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But the North Sinid looks Chines, while the Yakonid looks distinctively Japanese.

That's not true, becauase there are Yakonid Japanese who can easily pass for Northern Sinid:




That's Japanese my friend, the North Sinid looks way more masculine than this guy.

LOL, he does not look typically Japanese, my friend, that man can be mistaken for a North Sinid, easily.

Just trying to tell you, bro, that there is no 'universal' look for Japanese. And as a Japanese I can tell them apart, by the way Yakonid Japanese is just a type of Northern Japanese, they also are foreign looking to Ainu Japanese or Ainu hybrids.

Another example of Yakonid Japanese:


That's Japanese my friend, the North Sinid looks way more masculine than this guy.

This is a Tungoid Japanese, looks very similar to a Modern Manchu , or can easily pass for Mongolian:


Japanese tend to have smaller stature and frames. Not all are pale, especially Japanese from the Southern parts of Japan. Compared to Han from the "heart of China" like Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan, I think Japanese tend to have more protruding mouths on average. I'd say that chess grandmaster Wang Yue has a classic Chinese face, which matches those of ancient paintings.





Nihonjin, the "Nordsinid / North Sinid" look is just an occurring set of phenotypes that appears at varying frequencies in China and Northeast Asia. Those terms have a lot of negative baggage to be honest. But that said, the various subtypes of craniofacial configurations and somatotypic structures appears at increasing frequencies as you go above the Yellow River, but up to a point, because you start getting more robust mandibles and lower set and prominent zygomatic arches (the stereotypical broad boned "Siberian" look). Obviously these are just gross generalisations though.

What you are asking for is the phenotype that includes narrow face, narrow nose, monolids, fish lips, and high set cheekbones. I don't know if this guy is Manchu but I think that's the look you are talking about. In my view, Shi Qifan does not look Japanese. He looks either Chinese, Korean or another North Asian mainland ethnic.

Moving on, you get phenotypes like Jin Dachuan. Compared to Shi Qifan, his features are less severe. If I were presented with a map of China and asked to pinpoint where he is from, I would place the pin on the Bohai sea / Yellow Sea area. I do not think he looks Japanese.


NB: I am not saying people from those areas all look like that. I am saying that you will probably be able to find variations of those craniofacial configurations at the highest frequencies in those areas.

And while Shi Qifan and Jin Dachuan look Chinese, the craniofacial structure of someone like Zhao Qinghe would be detected as "foreign" looking to most Han Chinese.

Not all are pale, especially Japanese from the Southern parts of Japan.

Well that is of course has truth in that, the Japanese from the Ryukyu islands, for example, have features similar to Taiwanese aborigines , which is of Austronesian phenotype. It is not uncommon to see men from Okinawa or even the Ogasawara Islands with naturally curly hair, larger lips, and less epicanthal folds, and darker skin, than say the Japanese from the central or norther islands. I would also say that the hundreds , if not thousands, of years of contact between southern Japanese states with Southeast Asia had led to frequent exchange of peoples.

This is a native Okinawan, notice his facial features, and skin tone, it is very similar to Austronesians of Southeast Asia, or even the native Austronesian aborigines of Taiwan.


Another famous Okinawan model named Yusuke Ogasawara:
Saying how Japanese people look different is just like saying how people from northern and southern Hebei province look different due to their similar size in area and population, but that would sound so funny if you say that in China.
Saying how Japanese people look different is just like saying how people from northern and southern Hebei province look different due to their similar size in area and population, but that would sound so funny if you say that in China.

If you have seen the Japanese's DNA origin, then you will probably come up with a different conclusion.

Their Y-DNA is very different from ours, and even their autosomal DNA is also entirely the same.
That's not true, becauase there are Yakonid Japanese who can easily pass for Northern Sinid:





But I can tell they are not Chinese. It's easier for Asians to distinguish other Asians

Please not this again.
We are all come from ape ,that's all and you guys can shut up and talk about something else instead of stupid DNA .
speak for yourself dude!
But I can tell they are not Chinese. It's easier for Asians to distinguish other Asians

Okay, then, bro. Let's play the guess game, lol (the type of game I played with Chinese Tiger a while ago, lol).

Guess whether this man is either Chinese, Korean or Japanese:

@beijingwalker bro, can you post pictures of Manchu looking people in China? I want to know how the Manchu phenotype differs from the Han features. I know Southern Han features very well because my Auntie is a Cantonese Chinese (married to my father's youngest brother ), and besides I dated a Teowchew girl for a long time. So I know how Southern , Eastern Han features look like .

I've never seen a Manchu Chinese before, usually they are pictures of Han dressed in Manchu regalia.

Ps. Please don't post a Han dressed in Manchu regalia because I can tell the beauty of Han people. :]

This lady in Lowe picture is not a Manchu, her almond eyes and facial formation and chin form is indicative she is Eastern Han. Probably an Jiangshuren, or Guangdongren...

Also look at her fingers. They are dark skinned at the skin folds that covers the interphalangeal joints, meaning she is from a temperate area, she had lots of melanin. She is not Northerner, probably Southerner.

Northern Chinese tend to be, like Japanese, very very fair, our skin is white ask milk , and our fingers don't get dark like that .
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