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Man with 4 wives 19 children commits suicide

NO we dont need separate thread ;)

this is soooooooo much interlinked.

If single wife and few kids were guarantee that one wont commit suicide and one will be super rich then these Hindu farmers wont be committing suicide

Single wife and few kids don't guarantee riches, but multiple wives and children guarantee more economic strain.
Its our concern . THey are Indians, and we know to take care. Kindly look after those who are doing "suicide" bombings in Pakistan. Interlinked right?

you can litter filth against Muslims in your own fake Sickular country but if you think you can get away with it here on PDF then NO my dear you are mistaken.

If you Indians are so much in hate with your own Muslims then dont even speak about us you can keep showing your hate for them BUT you CANT hit my faith ISLAM.
It's sad that he went to this extent.

I've one thing to say, we should never judge another's culture practice as 'wrong' because we are judging by our own cultural yardstick. This process is from where discrimination and eventually othering starts. He died, is that not enough? Many people cannot afford their families either.

Its not cultural, promotion of small family is a modern thing, something taught to us in our text books. Every practice, irrespective of community/religion/region which hampers growth of the country should be discouraged.
indeed but it also doesnt mean the single wife man wont commit suicide

Your argument is like: Driving safely doesn't guarantee that you won't have accidents!

It is not unwise to look into causes of impoverishment and discourage them, big families is one of them.
you can litter filth against Muslims in your own fake Sickular country but if you think you can get away with it here on PDF then NO my dear you are mistaken.

If you Indians are so much in hate with your own Muslims then dont even speak about us you can keep showing your hate for them BUT you CANT hit my faith ISLAM.

I never hit your faith you troll. I know less about Islam, so you accept to my view on suicide bombings?
I am not aaa double standard like you. After all, when I finish talking with you, I will meet my Muslim friends tomo. This is India. I RESPECT his religion and he respects mine. And you?
Polygamy is never a thing, related to Islam alone . Its still prevalent in Hindu community. Karunanidhi has 3 wives.
Now its you, who brought a toppic of hindu farmers, when its totally irrevalent to the topic like total BS.
NO we dont need separate thread ;)

this is soooooooo much interlinked.

If single wife and few kids were guarantee that one wont commit suicide and one will be super rich then these Hindu farmers wont be committing suicide

Being super rich is also no guarantee that you will not commit suicide

as for poor farmers - Hindu or Muslim, they commit suicide because their crops fail 2-3 years in a row due to bad monsoon or circumstances beyond their control. They work hard but circumstances fail them

here this man commits suicide because he couldn't control his libido.

Marrying 4 women just because it is permitted in your religion.

treating them as baby producing factories just to satisfy your lust.

not using contraceptive because some f*****g mullah told you that it is against your religion. "Allah ki den hai"

And when you cant provide for your family you commit suicide. This is the most disgusting thing I heard.

I don't want to say this but I am very proud that no Hindu will be as brainwashed as this.and by chance someone is so foolish he also deserves the same fate.

In today's raising even one child is difficult and here he wants two cricket teams. I am very surprised that you being an educated modern women supports such a thing.


Might have helped to prevent this?
you can litter filth against Muslims in your own fake Sickular country but if you think you can get away with it here on PDF then NO my dear you are mistaken.

If you Indians are so much in hate with your own Muslims then dont even speak about us you can keep showing your hate for them BUT you CANT hit my faith ISLAM.

Shame on you, your mother would be ashamed of you.

How can an aurath justify polygamy? Do you not have any self respect? Sad it the condition of those indoctrinated minds such as yourself that can accept such a cruel practice.
No it doesnt.. no community comes up just like that. there has to be encouragement from pragmatic elements.
A simple "its not our problem" will not solve it.

the 4 wife nonsense has a simple religious clause that the BJP would know about had it actually bothered to consider Islam as an Indian religion.. that you are not to take in 4 wives unless you can afford them and treat them. If the BJP can condescend to talk to clerics in Gujrat for a vote bank.. it sure can take in their cooperation to implement a civil law that forbids polygamy unless strict financial conditions are met followed by social checks.

That may be in accordance with islamic law, but from an Indian legal as well as ethical POV, such a policy cannot be implemented. What you are essentially saying is that rich people can be allowed to have multiple wives, but poor people cannot. The state cannot and should not distinguish between rich and poor like that.

That being said, the state should also not have two sets of laws for different religions. Either polygamy should be allowed for all or for none, irrespective of religion. And going further, since the state should not differentiate on the basis of gender, if men are allowed to have multiple spouses, so should women.

I am not making a slippery slope argument here, I am serious.
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Sad incident but then again his own stupidity .
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