork is an essential part of the Christian cuisine in my part of the world.

Many Christians sects abstain from Pork...... Like the Seventh Day Adventist.... The Bible clearly tells one to stay away from Pork (The Christians think it does'nt concern them)..

Pork was a Roman delicacy which the converts retained
What relation cow slaughter has to do with secularism?

In every country there are animals considered sacred and protected. In China if you kill a panda you will be shot.

Cow slaughter was banned just because it would hurt the sentiments of the "you-know-who" people of the religion. That is how it related to secularism, or the lack of it.
That is how it should be. You don't kill a benign creature for whatever reasons including traditions and religion.

I think whoever made this order in the Army should be investigated as to whether he got any kick backs from the 'leather lobby'. When the armies of the whole world have no problem with canvas PT shoes or sneakers, whose bright idea is that IA should go for leather shoes eventhough leather is expensive than canvas.
Pork is an essential part of the Christian cuisine in my part of the world.

With respect the thread topic is not about pork or christians. Please feel free to create a new thread if you want to talk about this topic but not on here.
With respect the thread topic is not about pork or christians. Please feel free to create a new thread if you want to talk about this topic but not on here.

These kinds of threads should not be allowed as people only see as per their religious view and not others.
There emus in India .?... I think they are native to Australia
Did you mean Turkeys?
No,I meant Emus. There are farmers with Emu as well as Ostrich farms in Maharashtra and some areas of South India. I remember some years back someone tried to sneak one into Mumbai for sacrifice during Eid. They were detained but the authorities were terrified to approach the Emu.Their claws are deadly.
The 1964 Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act in India was enacted to prohibit the sale and consumption of beef only, not any other meat.

This was used by the Calcutta High Court when it banned cow slaughter on Eid-ul-Adha, followed by Karnataka & other states:

Mangalorean.Com- Serving Mangaloreans Around The World!
The 1964 act in India was enacted to prohibit the sale and consumption of beef only, not any other meat.

This was used by the Calcutta High Court when it banned cow slaughter on Eid-ul-Adha, followed by Karnataka & other states:

Mangalorean.Com- Serving Mangaloreans Around The World!

Dude West Bengal is one of the place where cow slaughtering is allowed, just last weekend I had beef kebab in one of our Awadhi restaurants. Now go and blabber somewhere else.
No,I meant Emus. There are farmers with Emu as well as Ostrich farms in Maharashtra and some areas of South India. I remember some years back someone tried to sneak one into Mumbai for sacrifice during Eid. They were detained but the authorities were terrified to approach the Emu.Their claws are deadly.

The same happened in Kerala but instead of Emu it was a Camel. The people complained to Police and they took away the camel & placed it in a zoo.
Dude West Bengal is one of the place where cow slaughtering is allowed, just last weekend I had beef kebab in one of our Awadhi restaurants. Now go and blabber somewhere else.

Kerala also allows cow slaughter and one of the few places in India where Hindus consume beef.
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