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Manchu, Former Empire’s Language, Hangs On at China’s Edge

so here is the Yakutsk language in a song...!! Beautiful !!

Can you understand what they're saying?? It sounds very much like TURKISH!!!!!
Its hard to impossible to understand even thought it sound very familiar, but the basic words are almost the same.

Yakut language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The more you go eastern the harder it gets, Azeri is easly almost same as Turkish, Kazakh and Kirghiz are already harder though easily learned. Exception is Uyghur language, i was amazed how similar it was to Turkish when i heard that song.

But looking at the map where Yakuts are living no wonder its hard to understand, centuries of remoteness probably had their share and the Russian loanwords on top of that.

Its hard to impossible to understand even thought it sound very familiar, but the basic words are almost the same.

Yakut language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The more you go eastern the harder it gets, Azeri is easly almost same as Turkish, Kazakh and Kirghiz are already harder though easily learned. Exception is Uyghur language, i was amazed how similar it was to Turkish when i heard that song.

But looking at the map where Yakuts are living no wonder its hard to understand, centuries of remoteness probably had their share and the Russian loanwords on top of that.


There are some words that i can understand , which is similar to Ainu. For example, the word 'Akan' is a Yakutsk word for water, AKAN in Ainu also means eternal running water. :)

@xenon54 , ey wan ke ye taan kur ? (this means, how are you doing , buddy?). :-):-)
There are some words that i can understand , which is similar to Ainu. For example, the word 'Akan' is a Yakutsk word for water, AKAN in Ainu also means eternal running water. :)
Akan means in Turkish something (water for exsample) flowing/running.
Akan Su = Flowing Water
Interesting. :)
Akan means in Turkish something (water for exsample) flowing/running.
Akan Su = Flowing Water
Interesting. :)


I can use in a sentence: Akan oka unukaran pirka ya ahun ahun okanusu , this means = the water runs on and on, to the ocean it meets.

I can use in a sentence: Akan oka unukaran pirka ya ahun ahun okanusu , this means = the water runs on and on, to the ocean it meets.
Damn, Ocean in Turkish means Okyanus, sounds similar as okanusu. :cheesy:
Is Okanusu the word for Ocean?
Manchus have abandoned their own language in favor of the Putonghua, so there is nothing we can do about it.

And the new generation Manchus don't even want to study it.

Northern Chinese tend to be, like Japanese, very very fair, our skin is white ask milk , and our fingers don't get dark like that .

The Northern Chinese don't look like Japanese, I have met any Northern Chinese, and most Japanese look foreign to me.

And don't cherry picking 1 or 2 Japanese that look Chinese, most Japanese cannot pass as Chinese.
Manchus have abandoned their own language in favor of the Putonghua, so there is nothing we can do about it.

And the new generation Manchus don't even want to study it.

The Northern Chinese don't look like Japanese, I have met any Northern Chinese, and most Japanese look foreign to me.

And don't cherry picking 1 or 2 Japanese that look Chinese, most Japanese cannot pass as Chinese.

Bro, i still remember that one thread where you thought that Hong Kong guy was a Japanese, lol. :)
Hahahahaha you purposely shared that video of Jacky Cheung, didn't you, bro @beijingwalker ? You know he is my favorite (of all time) Chinese romance ballad pop singer.

Good video, thanks, love it.

Btw, so i decided to do some searches on Manchu people myself and here are some pictures i found. More of a North sinid phenotype, and you can tell the difference.





This woman definitely has a Tungoid phenotype, alright, typical of Tungoid , tho i admit some North Sinid have also this Tungoid feature due to possibly race mixing.

Most Manchus are not Tungid like the Mongols and Koreans, they are the lanky North Sinid with relatively tall stature.
Manchus have abandoned their own language in favor of the Putonghua, so there is nothing we can do about it.

And the new generation Manchus don't even want to study it.

The Northern Chinese don't look like Japanese, I have met any Northern Chinese, and most Japanese look foreign to me.

And don't cherry picking 1 or 2 Japanese that look Chinese, most Japanese cannot pass as Chinese.

Remember when we played the game of "guess the nationality" ? I think it was like last year? Hahaha...come on bro!
Most Manchus are not Tungid like the Mongols and Koreans, they are the lanky North Sinid with relatively tall stature.

I agree and disagree. Some modern Manchu may look north Sinid because of the mixing, but you can tell the north sinid appart from the Tungoid features of pure Manchu tho. I remember seeing the picture of @sahaliyan , and he had an example of a Manchu feature. Didn't look North sinid, to me.
I agree and disagree. Some modern Manchu may look north Sinid because of the mixing, but you can tell the north sinid appart from the Tungoid features of pure Manchu tho. I remember seeing the picture of @sahaliyan , and he had an example of a Manchu feature. Didn't look North sinid, to me.

Because those so-called modern Manchu celebrities are in fact Han Chinese by blood.

Many historical Manchus were also in fact the de-sinicized Northern Chinese that got abducted since the collapse of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The North Sinid Manchus are de facto the Northern Chinese who adopted the Manchurian culture.
Most Japanese cannot pass as Chinese.


I disagree, because there are some times it is hard to distinguish them apart. For example there are also some Japanese people with Yakonid features, which are similar, resemblant of North Sinid, for example:



Then there are also in Japan people with very strong Tungoid features:


I disagree, because there are some times it is hard to distinguish them apart. For example there are also some Japanese people with Yakonid features, which are similar, resemblant of North Sinid, for example:



Then there are also in Japan people with very strong Tungoid features:


The Yakonid only shows some similarities to the North Sinid.

But the North Sinid looks Chinese, while the Yakonid looks distinctively Japanese.
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