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Evenks or Evenki people (They're actually related to Nanai and Yakuts), Evenks are also racially kin of the AINU JAPANESE.

Note: You may see some mixed people in between since Evenks are endangered people in Siberia, have similar features of Northern JAPANESE, who are pure Ainu or Ainu-Yayoi Hybrid (Northern Japanese Standard).








Every nation is mixed ,that's very normal, Han Chinese are also mixed by hundreds of ancient ethnic groups. that's why we look so different, but generally Japan and Korean are regarded as single nation states while China, Russia and United States multi racial countries. Han Chinese account for more than 90% of the population but still she has over 100 million minorities, bigger than most countries in total population.
Every nation is mixed ,that's very normal, Han Chinese are also mixed by hundreds of ancient ethnic groups. that's why we look so different, but generally Japan and Korean are regarded as single nation states while China, Russia and United States multi racial countries. Han Chinese account for more than 90% of the population but still she has over 100 million minorities, bigger than most countries in total population.

Sure, I suppose because Russia, for example, is an extrahemispherical multi-ethnic, multi-republic, union of various republics. I would easily differentiate Russia from China, however, in that although both are multi-ethnic states, the Chinese State seems to be categorically fused of various ethnic groups. It is very rare , nowadays, for there to be pure ethnic minorities in China. For example, I am currently in coordination with a fellow Chinese academic scholar here in the US who does research work on Miao minorities (Hmong) from China, and he does a lot of linguistic works in comparing various folk literature and folk standards of Miao communities from Vietnam who migrated to the United States. He told me that the Miao ethnic minoritiy in China seem to be more readily fused with or marry with Han Chinese openly than the Miao communities from Vietnam, who tend to marry only fellow Hmong (Miao) than mingle with the Viets (or Kinh). So you will see that ethnic Miao in China with very strong Han facial features, which looks different from the Miao (Hmong) who came from Vietnam -- that migrated to the US. Its really interesting to see that.

So thus my analysis is that in Russia, due to the geographic distance and the mostly Caucasian White Russian Slavs being centered in the Western parts of the Russian Federation and their prefrence to marry their own, this reduces the instance of fusion of the various ethnic groups in the Russian Federation. Thus there is a strong Turkic, Tungoid, Mongol ethnic identity in the Central and Far Eastern Russian Republics.

THAT is dichotomically different to the situation in China.

Evenks or Evenki people (They're actually related to Nanai and Yakuts), Evenks are also racially kin of the AINU JAPANESE.

Note: You may see some mixed people in between since Evenks are endangered people in Siberia, have similar features of Northern JAPANESE, who are pure Ainu or Ainu-Yayoi Hybrid (Northern Japanese Standard).









Evenki Song 鄂温克族民歌
Chinese used to allow Evenki people to keep their hunting, fishing and gathering life style. but now the government took away their hunting rifles and most of them are rein deer herders.

Those peoples all have a quick temper :flame:
Mongols fight Kazakhs

Also look at her fingers. They are dark skinned at the skin folds that covers the interphalangeal joints, meaning she is from a temperate area, she had lots of melanin. She is not Northerner, probably Southerner.

Northern Chinese tend to be, like Japanese, very very fair, our skin is white ask milk , and our fingers don't get dark like that .

Yeah sure, milky white skin indeed. And very tall too. No wonder you Japanese are such an amazing warrior race.:)




File:The New Year Greeting 2011 at the Tokyo Imperial Palace.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compare that with the features of Yao Ming from Shanghai.

This is a song that Ainu Japanese call ハシャ -- or Haw Sa .

Very popular Ainu folk song.

Of course, they are blooded of Japanese. :)

Good to know you guys take care of our kin.
DNA analysis doesn't suggest they are your kins, Japanese are more related to Koreans and Japanese in DNA

Japanese DNA sequence is made up of:

4.8% Uniquely Japanese

24.2% Korean

25.8% Chinese

8.1% Ainu

16.1% Okinawan

21% Unidentified
DNA analysis doesn't suggest they are your kins, Japanese are more related to Koreans and Japanese in DNA

Japanese DNA sequence is made up of:

4.8% Uniquely Japanese

24.2% Korean

25.8% Chinese

8.1% Ainu

16.1% Okinawan

21% Unidentified

Hahaha, related to Koreans, bro, come on. Yes, i know there is some kind of yDNA association between modern Japanese and Koreans, but that's because of the Tungoid association. Anyways, don't you know Koreans are related to Yakuts, Jurchen , Mongol and to a certain extent even Evenks? So i suppose we are related to people who are related to people whom i said we were related to? Oh man, hahaha!

24.2% Korean

25.8% Chinese

Bro, Japanese have more "Chinese" in us than "Korean", lol. Okay okay, so i suppose we are a fusion of both Korean and Han?

So i agree by principle that Japan is not really a homogenous society that western analysts thought , but rather, Japan is an amalgamation of various ethnic groups and peoples who migrated to the Japanese archipelago thousands of thousands of years ago, all from the North Asian mainland.
Hahaha, related to Koreans, bro, come on. Yes, i know there is some kind of yDNA association between modern Japanese and Koreans, but that's because of the Tungoid association. Anyways, don't you know Koreans are related to Yakuts, Jurchen , Mongol and to a certain extent even Evenks? So i suppose we are related to people who are related to people whom i said we were related to? Oh man, hahaha!

Bro, Japanese have more "Chinese" in us than "Korean", lol. Okay okay, so i suppose we are a fusion of both Korean and Han?

So i agree by principle that Japan is not really a homogenous society that western analysts thought , but rather, Japan is an amalgamation of various ethnic groups and peoples who migrated to the Japanese archipelago thousands of thousands of years ago, all from the North Asian mainland.
DNA doesn't lie. You better have scientific proof to back you back.
Japanese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DNA analysis doesn't suggest they are your kins, Japanese are more related to Koreans and Japanese in DNA

Japanese DNA sequence is made up of:

4.8% Uniquely Japanese

24.2% Korean

25.8% Chinese

8.1% Ainu

16.1% Okinawan

21% Unidentified

Let me ask you this question, BROTHER, when you were born, did your mother ever tell you that you were born with the Mongol birth mark? This is a mark that is unique for Northeast Asians. Every Japanese, Korea, Mongolian, Yakut, Jurchen, Evenk, Kazakh, Tibetan, and Han is born with this mark.


The Mongolian birth spot; a trait of every single East Asian race.
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